What happened to him Sup Forums?

what happened to him Sup Forums?

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he got a normie job at walmart and likes to talk about how fast he can scan things

He fucked his sister, apparently she became pregnant.

what is a "non-normie" job?

He got over a good chunk of his fears and moved on with his life.

Why don't you?

he's as normie as he can be. posts on facebook.

Anything involving Patreon for example.

He's playing Morrowind now
It's going to keep him entertained for the next 50 years

Not a job.

Made too much Hamburger Helper without the Hamburger and died.

>not by MY definition
fuck off tumblr

literary who?

It's an income, not a job.

Is that hbomberguy?

no, its a donation
not technically an income

otherwise lots of other shit is a job then

Ok, Ill bite. Whats your special snowflake definition of a job and why should anyone be inclined to use it over the understood dedinition of a job?


Mowing your neighbor's lawn one time is a job
Buying alcohol for a couple minors who asked you outside a supermarket is a job

>but you're not being paid by someone in a suit!
literally kys

>you will never play platform masters

dude was a bit of a numbers savant, he probably got some sort of compsci job and lives a comfy life of hamburger helper & pizza with the grease soaked off the top

If you aren't hired by a corporation then it isn't a job. It's a charity for the inept.

he's a cashier at wal-mart now


Patreon actually calls it income for tax purposes, people who get patreon money have to pay taxes on it.





Isnt he that marxist femenist who makes videos in an incredibly condescending and obnoxious tone?

>ulillillia has a job and you don't

So wait, did he ever finish Platform Masters or what?

nigga he's the guy that made PLATFORM MASTERS

how fucking new can you get, go back to fucking reddit/youtube/minecraft you fucking 10 year old retarded niggers

Platform Masters is kill

Wtf is this vinesauce vinny or ice_poseidon
I can't tell

>Not a single development update in nearly a year
RIP Platform Masters

oh shit

>that video of him showing us his first job where he was vacuuming the halls

ASMR before ASMR desu

nothin' but cheese


>wall of text about autism
Nigga I'm not reading that

>You too lil' nigga

holy shit

Why is Christian a girl now?

He cleaned up. Has a job and his own apartment, and a ton of normie friends.

Barely plays video games anymore.

>a crippled super autist manages to work in a social job
>meanwhile, you haven't left the room in months
>you still tell yourself that you're a better human than him

Now I know where Sup Forums got their "my ancestor :)" guy from

>You too, lil nigga


He has the superpower of not being self aware.

lost my shit there

What's this from? Who's

>the others in the tour were 2-6 years old


>"A minute-long time lapse occurs where each second is 24 minutes. Knuckles remains inside his house at all times. The humans eat for a half second in bed then play Parcheesi and Uno on a table appearing in the house's center. Three small, fancy, cushioned, yellow (FFF0D20) chairs are around the table 120° apart. Ivan takes the northwest chair, Tu the east, and Tyler the southwest. The two-feet-in-diameter table has a fancy frosted glass top. Parcheesi lasts for three seconds. The humans read a book for 1.5 seconds and go to sleep. The light dims to 25 lumens, moving to the northwest corner and remains for 22 seconds. It returns to the center position and brightens to the original 1200 lumens. Breakfast is served, taking a half second, then the humans play Yahtzee for two seconds."

What did he mean by this?

Knuckles resembles a human, but with differences. Knuckles is neither male nor female, though referred to as a "he." Three-quarter-inch-thick dark-violet-colored (FFA000E0) fur covers his entire body. He is only 25 1/3 inches tall, 4 inches wide, and 2.5 inches deep. Knuckles gets his name from his large hands, 40% bigger than a human his size would have. A reflective, glittery, greenish (FFA0FF00) haze a half millimeter across borders his pupil. Knuckles has no nose and a mouth 2/3 as big. Every other aspect of his is that of what a human would have for his size. For details on the numerical colors (in parenthesis), see Appendix 5.

No one knows

>using HTML colour codes in literature to exactly define colour rather than using vague descriptions
That's genius.

Where did it all go wrong?

Does he still degrease pizza?


>...and I just swum!


will a bank give you a credit card if you show up saying you receive thousands of dollars from patreon monthly?

I remember this guy doing something extremely autistic but cant remember what. Wasnt it something like making a game in which he did some useless shit that doesnt really affect the game?

His second book is amazing too. Have you ever wanted to follow a book protagonist as he starts as a level 1 RPG character and grinds EXP in the most boring world of all time?

It's not a job, so no.

what was the secret

>I remember this guy doing something extremely autistic but cant remember what.

everything he ever did

I thought he was a bag checker?
There's no fucking way someone like him is a cashier

Shame he can't grow a beard.

>Tfw my job is retail too
