Overrated or masterpiece?

overrated or masterpiece?

It's a masterpiece. As far as turn based JRPGs go, which is not saying much.



A masterpiece is considered the paramount of an artform. It can't be overrated and a masterpiece, you illiterate shit.


really good but very easy

a master piece can be overrated as well.
See: MGS2.

Arin got a haircut?

It's not even as good as it's immediate predecessor, and is only getting more irrelevant as time goes on.

It's good but not nearly as good as people say.

Game is fine but isn't anything special, it just had a huge marketing budget and managed to get lucky in timing.

Not a "masterpiece"
Still among the best of the best

If a painting is the best painting in the world, it is a masterpiece.

If people believe that it can cure cancer and suck their dicks, it is also overrated.

It's pulled back in a pony tail

Overrated for sure, but that doesn't mean it's terrible.

actually it does

Best games in the series along with FF5

>video games

>best anything

Overrated desu. It's an excellent game but far too many people still label it a flawless masterpiece and the best of the series which it's not even close to being either.

>far too many people still label it a flawless masterpiece
> the best of the series which it's not even close to being either.
It is the best Final Fantasy though

Both duh

masterpiece. however it did the same for Final Fantasy that RE4 did for Resident Evil.

I just beat this a few days ago and aside from the music and story which were okay nearly everything else ranged from being cancerous and archaic to mediocre at best. All the difficulty in the game felt like it was just how well can you react to the instant or near instant death attacks thrown at you every other turn which is neither fun or challenging and navigating the backgrounds was a lot more annoying than it should've been.

No game is truely timeless. Time renders the technology obsolete. The graphics have aged like milk, the gameplay is simplistic, the music sounds like mud.

But when it came out, it was a masterpiece of all those factors. Incredible art design, song usage, story telling. Non faggots can recognize this and appreciate a work of dedication and creativity even though its pretty old.

Too bad even with a shiney makeover, the Remake will shit on a lot of the elements that made it great in the first place.

Resident Evil 4 was the last good RE
FFVII was definitely not the last good FF

All games are timeless.

All games are timeless. The only things that age are audiovisual quality. A game does not degrade simply because something of a higher quality followed it. No other medium does this apply.

>It is the best Final Fantasy though
FF4-6 are better, and so is 9 if you can deal with the tedious gameplay. I really liked 10 but can understand why many don't though.

I'd argue RE4 is the ONLY good RE desu. I tried playing the first one and boy does it not hold up today at all.

4's story is as vapid as they come, and 6 is ruined by the world of ruin.


FFVII is highly overrated. At the time, the praise was warranted, but today people should not look at it as one of the best JRPG experiences. There are a whole host of games that have surpassed it in a variety of different ways. They have more interesting characters, better written dialogue, crisper graphics, and voice acting to boot.

It's just nostalgia. And I say that as someone who loved it when it came out.

I really like it. Somehow manages to feel bigger than ff8,10,12 and 13

Masterpiece. If you remember it being released you can't say anything else.

>Final Fantasy but 3D
>3 disks
>fucking 40 hour playthrough minimum if you ignore all side quests
>2 hours of fmv cutscenes
>incredible soundtrack
>a ton of minigames and other random shit to do

Might not sound like much now but back then it was insane.

Regardless of how others feel, it will always be my favorite game.

There aren't many that surpass it. The only valid points you make here are the graphics, which in the grand scheme of things has minimal impact on the quality of the game, and dialogue, which itself is invalid seeing as the western version suffered from poor translation not a badly written story as you imply.

Nothing has changed since it came out. It's the exact same game.

I never said anything about the story, dumbfuck. Try reading my post before saying stupid shit. I said the dialogue is written extremely poorly. That kind of crap would not fly in today's JRPG market.

As I said, it was badly translated, not poorly written. The original story is in Japanese, but I expect you'll pretend you can read Japanese now.

Call it what you want. Bad translation, badly written, it's the same end result. It wouldn't be able to compete in terms of overall quality.

a huge mistake

It's not a masterpiece, but it's pretty good.

I think as with anything in life first time experience seems to trump sequential and for a lot of people either FF6, FF7 or Chrono Trigger was their first time with the genre mechanics.

CT is probably the best of those to start with.

>games that have surpassed it
>more interesting characters

Name them.

I don't suck FFVII cock, either. I'm just curious.

