This is literally the best example of what 3rd party support to expect from this point forward on Switch
It's not going to get the majority of the major 3rd party releases going forward due to how weak the hardware is, it's not worth the costs porting knowing the game won't make a profit so you will only be getting slightly enhanced last gen ports and you also will not be getting ports of games already out because it's not worth the costs of porting it because of the power gap between PS4/Xbone and the Switch
Blizzard themselves said that the Switch is too weak to run Overwatch even at the lowest PC settings and Overwatch's graphics aren't that detailed and advanced. So what does that say for future 3rd party support, especially Western games with their hard on for hyper realistic graphics
>Blizzard themselves said that the Switch is too weak to run Overwatch even at the lowest PC settings
Nathaniel Johnson
Nobody gives a shit. Payday isnt a system seller and its on everything already.
Blake Gomez
Just like PC, the Switch will enjoy ports of decade old PS3/360 games.
Henry White
Ok. I'll play all my multiplat shit on my pc.
Next issue please.
Angel White
>PC version was a port
Nigga what? Also this is overkill software we're talking about. If phones and tablets came with gamepads you bet your ass they'll put it there too. Payday 2 is a MASSIVE moneymaker.
Benjamin Long
who is ready for 720p 10fps
Bentley Gomez
>payday 2 on consoles well third times the charm i guess
Daniel Baker
>Blizzard themselves said that the Switch is too weak to run Overwatch even at the lowest PC settings Then Blizzard is retarded because that game runs on literal toasters with integrated graphics.
What they meant to say was:
>We can't make half a billion in microtransactions on the Switch, so we're not going to bother with it
Xavier Nguyen
And absolutely no one is surprised or disappointed by this news. Really, we could have ruled out 3rd party the second it was revealed that the NX wasn't just a Playstation with Mario's face on it.
Jack Sullivan
>He thinks Nintendautists are above spending money on microtransactions
Carter Russell
Third Party support =/= multiplats
Brandon Hughes
>Payday 2 is a MASSIVE moneymaker. That depends on the metric assload of DLC, which doesn't work on the consoles for some reason. My guess is that Overkill can't code their way out of a wet paper bag and are struggling to keep the PC version from falling apart at the seams as is, throwing some extra platforms to support would just make the game crumple into a wreck.
Christopher Nelson
>Payday 2
Jesus christ stay away from that dumpster fire of a game Switch friends.
Kayden Richardson
Brandon Clark
Gee, thanks Nintendo. The port of near 5 year old game
Cooper Rivera
post mains
Kayden Sullivan
>get switch >expecting eventual Gamecube Virtual Console >expecting all the newest titles, but on the go and not stuck in the house!
>simple hardware math says it's not powerful enough to emulate gamecube - would require actually porting the original games and reworking their source codes >simple hardware math says it's not going to come close to xbone or ps4 graphics, on the cusp of the xbone and ps4 generation about to end >simple hardware math says it's not going to be getting all the newest titles >simple hardware math says it cost too much for whats in the box, so it's not even a good value as a handheld >simple math says i'm a retard for getting a switch >tfw to intelligent too do simple math and breath of the wild is the best game ever so i will never need another game anyway i didn't want them anyway
Jaxson Reyes
So is Payday 2 worth it? I enjoyed the fuck out of PD1 and even got the Wolf Pack so apparently I also have it if I buy PD2.
Connor Wright
>It's not going to get the majority of the major 3rd party releases going forward due to how weak the hardware is It might be weaker is specs but it's GPU is more modern than XB1 and PS4. It literally supports every modern engine and porting to it is easy. Weaker specs just means you scale back the settings like with PC. This is not a reason for no third party support; third parties were wary of its uncertainty. Even now nothing is certain but it certainly looks promising. Third party will come especially in Japan which for many people is all that matters because 99% of those buying this have a rig or other console to play AAA games. But I'll buy portable versions of those games for sure if they're optimized and as feature rich
Dylan Bell
it's alright, very different than PD1 and has three million characters. I'd grab it during a sale or during a free weekend and make a judgement then.
You can always use a DLC unlocker with very few consequences. Regardless, listen to the OST, it's the best part of the game.
Christian Torres
>caring about Overshit when Splatoon is an actual arena shooter unlike the new Quakemoba and Mobawatch
yea I think Nintendo does not need mobas on their home console.
Ayden Turner
Are characters purely cosmetic? Sweet.The assloads amount of DLC everyone was saying the game has was the only thing preventing me from liking it. Will definitely get.
PD1's OST was sick. That along with the Free Hoxton movie and the Payday Christmas album is what makes me not hate the company despite them being greedy jews.
Jacob Thomas
It's a decent co-op romp with friends and has a ton of content, but the heist movie feeling of the first game isn't there at all. If you grab it, get the DLC unlocker like said, it only matters if you're playing with pubs.
William Bennett
porting to it is easy.
for indie devs.
not for AAA game studios, who have to downgrade all their assets and possibly overhaul some system mechanics to reduce physics calculations. Many modern AAA games even on lowest settings don't even do anymore with LOD control, usually just turning off anti-aliasing features, toning down texture quality and reducing lighting effects. Redesigning model quality and redesigning game features could ultimately impact the artistic or marketable vision of the product to the point of not finding it in a best interest to port.
It's one thing the switch supports Vulkan, it's another thing the hardware isn't up to snuff to support quality even half as good as an Xbone/PS4 game.
