Just finished it today. What's the Sup Forumserdict on Specter of Torment?

Just finished it today. What's the Sup Forumserdict on Specter of Torment?

i liked it desu
missy a cute

liked it a whole lot but I 100% it on my first run seemed too easy

I still prefer Plague Knight


best armor right here

>pleb armor
The best armors are the swag armors

Step aside

Specter is great but Plague's movement abilities are too fun.

I literally just finished it too.felt fantastic to go through and the switched up bosses were more than what I expected.

THIS. I went for the gold armors in the other two but nothing beats going fast

It's not as good as Plague of Shadows even though it should be by every conceivable notion. More changes to levels, bosses changed, even additional level content with the flashbacks and Shield Knight fight. The air slash is just fine 90% of the time but there are few occasions, especially in the Tower of Fate, where its use becomes an exercise in frustration.

The items can be purchased like in Plague of Shadows, but they are used like the ones in Shovel of Hope. In Plague, they were your primary attack, so it was fun to customize and play around with them and purchasing them made sense so as to not restrict you. Shovel had them as special abilities but it asked you to go search for them. Specter has them purchasable like Plague but are overpowered abilities like Shovel, so they combined the two for a weaker whole.

Also, the plots have all been charming thus far, but Donovan's outburst and assault of Luan felt unearned. I'm not asking for a lot of depth here but the other plots knew their limits and were perfect for what they were, something in SoT felt underdeveloped.

>Baby mode armor

I always thought Donovan was being driven mad by the amulet or something. His sperg rage doesn't make sense otherwise

Bosses were too easy

Rail mail a best

yeah the amulet was going nuts at the time,seems logical that it gave him some serious powerlust

Oh and who is hyped as fuck for King Knight's campaign to be a sequel taking place after the game with Mr. Hat as the featured kickstarter boss?

Yeah, I guess that makes sense.

They can be a decent challenge if you don't heal. If you heal you don't even need to learn their attacks, which is sad because there was clearly a lot of effort put into them. It's so bad that I actually hope they remove healing for bosses in the sequel.

The movement abilities were fun, but a lot of the times they got me killed more than the stuff that was actually supposed to be a challenge. Something about them just felt a little strange, like how you were sometimes guaranteed to take damage after an air slash, or killing something one hit earlier than you expected to and dunking yourself into a bottomless pit. There's also how the wall running runs counter to literally every platformer I've played where lining up for a wall jump makes you slowly slide down instead of up. Jumping out of reflex got me killed a lot of times when all I had to do was hold right.

I've been waiting for King Kight ever since the campaigns were announced, however, I'm still upset best knight didn't get one

I fucking hate it because the dumbass glances at a wall and decides to run on it

>The air slash is just fine 90% of the time but there are few occasions, especially in the Tower of Fate, where its use becomes an exercise in frustration.

also this air slash shit
>baits you with the slash you want
>gives you one you don't

contextual shit is bullshit. give me a fucking button.

Had the vote for extra campaigns taken place after the game's release, then King Knight probably wouldn't have gotten one. I love that he did but it's kind of a monkey's paw situation if I think about the scenario with another knight getting a campaign. There's just no way Specter and Plague wouldn't have run away with the vote no matter what.

Radical skating simulator.

when the controls work properly, it feels amazing. when they don't, it's insanely frustrating. namely the auto wall cling or the air slash being finicky


I didn't have any problems with the air slash, but I did die couple of times because I accidentally started to wall run

The only boss I had trouble with was enchantress.

this. Aside from a few mishaps with the wall cling or air slash it was a fun ride

King Knight would probably have still coasted along on his design.the Tinker Tank would have helped out Tinker a ton though.

You can't heal on NG+.

Can I get quick rundown on the faggot who made this faggot?

>can't slide down walls
>immediately start wall run when looking at the wall from the other side of the galaxy
I don't like it.

What happens if you lose to him during the first fight just curious

some of the curios trivialize the hell out of the game

like that one that lets you instantly home in on enemies and dash to them through walls

If you're about to hit a wall you can slash, or the frame you start running up a wall you can just slash to cancel it. It wasn't a problem for me.

It's alright. Yacht Club took a shitty Marty Stu and tweaked his characterization to make him more naive and foolhardy. Doesn't quite come off in his initial boss fight with Shovel Knight, but they clearly wanted to make him more endearing with the Battletoads, Plague of Shadows, and Specter of Torment stuff.

You restart the fight. Guy killed me a few times

Anyone know if the Reize fag got mad that Yacht Club gave him more characterization? I heard that he was one of those people who was insanely anal and picky about their character's inclusion.

>Sony got Kratos
>Xbox got Battletoads
>Nintendo got Amiibos

>PC gets nothing

I feel like Treasure Knight would have gone up a bit. He'd never break top 3 with Tinker, King, Shield, and Propeller to go up against but I think he's gained a pretty big following.

At least he's not a total nobody like Mole Knight.

He may have cooled off from what he was like years ago. He said he thought what they did was really good.

Wasn't treasure knight at the bottom though?or was it Polar? Anyways Mole Knight is cool

>Normal cloak looks great, but it doesn't have an ability
>Donovan set looks cool but doesn't have a scythe
>Cloak of clemency is for scrubs
>Striker's shawl has a nice ability but the palette is terrible
>Raiment of risk looks cool and has a great ability but it reduces your health when active
>Rail mail looks decent but the ability is very situational
>Ghostly garb looks great but it makes you slide like a faggot, it also feels like it keeps your momentum a bit longer
I just can't win

kek at the pleb who can't handle a little less hp

That's what I'm saying. Treasure Knight's fight is awesome so he would have gotten a huge boost if the poll was taken post-release. People like Polar Knight but I don't think he would have garnered much more support for his own campaign. He's just a quiet guy who wants to be left alone. I think Mole would have taken the bottom spot.

The way Mole flies around everywhere in his battle would have helped him out more than treasure knights fight would have.Polar would definitely end up last if people saw the fights,he doesn't have much going for him

Rail Mail killed me more than it saved me

Honestly, thinking back it's not worth it. Everything dies fast and the game throws darkness at you like there's no tomorrow. I'll use it when I do a checkpointless run but that's it