Which one is better and why?

Which one is better and why?

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Warlock because Satan

Warlock. More risk, more reward.

Warlock as in devil summoner > Wizard > Sorcerer >>> Warlock as in priest

Stop saving thumbs.

I mean, if you like demon dick, being a warlock can be great.

What would that make a cleric?


>magic comes from within?
so its from chakra?

Warlocks and sorcerers both suck dick. As do dragonborn, death saving throws, drow as a standard race, and everything else added after AD&D.

drows are so fucking retarded
only TES and porn games make good use of Dark Elves

Warlock has the best name

knowledge comes from the world, so its choose all of the above

>muh old games
Enjoy having tables for paralysis/polymorph/shitting in pants saving throws and never playing anything else beside human characters because other races cannot go above lvl 10 as any class.


warlock obviously

There aren't enough magic-focused games.

Remember Lichdom: Battlemage? I was so disappointed when it turned out shit.


so I can get magic powers and get fucked by huge muscled demon lords?

Based in that Sorcerer and Wizard are the same.

what the hell is preparing a spell?
what does that even mean? And how do you get to do more of it as you get better?
Do you just forget how to cast a spell when you haven't prepared it?

demi-fiend isn't warlock, he's an actual demon. every other megaten protagonist pretty much is though.

the difference between clerics and warlocks is that warlocks make pacts with the higher powers and clerics follow theirs

Death Saving Throws were added in AD&D, retard. The next editions just used Fortitude / Reflex / Will.

wizard get to wear cool hats and are respected by other magic users
sorcerers are just gay special snowflakes
warlocks are bretty cool too

Now that I think about it. . . aren't magical girls just warlocks since they get their powers from cute mascot characters?

Warlocks always have cooler gear

I disagree. They make good villains and can be used effectively, they just shouldn't be occupying the same space in a Player's Handbook as humans and dwarves.

Ill take warlock.

hell's a real downer though.

warlock = wizard >>>>> sorc

Warlocks and wizards can have archetypes and character traits all over the place. Lot's of chances for character development because they have to earn their powers. Just being able to perform magic is boring af.

Sorcerer of course. That way you don't have to rely on others to be powerful, the only way to become more powerful is to make yourself more powerful

Magical girls have better deals since at the end of their contract doesn't involved getting their eternal soul fucked by barbed tentacle dicks

so what, moses was a warlock?

and fucking sailor moon was a wizard?

sorcerers are the most convenient to play, and they multiclass better, fuck WoW or whatever nonstandard setting you're talking about


lets settle this

Well, usually at least

sorcerer is spellcaster for retards

please dont use yukarin for lewd posts

Moses was a cleric.
Sailor Moon was closer to favored soul or some martial-divine class combo.

better question is

monk a best

higher power may betray you
the power from within may expire
your books may burn

I think the last one has less probability to happen and is the safest bet since books are just tools with no variables so yes, being a wizard is better.

If you don't like tvtropes just google vancian magic. 5e doesn't have true vancian magic but wizards still conform to the general rules of it.

>not being a wizard
>not being a well-learned motherfucker who worked his way into power
>no gimmicks or chosen one, just one dedicated motherfucker

>Magical girls have better deals since at the end of their contract doesn't involved getting their eternal soul fucked by barbed tentacle dicks
I don't know, I've seen a lot of porn that says otherwise.

Warlocks who make demons their bitch are cool
Sorcerers are cool
Wizards are very cool, but only when they're the old, long grey beard with a tower kind of wizard. Young wizards are meh.

Wizard, i think it's the closest to real life

Warrior, just stab the faggy casters

Barbarian and fighter are boring, paladin and monk are the only real options. And I'd pick monk.

Sorcerer, because having immense inner strength is the real way to power. You're not a decrepit nerd or reliant on a fickle higher being.


chances are high you get absolut batshit the more power you aquire since there are no principles to follow. Give a kid a flmaethropwer and c what happens irl not on the internet

Warlock, if the power comes from Satan.

>tips sorcerers hat

Going mage is guaranteed to make you go batshit crazy, at the higher levels, though. Powerful wizards use their immense knowledge to become lichs, Sorcerors burn everything to the ground, and warlocks get mind raped by eldtrich abominations man was not meant to know.

If you wanted good mental health, you picked the wrong class to begin with.

>read magic 4 dummies
>oh now I can use magic because I'm smart enough to understand a book
wizards are the farthest from making sense.

In terms of power, sorceror. It's like having anime protag powers where if you want to win enough you can pull god level power out your ass. Warlock is more interesting though.

What about mage

The way it works in D&D is that Sorcerers are naturally gifted with magic. They "learn" spells and can cast any spell they have learned at any time, but they can only learn a few spells.

A wizard must prepare spells, which he does by studying a spellbook at the beginning of the day. The wizard can only cast spells he has prepared for the day. However, wizards typically are more powerful with their casts and on top of that have no limit to what spells they can use as long as they have a tome with that spell.

So for example, a sorcerer might have learned only acid orb, fireball, and mage hand. So he can cast x spells per day, and he can choose which of those three to cast as he casts it, but he cannot cast any spells other than those three. A wizard would be able to cast any spell he wants X times per day, but only if he prepared it beforehand. So let's say in this case he prepared three gusts of wind and a fireball. He can use fireball once, and gust of wind three times, but no other spells.