FFVIII was my first RPG and I know it's far from a masterpiece. I never thought it was the best game ever back then, I just enjoyed the hell out of it.

Any of the games in the Trails series, Tales of Berseria, FFXIV, just off the top of my head.

>voice acting in JRPGs
>a good thing

Why are FF6fags so butthurt when people call FF7 good?

It's easy to be irritable when your favorite game goes to complete shit near the end.

Why are FF7fags so butthurt when people call FF7 anything but a masterpiece?

Overrated masterpiece actually.
It's an amazing game but only an idiot would consider it perfect or like the holy jrpg grail. It does have some major flaws.

>Tales of Berseria.


What are you talking about? WoR was the best part.

>Tales of Berseria
>more interesting characters than FFVII

Holy shit this delusion

It's still a masterpiece to this day, and helped redefine RPGs in general.

I liked how the party was separated and you had to go and find them and complete all of these side quests but that's it.

>No other medium does this apply.
>Outside audio and visuals, the very things that are their entire purpose

Not that guy, but I found Velvet to be very interesting, more interesting than just about every character in FFVII except for maybe Cloud.

Because after 14 years of calling it overrated, maybe you completely thinned out of it being actually overrated.

good at the time, but unplayably boring now.

[Spoiler]It's so he can suck Suzys dick better[/spoiler]

Did somebody say overrated?

>Two different Metroid games
Wow, you sure were butthurt.

It was good and perhaps even great. The issue is it was absurdly easy. For it's time, the gameplay was pretty deep, but none of it mattered because absolutely nothing was a threat.

Inferiority complex

[/spoiler]stop it

The game is a masterpiece, but Sephiroth is overrated. The plot honestly feels like an average Twilight Zone episode about a guy lying to impress the girl he loves and dealing with the consequences in a surreal manner.

Why not?

The visuals are all that's aged, the gameplay and story are fine. Only thing I'd say is the translation is dodgy in places which was par for the course back then, but it's not that much of a bother.

Why the fuck does it matter if a game is overrated?

Alright lads, I need some PS1 games I can emulate on my phone. Please recommend me some shit.

I've got CTR which I can do a couple of races on before it starts to hurt my hands from trying to press too much shit at once.

Overrated or not, it's all looks and little substance, like all FF games.

>For it's time, the gameplay was pretty deep,


JRPGs nevern really went beyond the roleplaying depth of Ultima 3 until recently.

If I had only played FF6 and 9 I would disagree with you but seeing the direction the series is going with FF13 and FF15 as examples, you are correct.

Polished turd that people kept putting in their mouths for the entirety of it's existence.

>Until recently


Never heard of the middle one.
Never played any of those.
Well, they are both shit so yeah.

>Never played any of those
>Those games are shit

Literally the Breath of the Wild of its time

>"You need to play games to know just how bad they are!" meme

typical Sup Forums, not even playing video games

>JRPGs nevern really went beyond the roleplaying depth of Ultima 3 until recently.
Do you know japanese to back up that ridiculous claim?

An absolute gem and a great example of what video games are capable of, worth every ounce of praise ever said about it.

I thought it was overrated back when it came out, I still think FFVI was a better game.

VI definitely had the superior soundtrack at the very least.

You don't need to.
Sure there are some niche games with ridicolous depth, but the general market of JRPGs was always pretty weak when it came to complexity.

Well they seem to start loosing the Wizardry 1 like turn battles more and more. Not sure if that does complexity a service, but it's a start.

Both. It's a masterpiece, but it's flawed and not the BEST GAME EVER.

VII was my first FF and the one I've replayed the most by a huge margin. However I think it's only the fourth best in the series. Still I'd say it's a masterpiece.

>Sure there are some niche games with ridicolous depth
Such as?

Masterpiece by the time it was made. Now It's just a standart RPG with a cool story.

Not him, but pic related

Those posts look autistic.


It's a great game and a marketing masterpiece.

They really do, I'm not fishing for replies.
I'm saying I'm not gonna trust the opinion of someone who writes half their entire posts in caps with all that fucking enthusiasm. He's clearly very into the game himself and biased for it, it's probably not that complex of a game as that screenshot makes it out to be.

Post favorite enemies.

VII has the best monsters in any game I ever played, they deserve more praise.


Reminder that Tifa was a massive slut.