Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread

Previous Thread:
>Post character name/franchises and references and keep them in a single post
>Keep it vidya
>The character(s) must be of vidya origin
>Post an art sample with your "taking requests" requests
>No bumping your requests
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>No OC requests. You can, however, request the creation of vidya characters.
>Everyone posting "LOOMIS" without explanations and proper criticism is just spam, which should be ignored and reported.
>Please bump if the thread reaches page 10
>Have fun

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW:

Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!
NSFW Deliveries should also be posted in
Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky
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Requesting my MMO character from the game "Mabinogi" wearing her Party Ensemble, covered in blood while holding her royal celtic battleaxe looking at the viewer with an innocent expression like in the image on the far right.

Doesnt have to be the same expression or the same pose, but basically the same essence.

Weapon Reference

The cuter, the better, cool and/or grim are fine as well.

No lewd allowed, it will be ignored, instantly rejected and sealed away.

Please and thanks!





Battlecats a shit!


Big cock requests?


Battlecats are literally the best characters

Requesting a menacing Makoto Niijima (from Persona 5) wearing Kazuma Kiryuu's outfit (Yakuza series).
Thank you.

Requesting the images in the middle (from the movie "The Thing (1982)") with Chihiro from Danganronpa (role as the guy/victim) and Mondo from Danganronpa (role as the mutant thing).
Here the video scene at 1:48-1:54:
Make the mutant thing same like the original but with Mondo's clothing and haircut.


Anyone into movie/vidya mash ups?
Requesting the monolith scene from 2001: A Space Odyssey with the pipo monkeys from Ape Escape.
If you want, you can add other monkeys from other games as well.

The scene starts at 2:24

Posting as an anchor

Requesting Melia as a bikini-clad giantess dropping Shulk down the front of her bikini bottoms.

Can any friendo draw some snusnu with genderbent Polar Knight, por favor?

Make 2B a handsome guy with an even more handsome penis. Maybe have a female 9S admiring it.

What the fuck did you just fucking said about Battlecats?!?!

Where all the cute boys at

Your waifu loves you! Your dedication will not be overlooked!

I didn't know 3d was allowed in these threads!

Gameplay is super shit and mobile games are in general cancer.

wrong color on the arms

Requesting Tanned Cirno yelling "I ain't afraid of you anymore!" at the Sun.

Are you taking requests?
Just wondering.

Oops, my bad.

Requesting anything original (vidya) art you've worked on lately.

Cirno is stupid!

Requesting one of the Maplestory 2 bunnygirls handling a "Mushroom".

requesting any Sup Forums character with any face on this chart

Seems like someone was on "that" thread yesterday, huh?


Requesting Hoppo at the big job interview.

Requesting Haru preparing for space adventure

Requesting Hifumi Tongou from Persona 5 having Star Platinum (or its chibi form) as a stand.

And before you ask, yes, it is.

is that sum motherfucking lute?

Requesting Isaac and/or Ivan in this kind of outfit.

Gag and bindings included

Requesting Altina sitting cozy in Rean's lap.

Anchoring the WIP by a kind drawfriend

Maybe, I'm still a novice.

Requesting Rock/Mega Man and Roll, both of them in their underwear and with their backs turned to the viewer, doing a little dance.

Requesting cute and sexy Red from Hyperdimension Neptunia.

Remove only the clothing on her body but keep the clothing parts on her arms, feets, head accessories and the golden dragon. With red and white haired bush down there.

requesting Chosen Undead sprinkling repair powder just like the meme

Requesting Laharl from Disgaea, but wielding a staff (instead of a sword), and wearing a speedo instead of his boxers. Optionally: he can be barefooted.

... y'know what nvm

Requesting Ryuji Yamazaki (Fatal Fury/King of Fighters) on the right being father like by having his arm around Ryuji Sakamoto's (Persona 5) shoulders.


