Crazy Soulsborne Theories

Give me the craziest, dumbest, and coolest Soulsborne fan theories you've ever heard/believed. None of that bland "Priscilla=Gwynevere x Seath", everyone knows those. Give me the wildest shit you know.

I dunno if this meets my own thread's standards, but I believe the Untended Graves are the past and future at once.

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Is that a Tegu or a Skink?
Either way Uromastyx are the superior choice

That blood borne is the age of darkness and the eldrich horrors in the game are actually people finding out about what happened in the past or Darks Souls.

Tegu named MacGyver, major cutie, watch his videos

I actually really like that theory, kinda makes sense

not a theory but

made me kekkle

actually kinda makes sense, especially considering the enemies get visibly more "modern" and eldritch as DaS progresses

What do you guys think it means that you can summon Sword Master to fight Champion Gundyr and he fights with the Chaos Blade? (he visibly takes damage from his own swipes)


It's Ocelotte, Oceiros's son.
>Passive unlike the other ones
>Oceiros married with the Queen of Lothric was a human
>The creature looks like a half dragon half human abomination,
>The Queen of Lothric was said to have disappeared after giving birth to her third son, which gives basis to the idea that the first two sons Lorian and Lothric came out just fine whilst her third baby was a mutant
>Third baby gets locked in in the dungeons with the rest of the weird mutant creatures
>Oceiros goes mad after being kicked out the kingdom and having his child stripped from him
poke holes in it

Stone Dragon is actally a female, as every firelink guardian has been a woman and the fire is already lit when you reach the stone dragon.

I forget, does he drop anything?

I also forget, not sure if he respawns or not either


Doesn't respawn if I recall correctly
Wikidot says they drop pale pine resin, tailbone spears, and tailbone shortswords
The tailbone and shrunken wings work with dragon abomination, but the fact that there are so many that look just like him doesn't sit well with me

Not discrediting the theory yet, I like it a lot, just trying to think through it

Also, possible connection, look at his eyes, he's blind like Oceiros
If not Ocelotte, I think they're probably the result of Oceiros' experiments

None of the Old Ones in Bloodbornes are aliens or other forms of life, they are all just former humans who have previously transcended humanity, hence their close affiliation with humans despite being eldritch horrors.

ocelotte is pretty clearly the dragon girl thing in anor londo. I dunno why Sup Forums didn't get this. It's beyond obvious.

Manscorpion Tark was Iron Tarkus

"We once had a master, he created us long, long ago"
"I was born of my master's madness"

"He was born with a fatal flaw-- He resented those who had what he lacked and become fully mired in hatred. Eventually, he drove himself mad"
>direct reference to Seath's lack of scales and jealousy/hatred because of it

"It was at the peak of this madness that he conjured up we strange creatures. Our master was a tragically lonely soul. Eventually his solitude eroded his very reason"
>You would be pretty lonely after betraying and killing your own race
>Seath cannot leave the cavern he is in due to his mad desire to protect immortality crystal

"Nobody knows when we were born or where our master has gone. The only ones who even speak a human tongue are myself and my better half"
"Long ago, there was a being with powers similar to ours. The creature took the form of a spider."
>Other experiments exist/existed, including Freja, but only Najka and Tark were built from the salvaged bodies of humans
>Tarkus fell from the rafters only about a mile away from where Seath is. His armor was removed on the spot and his strong body, still barely alive or perhaps freshly dead and still warm, was brought to Seath for experimentation

>"Since I speak the tongue of men, does this mean I was once human? The past is a distant fog. My name was Tark, that is all that I remember"
He barely remembers his name, the last shred of his original consciousness. He misremembers it as Tark either because he was dead and resurrected by the immortality crystal or due to the effects of Seath's experimental process on him wiped his mind

Let's not forget the most important line of dialogue at all though-- meant to be a direct reference/clue by use of the homonym

"Our master never dies, and he changes form, so that he may SEETHE for all eternity"

According to the game files, Oceiros was originally going to be carrying around Ocelotte, as an hollow/undead baby, only to accidentally kill him during the fight. That's why during the first phase it looks he's cradling something in his arm and proceeds to go berserk in the second.

>ocelotte is pretty clearly the dragon girl thing in anor londo
what dragon girl thing?

>The Doll in Bloodborne is a Great One that inhabited the doll Gherman created in an attempt to hide itself from Moon Presence
>Moon Presence's plan is to systematically use hunters to kill all other Great Ones, until it becomes the sole ruler
>The hunters it uses are its "children" so to speak
>When you become a baby Great One, the Doll-being a Great One herself- takes care of you as her own baby, so you can "lead humanity", hopefully down a good path unlike the Moon Presence.


