>normal is too easy
>hard is too hard
Normal is too easy
>play red alert 3 versus ai
>easy just sends soldiers in to die
>normal they destroy me in 15 minutes
Literally my chief complaint about automata before I finished the story.
>Steamrolling palaces on Normal
>Whole team gets wiped by a single enemy move on Hard
This is why I always pick the 2nd hardest difficulty in any game. Usually the best mode; hardest without being total horseshit.
I'm getting raped by the boss of the second castle, any tips?
had no problems with hard so far, died a few times when i failed an ambush tho.
No kidding. There needs to be a difficulty inbetween normal and hard. The jump is too much
I am a pro RTS player and RA3 Brutal is LITERALLY unbeatable.
Hard has poor level scaling and grinding isn't rewarding enough. I had to switch back to normal, which is fine considering it's a plot\characters driven game and the combat is outdated to the begin with.
madarame? guard with an painted character, use some skills like tarunda and rakunda while doing aoe attacks. shouldn`t be to hard if not try fusing some other personas
Turn it down to normal for just that one fight.
Use AoE physical attacks to hit 4/5. Ryuji should have Rampage by now and I think Yusuke might have an AoE attack as well. You can probably get one on MC too.
I had Ann use Dekaja to nullify buffs from left eye.
This, except kill the nose first with single-target.
>hard through the first dungeon
>encounter a red enemy
>it's a knight who uses an aoe skill that 100-0 my entire party
Why is this allowed
But turning down to normal only for this cheap boss will not hurt my honor senpai?
Ryuji and Joker should have a Persona with Rampage or another damage all AoE attack by that point. Spam that the first two turns while healing/debuffing with Ann. You should be able to take out all parts except the mouth on your second turn or so. Mouth will only use physical attacks or buff itself so you can whittle it down pretty easily.
Before you kill the mouth, buff Joker and Ryuji with Tarunda to raise their attack then finish off the mouth to reveal Madarame. Spam the multi-hitting skills with Ryuji and Joker again. You should be able to get Madarame down to half HP before he summons the paintings again. Then just rinse and repeat.
I beat him on Hard at level 17 easy like that,
On hard mode?
Focus on AoE physical. If both MC and Ryuji have it, you can hopefully destroy multiple pieces before too much damage occurs, and you are basically playing healing catch up.
Once you get to the 2nd/3rd phase, you should be able to remove pieces before they even act.
Up to you my dude. Asking for explicit strategies against a boss instead of figuring it out yourself, particularly in a turn based game without any need for reflexes/precision skills would hurt my honor regardless of whether I eventually beat it on hard.
Honor is what you make of it.
>Normal for palace crawling
>Hard for bosses
This is the optimal playstyle.
Merciless was too easy.
Or maybe it wasnt and I'm just too good
I normally agree, but there is free DLC to add the actual hardest mode... making Hard the next in line.
Had an angel self destruct and wipe my entire team out the other day... sometimes you just feel cheated on Hard (and I have the best possible armor I can get atm), but I'm still trudging through it.
Merciless is kinda easier than hard because weakness and technical damage do 3x. Is literally all about getting the first hit right.
>Hard is too hard
buffs and debuffs actually matter in hard.
I spent an hour fighting this guy on Hard, ran out of revive items, was literally down to just MC and Ann at the end of the fight when I finally managed to beat it... gdi it was brutal, but felt so good to kill him.
>encounter a red enemy
>assume he is powerful since he is alone
>cast tarunda on him to reduce his attack
>he now hits like a wet noodle
>normal is too easy
What? Normal is hard.
Hard isnt hard at all, just use debuffs and actually put thought into fusing personas
>Cast Tarunda
>Still one shots you on Hard
Angels dont fuck around
The lesson here is to just knock him down and negotiate. You still get the experience
>Game dosent allow me to save wherever I wish.
>Stick it on easy cause I really dont give a fuck.
I burned through the first 3 palaces and realized I dont give a fuck.
>Playing on easy nets you more money and exp.
>Playing on harder settings nets you less.
So in other words, it turns harder mode into a grind, instead of the other way around, playing on hard nets you more because its rewarding you.
Persona games are a challenge mentally, not hard games, just hard to sit through all the shit that comes with it.
>We are the Phantom Fags, the most annoying bunch around.
>The game starts strong, gets dull, then gets better after 50 hours.
>This guy come and mahouka your underleveled team, because huur 0.2 exp on merciless.
>Can only be slowed down by Ann's Dormina but will still have a turn to rng a mahouka to fuck you.
>After the game become a breeze.
The worst difficulty setting is when the start is harder than the rest of the game.
if you think hard is too hard you're literally braindead
i never let the enemy hit me once if i get a ambush baton passing is just broken and the stealth is stupid broken enemies can be looking right at you and you can still get "ambush"
Actually no. The exp and money you get from easy to hard is the same, the only difference is the damage multiplier from both ends.
>I'm too retarded to play on hard so I make up these false excuses
Literal pokemon.
Not a big fan of reduced exp gains. Low level challenges will avoid fights anyway and if you grind for exp you're just making it slower for no reason. Custom difficulty patch when?
It's the case for RPG because the power gap caused by equipment, level, stat, and skill. A minor damage increase will not have much effect as it can ne mitigated by a single equipment. Normal mean you can wing through the game without trying. Hard mean you can wing through the game without trying provided that you use all game's mechanic and have decent gears. Hardest usually mean you have to use all mechanic, AND grind or be on NG+ and have a bit of luck.
Why, because it's turn-based?
>Demikids didn't get popular enough to warrant many people getting into it
>We will never actually have SMT Multiplayer Pokebattles
Persona 3-4-5 are outdated poorly from both combat to ingame mechanics.
There is no purpose to "day to day" life grind other then lengthening the game itself. Its no different then "grind to X to beat boss" which you also still have to do.
I find social links acceptable but need a better method of approaching them.
Hard felt perfect to me. Challenging but never impossible.
So, literally what user just said?
If Hard is too difficult for you, then you're pretty retarded.
>Hur I didn't read.
I said it dosent give me anything to warrant the effort or care, not even a trophy for beating the game on certain difficulties. I am to the point I am just spending my time making shit to put all enemies to sleep or escape so I dont even have to play on Easy, and head straight to the boss.
You must actually be retarded to need to escape from battles, the shadow AI is so blind and dumb to easily run past without ever engaging
They even have stealth infiltration tools for retards like you to make it even easier! Be happy that I'm hear to tell you about them because it was obviously too hard for you to ever find out by yourself
Are there any games with actual good hard modes that aren't just enemies doing more damage while being damage sponges in return?
If Ryuji has Rampage and Yusuke has whatever his attack all physical skill is, use them to destroy the eyes and nose in like two turns. Spell cast the mouth, then just go all out on his physical form afterwards with your most powerful stuff (i.e. spells for Joker and Morgana, physical skills for Yusuke and Ryuji). Joker and Morgana heal/play support for the most part. Easier than Kamoshida IMO.