Requesting the next character posted as a battlecat

Requesting an adaptation of this Lazytown scene with Misha, Tharja, Sabrina and Ajna. (You can add in Aigis there, or replace one of the girls with Aigis)

The dialogue should go something like this:

"Misha: Are you a real, Mishabro?"

With one of them going "Nah."

Alternatively, you can go with all of them saying "WE ARE MISHABRO"

For video reference:

This request is like that one creepy uncle would ask you to do when your parents aren't around senpai. I haven't noticed it until now.

>robbie rotten as a battle cat

o okay, give mea couple horus.

Is that 3D Lute?

Requesting Charlotta from Granblue Fantasy in the style of Doug Dimmadome, Owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmadome, with a crown that extends infinitely upwards to match.

Can I please get an outfit swap of these two?

Requesting an 18th century of the MC from Persona 3. Basically, have him wearing typical 18th century fashion - like a highwayman or a musketeer - and using a flintlock version of the evoker

Idea based off this -

Requesting hair bukkake with Leanan Sidhe from Shin Megami Tensei. Just a group of guys jizzing on her hair at every angle.

Requesting Rock Howard (from Garou) dressed like Urien from Street Fighter

Alternatively, (and more in line with what I have in mind), Rock Howard dressed up like a rule 63 version of Cassandra from Rage of the Dragons. Rock in a design thats a mix of Urien and Cassandra would also be interesting.

Requesting Sae and Joker dressed as Batman and Joker in the interrogation room

Thanks senpai

Sumika from Orange_Juice and Mystia from Touhou remind me of one another, so, requesting they do something together or a fusion of the two.

Requesting Yuyuko Saigyouji giving away a present like this other girl is doing.
With a c: face and the present must be a bomb. The more cartoony the bomb, the better. The bomb would look alright with only a blue/light blue bow, fuse must not be lit.

Requesting Shingo Yabuki, wearing Kyo Kusanagi's outfit from 1999 to 2002. Keep his shoes, headband and gloves though.

Is that Lute from Fire Emblem The Sacred Stones?


who is this giraffenous being


Do you have a rear reference? googling battlecat shows up heman


Requesting vidya characters being put inside a simulation
inside of a simulation

Not that user, but i wouldn't mind doing something.

seconding this but they're inside a GIANT simulation

super sloppy drawing of cerebella in a daisy duke style top.

I'm curious to see you try a Shantae model, if it's not too much trouble.

Requesting Watson on her knees, giving Sherlock Holmes a blowjob as he sits in a fancy chair and smokes his pipe.


Requesting a plump helmet man wielding a gladius and a dagger ambushing a moose.

Requesting anything cute of Cicini

have a (You)

Noice brown tiddies, best skullgrill.


Cerebella is cute! Weird seeing her with no lipstick tho

Requesting a parody of this comic With Ryuji from Persona 5 encountering an adult making a smartass remark and Ryuji going back home to type a bullshit story about putting him in his place starting with "This is bullshit! I effing hate shitty adults!"

might finish this

Requesting Smogmella from Yo-kai Watch 2 having her ghost butt slapped, reacting with surprise

Requesting Clair being mating pressed or facesitting a guy while giving him a footjob or handjob.

I want to pat her head

requesting lewds of this titan

Requesting a Ganondorf of your choosing or any other villan wearing the Gerudo Voe outfit. You can change the color of the outfit to suit the character better if you want

Ugly! Kill it with fire!

She's pretty damn cute. I'd like to see what else you do with her design.

It's beautiful!

thank (You)
i like parasoul more but i've been in a "draw brown girls" mood for a bit
super inconsistent tho.
yea that was my bad, thanks for letting me know.

>not Haru in a demonica

Could someone draw my waif, thanks

Requesting Re-Class (left) wears Parano's (right) outfit.

Parano is from the forgotten game called Galerians:ASH.
Here more Parano images:

Neck is a bit long because it was like that in the concept art. Maybe I should have made it a bit shorter.

Requesting Seaport Water Oni wearing a Giga Milk T-shirt.

Any embarrassed lewd requests?