Enlighten me Sup Forums; which JRPG's, old or new, got botched when localized?
Which versions to avoid? Which versions to get? Japanese-only is okay.
Enlighten me Sup Forums; which JRPG's, old or new, got botched when localized?
Which versions to avoid? Which versions to get? Japanese-only is okay.
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All of them.
Persona 5 is fine.
If Japanese only is OK then I don't think there is ever a reason to get a localisation for a JRPG.
When you can you should always play the original.
Some games get extra content when localized though.
Rule of thumb is if it's NISA there's generally something they've done wrong with the localisation.
Also, Ghostlight if you're a eurofag.
Can't think of a bigger botch than the original Persona on the Playstation, but depending on your feelings for Working Designs you'll either find their additions an improvement or a travesty.
Assume every translation pre-PS2 is shit. From then on it's a mixed bag, but the quality generally improved a lot.
English only = you lose
but why
>which JRPG's
Breath of Fire II
>Which versions to avoid?
All official NA/EU (SNES, GBA, Wii U, 3DS)
>Which versions to get?
SNES re-translation [original title screen music]
go back to kotaku
Wii version of Muramasa The Demon Blade is horrible. You can't even understand the story.
Vita version is good.
Comparing two translated lines is pointless without the original line for reference. I could easily imagine the bottom one being more accurate.
The japanese devs agree that the vita version is way closer to the original text than the wii version. Don't bother them about it.
I'm sure they're experts in English and have played all three versions with a fine comb and aren't just trying to give more incentive for people to buy it again.
You're probably right, but the pictures are still pointless without the original text.
You expect me to go play the japanese version and take screenshots for you before you believe it. Go fuck yourself. I got better things to do with my time.
Go believe the wii version is better. I don't give a fuck.
Why are you throwing a hissy fit over skepticism? I didn't say the Wii version was definitely better, I said what you're posting is not evidence to the contrary.
> everyone tells you vita version is better
> devs themselves tell you vita version is better
kill yourself.
anything done by working designs is fucked up. usually adding in a bunch of dirty jokes and pop culture references, and even fucking with the difficulty.
Even if the bottom one were more accurate the top one is just plain better.
>I would take inaccurate translations as long as it makes me feel good
You're a fucking idiot.
You would take a less enjoyable translation just for the sake of accuracy?
Yes, at that point it's a rewrite and not even the same story.
If you end up with a better story then is it really so bad that it's not the same story?