Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

what are the stats of the new karts?

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they fast

They go forward at incredibly hihg speed

since short hopping is patched out

>he looks up kart stats
>he doesn't just drive what he thinks looks cool

I'm just curious

I'm going to drive the inkstriker no matter what but I'd like to know what type of kart it is

Where's isabelle on that list?

she's the same stats as Lakitu

>Link and King Boo same weight class

there's new start ups now

Even competitive players just pick what looks good, stats don't do anything
The only important stat is inside drifting or not

forgot the video like a retard

>there are people who make spreadshits out of games

Might as well just go to work

>press L R to start


They need to know if you are using the Joycons sideways or not. At least that's what I'm guessing.

literally false, competitive players in MK8 used the Streetle or Blue Falcon and Slim or Slick tires almost exclusively

Uhm, twitch tv/mkboards Looks like you're wrong here, pal.

How can a ghost weigh that much?

Most of his weight come from his crown.

I'm glad Inklings are Medium, being Light would have been a dealbreaker.

>this meme again
And Rosalina is heavy because of the Luma she's carrying with her, right?

No, it's the crown.

Why is Link heavy? Is the Master Sword too thicc?


Because he's the only normal human in a cast of dwarves. Which is funny because Link is not that tall either.

midna is inside the kart and riding his dick the whole time

Why are certain characters omitted?

Are these stats confirmed?

Midna levitates so she effectively has no weight.



Fast, and way too fast

So are heavys still the OP picks or did the meta change? I always used Rosalina and Waluigi 'cause I like them, but I'm def gonna switch over to Inkling girl

I guess the guy who made the chart forgot them

Two speeds

They'll always be the best just because they have the highest top speed
They're just no longer broken as shit because firehopping is gone

Ugh, I need to get this because wii u multiplayer will be dead in a few days.

It sucks.

I'm pretty sure heavies are still the best on paper, but I've had my ass handed to me by lightweights back when I played tons of online (8000 VR)

90K+ range is probably all heavies at this point, though.

Drybones is looking to be a top tier pick lads.

unless they made the stat literally useless or changed how the coin bonus works, heavies will always be the best (in 150cc at least, 200cc is a bit of a different story) because of their speed bonus

If you aint Toad, you last.

>Bowser's weight nerfed by .25


Is that actually much of a difference?


hes got the iron boots on

I doubt it. He'll still knock the shit out of everyone.

Link is a normal sized humanoid. Mario is puny, Luigi is a stick, so Link being heavy just means that everyone else is just light. At least he isn't Wario's weight who is morbidly obese.

Good, I was hoping to keep some of my ramming power.


fyi they changed all stats on all karts and bikes rebalancing the whole game

Why wasn't Ganondorf invited?

hopefully they made the blue falcon less of a direct upgrade to everything

is the wii u version going to die on Friday?

I hope they made it even better

Is acceleration still "tiered"?
Because that was one of the worst things about MK8's stat system



Are you guys going digital or physical for MK8D


Wario is fat! FAT!!!

digital i want to play that game on the fly when ever i want and not worry about the cartridge.

reminder to never join any discord/skype or anything else that would benefit the creation of circlejerking, it always kills threads

physical for that prime discount, and also to save the storage space on my Switch for the eventual XCX2 loading time downloads


No, she's just fat.

all in the right places

Physical to collect and keep sealed
Digital to play

He is large so he needs a bigger, and thus heavier, kart than the others.

Same goes for Rosalina and Waluigi, they are tall and need a larger vehicle.

So the low tier heavies are just tall/big lads who only need heavy karts because of their size? How come Waluigi is in a different tier?

I'm doing the same thing I did with the 3DS:

Buying physical, then when it gets hacked I'll sell them and get the download versions for free.


>There are people who are bad at games
Might as well turn on CPU assist

I wanted digital but fucking Amazon gave me physical for 20% off so I had to otherwise I'd be throwing money in the trash

Think they'll update this game further in the future? DLC?

Kamek was supposed to be in MK64 and his emblem was found in the WiiU MK8 files but none of this game to fruition

>tfw there will never be a Luigi kart as hard mode of mario kart, with only Luigi and litterally whos in the roster, and kaizoified tracks

Why live ?

>Kamek has now been cucked out of three Mario Kart games
Being Kamek is suffering.

>mario kart Sup Forumseekend with no miiverse doodles.

shit sucks man.

200cc evens things out to make characters who aren't Bowser, Wario, and Morton viable. You're at least good up to Mario/Ludwig.

I'm bummed Bowser Jr is so light. Was kind of hoping he'd be in medium.

I hope so, but why add DLC at this point when they can charge us $60 more for MK9?

pretty fucking slow. bring back f-zero.


A game that is balanced around random items being the only thing standing in the way of heavies isn't going to have a definitive "meta" plus Sup Forumskend played in 200cc.

The tracks weren't designed for 200cc, thus 150cc is superior, especially with dual items.

But 200cc is way more fun. Who the fuck cares that the tracks were designed for 150cc when you can go faster?

Laps are over too fast

200cc actually makes driving a challenge.

You can pick a kart with the worst handling in MK8 and still do mostly fine on the worst turns in 150cc.

so play another race?

Well we should wait until MK8D is in our hands. Since they have rebalanced all the stats on the karts and parts, who knows how things feel now.

>going fast is a bad thing

not a chance, fancypants.

>A game that is balanced around random items being the only thing standing in the way of heavies isn't going to have a definitive "meta"
Oh yeah, but a mode that nobody even plays will, alright.

>hey why don't we play 500cc

I can think of two more reasons.

>heavies get lucky or pull ahead early and don't get hit to win
>lights focus on acceleration and therefore can recover quickly from fuck ups or getting shit on
Seems balanced to me.

It's funny because Rosalina is a Light weight in Smash Bros

except heavies can get enough acceleration to recover quickly, and acceleration beyond 3 bars is pretty negligible compared to the speed loss

I didn't say that at all.

yeah, it's weird, iirc he was a medium with a weight bonus in mkwii

To answer your question, inkstriker has neutral speed, -.25 acceleration, -.25 handling, +.25 weight and +.25 traction. Its pretty meh but it could be worse. Its looks a lot more usable than the clown car which got absolutely fucked over.

...what are the clown car's stats?

Sup Forumseekends are going to be battle mode, right guys?

aw fuck i was gonna main bowser+koopa kart, so how bad are we talkin here? is it as bad as that roy kart from wii u?

Yeah, and a large part of the slowdown from getting hit is the tumble itself rather than what you lose from re-accelerating to top speed.

On top of that, heavies don't care more than lights if they get hit near a speed booster