Is it true this is only getting a limited physical run in burgetland...

Is it true this is only getting a limited physical run in burgetland? Or is that just for the deluxe version with the keychains?

I was going to wait for the physical version to drop in price before I bought it, but if it's going to end up a collectors item, I should probably preorder it now while I can

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Why would you want this game? Do you realize how many cheaper and better ways there is to play Tetris and Puyo Puyo? There's no point to combining them. Making them go against eachother is just an auto win for the tetris player and all of the combined modes are joke gimmicks at best. All you're getting out of this is a watered down version of both games.

I like the gimmick of playing them together. What's the point of buying ANY game as long as there is a better version of the same genera?

Why play any platformer other than Mario 3?

>not wanting to support Puyo in the west
Fuck you.

The keychain version is the only version and it's only for Switch

PS4 is physical only and does not come with the keychains

>Collector's item when a digital version exists

Stop pre-ordering because you get some shitty toy.

>being a digitalfag

Please do elaborate, how the fuck are the two game modes watered down versions of their main series? Unless you're specifically talking about useless padding like a story mode or challenge mode or whatever they are the exact same games with the exact same mechanics as their most recent "regular" iterations.

Puyo Puyo is a nice game to have on your system to play without needing to waste the game slot, too convenient not to have the digital version.

I want to preorder because I'm worried it's my only chance to get a physical switch copy. Did I not make that clear in my post?

What's fun about playing them together? The constant unfair losses Puyo will receive or the fact that if you actually win, you just crushed a guy who was bared competent at videogames?
When it comes to a competitive game, there is no reason to buy a flat out worse game. Outside of the joke modes, there's nothing this game has going for it. It's a bad Puyo game and a bad Tetris game.
>Buying mediocre games that can't even be assed to include dual audio is helping the series

Ah, you're one of those dual audio faggots throwing tantrums on twitter.

Opinion discarded.

Are you trying to convince me to not like the game or something? Because it's not working. I have enough hours clocked into the demo alone to justify a full purchase.

Having digital games is so much better for the switch without needing to carrying around cartridges all the time.

>Junk values are completely off because of their laughable attempts to balance this between both games
>Shitty character roster
>Obnoxious voices unless you import
>Puyo is slowed down for the casuals and so it can't ever win against Tetris
>Tetris isn't rewarded enough for things like T-Spins so a match will basically never end

Yea but I like having the physical version anyway

Well okay then, but don't expect it to be worth much if you were planning on reselling.

Tetris Attack >>>> Puyo

Didn't someone confirm yesterday the case was basically cardboard and complete shit compared to the average switch case?

You'll regret it eventually.

>the current year
>still calling Puzzle League "Tetris Attack"

dont u have a containment board pokefag


The demo is good enough that I can hold off on the game without purchasing it right away. If I was good, I'd probably buy it day one though.

>auto win for the tetris player

spot the guy who didn't play the game

Dub only is a dealbreaker for me.
I already own the JP version on PS4 and I can't imagine playing without Asami Imai shouting in my ear the whole time.

Maybe I'll get it if they patch in dual audio.

There's literally 3 non-Pokemon games that use the title "Puzzle League". You can either call it Puzzle League or Panel de Pon, I won't accept anything else.

Haven't regretted any of my digital purchases so far, so I think I'm good.

PDP was never very good. You basically hit max junk in 10 seconds and spend the next 7 minutes just throwing more endless junk onto the already infinitely tall pile of junk because the game won't end as long as you keep making matches.

>Spotted the guy who can't do a T-Spin
>Spotter the guy whose Puyo combo next exceeds 4


I'd also like to know if this is going to be a limited or full release. I need my puyo

It's $10 cheaper on the eshop and you don't have to constantly keep it in your Switch. Why would you go physical for this one?

tetris attack

ur noob and wrong

PS4 version is limited

supposedly a one run thing for physical

So i can display it on my Gamer shelf

>The special launch edition of Puyo Puyo Tetris on the Nintendo Switch will only be available in quantities limited to pre-orders and first-run printings of the game in the Americas.

The Switch version is the limited run it seems

I dont know if this is the type of game I want physically.
Switching cartridges to play some puzzle stuff here and there is annoying.

I might go mostly digital with the Switch.

>special launch edition
It's just talking about the first print. Every other restock won't have the keychains. That's all it's talking about.