>Demon's Souls is old timey Bloodborne, meaning it's what happened in the past but still in the same universe as BB
>The chalice dungeons have dead knights in them, sort of why I believe that
>Also, Gascoigne used to say "Umbasa" but they removed it

I don't have anything for Dark Souls 2 and onwards since by DaS2 I sincerely believe they just pull stuff out of their ass for the sake of shitting out a game for Bamco. Double true for Dark Souls 3, where everything is retarded on purpose in terms of the lore.

The one who says she was raised by gwyndolin.

Ocelotte was stolen from Oceiros and spirited away to Anor Londo to be raised by Uncle Gwyndolin.

This also means that the "girl" is a trap. Can't remember her name.

The pieces fit waaaaaaay too cleanly for this to not be intentional.

The wretches definitely look baby-esque, From might've just scaled them up and dropped them in Irithyll

Of note, the description of the spear they drop is pretty clearly a reference to Oceiros' experiments, having attempted to reproduce Seath's power but failing miserably
Also, it calls the wretches failures, alluding to Oceiros' intent and possible "success" with the nonviolent Ocelotte

>Tark is Tarkus
I can believe it

>people are still parroting my crack theory I made up a week after release
feels good

Oh, Yorshka?
That's another theory, but I think one trap per game is enough, no? I doubt Gwyn would raise two separate children as girls when they aren't, not to mention he's long dead by the time before Yorshka's alive
I have theories, but I have to eat, so I'll be right back
Nothing to get excited about though, so don't wait with bated breath

can you link to this so called dragon girl in anor londo? I can't remember her for the life of me

nevermind I remember her, the strange doll girl

I dunno man, there doesn't seem to be any connections at all in her dialogue

it's yorshka
the theory is yorshka is ocelotte having been raised by gwyndolin, obviously gwyn's long dead by then.

DaS2 is a different timeline. While shit like Vendrick exist in the 1-3 timeline. Bearer of the Curse and the crowns stuff did not happen.

>half dragon
>related to the line of gwyn and taken in by gwyndolin (the going theory is that the queen of lothric is Gwynevere or one of her kids)
>kept in a tower and raised in secrecy, hidden from someone

>Cut content reveals that it was once possible to obtain Yorshka's outfit, described as a saint's set. Item description says Yorshka was originally imprisoned in a dungeon, and that her pure white veil was stained gray from years of incarceration.
Along with her appearance and her tail that's pretty fucking convincing not gonna lie

Raised by Gywndolin. People tend to do what they were taught.

If she's not Ocelotte, her existence cannot be explained in any other way. there's no other source in the world for a person with dragon genes to have come from.

the other, even crazier theory is that gwyndolin touched fluffy tail and knocked up priscilla

>Every Dark Souls game features us during an Age of Fire which is being maintained, but is usually on its way out
>During its way out, there are countless odd creations that start spawning with the sole intent of purging the fire and bringing about an Age of Dark, where they themselves would thrive
>This is in a setting where Twilight is actually a physical state, and that an absence of Darkness can truly be attained
>There is a possibility that within every Age of Dark, there are beings of Light which start forcing themselves into focus, harrying beings of Dark and destroying their workings, one at a time, in order to create a new Age of Light, be it through Fire or some other means
>The Abyss always comes from below, and even within the tiny glimpse we have of The Deep, it is still below
>Within the Age of Dark, we are the horrifying beings that descend from above,
purifying and burning our way through their world, attempting to ignite a flame that will consume them
>There is a setting where there is tranquility and order within the Dark, but the disruptive, violent, chaotic forces of Light lurched forward and obliterated their order and drowned their Dark with Light
>Dragons and Undead, being the only species that existed in the eternal twilight before the First Flame was discovered, are the only truly neutral beings within the setting, and everything else is a sinister blight destroying the peace, by being given form and entering what was at one point an ideal land of formless grey

I want to see the monstrosities found within the Age of Dark from the perspective of beings of the Light.

Here's the audio of Oceiros accidentally squashing Ocelotte during the phase transition.

I don't know why they changed it (maybe too controversial?), but it's so delightfully fucked that it's my personal headcannon.

Bruh, that pussy poisonous to that nigga. The power of lifecunt.

This. I think Yorshka was another unused character and they kind of threw in some hints and killed two birds with one stone.

ded baby fight would've been waaaaaaaaaaaaay not good publicity

Alright, I have to concede this makes far more sense, but I still believe the wretches are Oceiros' experiments

Someone went to the trouble of combining with the files in the game for the full experience.

If the wretches are Oceiros' failed experiments with making dragon babbies, that just makes even more convincing

I was agreeing