Mage is a generalized term which refers to any practicioners of magic.
These are more specific sub-classes of mages

>tfw no video game with in-depth magic system

Not enough people enjoy playing as mages in games.
It's either considered "boring", or the initial investment is too great at the beginning compared to just going fighter.


barbarian can be quite fun when you play a large create like a goliath or half ogre half giant

Why only those 3?

What about Priests, Druids, Necromancers and so on?

Druid. Which qualifies as a """""Warlock"""" in this case because they draw power from a high being, Mother Earth, Gaia, whatever.
Warlock in this definition could also be a Priest.
>Warlock draws from dark beings who offer their power
>Priest draws from light beings who offer their power
>Druids draw from physical beings who offer their power

warlock fuck yeah

probably would be going to hell regardless so having big daddy demons to fuck everything up for me is a nice bonus.

The idea is that wizards still have soem kind of control over their abilities while the other two classes are basicly at mercy of other powers they have no control over. But yes, sooner or later they all get mad

Necromancer would qualify as any of the 3, because it's a class beneath these overall power source definers.
>Warlock Necromancer would draw their power from some evil entity
>Sorcerer Necro would use their inner power to raise the dead and shit
>Wizard Necrodancer would use spells, tomes, and grimoires
Warlock should be replaced with Spiritualist, to be honest. Those 3 being classifications of the type of Spiritualist. Just like a Blood Mage is a type of Sorcerer.

dunmer are not drow.

I pick Murdermancer.

Wizard sounds pretty retarded.
>Magic comes from books and learning

The better descriptor is magic comes from items/environment.

you made a pact too, you cockgobbler

Tbqh, 5e's version is superior.

All anime women can be used for lewd posts because they aren't real.

Problem is sorcerer is now just a worse wizard. Wizards didn't give him any niche. He shoulda been pure blasty with metamagic to fill in the utility/safety gaps with warlock being at-will shit and wizard being all the utility and a spell for every situation while metamagic adapts the few sorc spells for his situations. But nope, a whole bunch of cool shit from testing gone.

>Demonic magic capable of killing gods
What a tough choice.

Yeah, Sorceror is pretty garbage this time around but the only people who ever played Sorc to begin with were fucking faggots. I'm saltier about what they did to Ranger, or all that Eldritch Knight bullshit.

Stop using PHB ranger and use the UA rangers. They fixed him. Not sure whats your issue with EK though. He's a damn good archetype though I understand he's not what people look for in a gish but that's what bladesinger and multiclassing is for.

So why can't a sorcerer also become a mage or warlock at the same time?


>That fucking music

Might just be my experience with all the incredibly suboptimal EK's I've played with. They rarely amount to more than shitty Pallies with a few utility spells that our Wizard unlocked five levels ago.

Thematically, I prefer Wizard, because they train and learn using their own intellect to wield phenomenal cosmic powers. Like the underdog, he starts off weaker, but becomes stronger and better the longer he trains, and I love that shit.

>tfw dm rages at me as i one shot a boss with the triple divine smite paladin build
5e is so hilariously broken

You can, but nobody does it except really dedicated roleplayers or autistic min/maxers because multiclassing has a lot of penalties in D&D.

Wizards are better than Sorcerers at basically every level. Wizard is completely broken in D&D

>Make paladin with whip because fuck you whips are cool
>DM allows UA classes, multiclass into Undying Light
>cast Divine Favor
>hfw I'm dishing out insane amounts of damage without even smiting because of lmao Radiant Soul

>tfw dm banned smite stacking b/c "it's too OP"
>her absurd PF paladin OHK'd an adult white dragon at level 11

EK isn't a gish in the way that they throw fireballs and swing swords in equal measure, that's bladesinger. EK is the tank. Maybe not as good as bearbarian but EK is supposed to use his spells for stuff like shield to take no damage from anything.

Huh, Warlock it is

Demons are the best shit

until some paladin shows up and just farts holy on you

>Warlock: Power exchanged for a cosmic/hellish pact
>Sorcerer: Power comes from within
>Wizard: Power is channeled from magic items and rituals
>Cleric/Paladin: Power granted by a divine force
>Druid: Power borrowed from nature
>Bard: Power is pulled out of your ass

Then turn myself into a book so someone else can become an even better wizard.

Same family. How do you avoid the hell part

Its hard to get to quantum physics levels of intelligence and not come out with some cynicism. Those are the ones that go lich.

>sword of sharpness
>roll 20 and another 20
>casually remove a dragon's leg

>Warlocks have this dominating them
How can other magic even compete?

I wanted to be a warlock but I guess sorcerer is pretty cool too.

You'll have to reach sufficient power level so that when you go down to hell demons dont fuck with you and treat you with respect.

And make sure the demons you summon aren't nigger-tier and actually have dignity.

nigga I ain't reading all that shit

>make sure the demons you summon aren't nigger-tier and actually have dignity.

I love the concept of lower plane creatures having redeeming qualities like discipline or honor. Thats why Hell Knights are so based.