It's going to be another Wii U situation where western studios won't touch it, big name AAA jap games won't be on it, and it's library will consist of a lot of shovelware or indie games, all primarily held up by Nintendo's own games which wont be pumped out quick enough to keep the momentum going. Multiplat releases are up in the air and improbable, with exclusives being the only real selling power - exclusives outside of Nintendo's internal studios that very well may end up indie-tier when there are bigger markets on PC and the other consoles.
It takes some mental gymnastics and high hopes to anticipate the potential of the Switch.
Kayden Johnson
>simple hardware math The nVidia Shield handheld runs Dolphin just fine.
Kayden Foster
the Nvidia shield is literally better than the switch.
Josiah Adams
Each heister comes with a Perk Deck, which is an extra set of bonuses that modifies your build, most of them are survival based e.g. boosts to armor, dodge, regeneration, and so on. And yeah the sound design is the most consistently good part of the game. Simon Viklund keeps the good work coming.
Jordan Nguyen
>pretending to give a shit about western 3rd party support.
Jason Edwards
>unironically thinking the Tegra 4 is faster than the Tegra X1
Dylan Wright
>Are characters purely cosmetic? Yes. Like someone else said, every heister comes with a perk deck, but they aren't limited to that specific heister and you can use the deck you want with the mugshot/voice combo you prefer. Do always use Jiro though, spamming F to keep highlighting something is hilarious and never fails to tick people off. >DLC unlocker Yeah, it's a massive quality of life improvement. The only downside is that it's prone to triggering the game's rudimentary anticheat, but all that does is slap a red CHEATER tag on you for the duration of the game (goes away once you leave the lobby) and trigger the autokick cheaters option if the host had it enabled.
Ryan Johnson
>unironically thinking the Nvidia Shield doesn't use Tegra X1
>glitch day 2 >on a console i cant think of a worse thing.
Andrew Edwards
Alright, thanks.
Imma be going with my boy Jacket.
Austin Diaz
lets see them ignore it when it's sold out for a year straight. At that point they'll be ignoring it purely out of spite, that's fine. Nobody will cry when EAs next turd isn't on Nintendos console, nobody will cry that Call of Lootcrate Duty: P2W Fuck You 2 isn't on Nintendos console. If Capcom thinks they can shit out another MH rehash on the same console that has BoTW they're SORELY fucking mistaken. Whether you think the game is good or not, BoTW has raised the bar and everything on the Switch will be compared to it
Aiden Wood
I'm watching a video of a dolphin emulator test on the Nvidia Shield TV, which is better than the Nvidia Shield (which is better than the Switch), uses the X1, running Vulkan, and still not maintaining or reaching 60fps.
Gamecube and Wii emulation wont be happening. The switch would easily natively run those games if they were ported, but simple-straightforward emulation is a no. Not like it matters anyway, only Nintendo games really sell in VC so if anything Nintendo themselves could port their older games to the switch "easily", as easily as anyone else they expect to port games to the switch. Some games sourcecodes are just lost to the sands of time though, which is why emulation would have been more appealing when all you'd need is a romdump.
Liam Turner
I can't believe everyone falling for this blatant as fuck bait
Luis Gray
Jesus user you sound like the guy from Hatred,
Connor Flores
I think there could be a port of Tales of Symphonia on the Switch. Namco has long since ported it to playstation and PC after it was released on GC so they still have the source and everything.
Then Lloyd could get into the next smash bros
Ayden Edwards
Ayden Evans
they'd better do it soon while the switch userbase is still starved for games then
Oliver Young
Except the Switch has literally the same X1 chipset like the Nvidia Shield TV, who cares about the Shield Tablet, it shouldn't even be in this conversation. You're also comparing an UNOFFICIAL, THIRD PARTY EMULATOR to a yet to be seen but most likely in development official emulator. If the Shield TV can run it then the Switch can also run it.
Juan Martinez
>Right B: Coffee Attack
is it hot or cold?
Elijah Edwards
Nintendo's own emulators usually put accuracy above hacks, which means they're usually slower than unofficial emulators. Compare, for instance, SNES emulation on the 3DS - unofficial emulators for the Old 3DS exist, utilizing hacks for hardware-accelerated video rendering, but due to Nintendo's insistence on pixel-perfect emulation their official emulator only supports the New 3DS, and so do other ports of software-rendering-only emulators.
Christian Perez
The Shield Tablet K1 is literally better than the Switch, and the Shield TV is better than the K1 with an extra gig of ram - not much better, but not identical.
Unofficial third party emulator that's been in development for 13 years btw
Brayden Ward
Good thing they have another team to work on emulation then, the new team also worked on the NES classic mini's emulation.
Leo Torres
NES Classic Mini's hardware is way better than even a 3DS'.
Thomas Bailey
>Unofficial third party emulator that's been in development for 13 years btw You would have a point if this was the PC version of Dolphin but it isn't, it's the ARM android version which has been in development for a much shorter time than 13 years. The K1 is literally not better than the X1 in the Switch, the Switch also has 4 GB of RAM which is double than that of the Shield Tablet and one more than the Shield TV
Jason Lewis
Yes, and?
Jackson Cook
Nvidia shield tablet with the K1 has it's cpu clock in at 1.9GHz, while the Switch with the X1 is 1.02GHz.
The shield tablet, worse than the Shield TV, therefore does 360~ 32bit GFLOPS, while the undocked switch only manages 190~ 32bit GFLOPS ; up to 390~ 32bit GFLOPS docked, but unless Nintendo wants to ruin what the switch is all about I don't see them pushing out "docked-only" titles.