Trying to relax with some overwatch

Trying to relax with some overwatch

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That's nice, what would really be nice is if you posted more Mei.



I'd love to play as her more but with the need to almost always fill healer/tank most of the time and her not being useful in a lot of situations I rarely get to. Same with D.Va.




maybe some ASMR would relax you

Get this fat bitch outta here



Would Sup Forums like Mei more if she were a magical girl?

Oh my god they're all so cute I can't decide

I would.

I love how tumblr raged about it and cried on forum
Every new event just triggers them like a clocks

Tumblr cries about pretty much anything. It's exceedingly difficult to take them seriously.

Would Sup Forums like it if Mei had a Mei-d outfit skin?

I don't get it. What happened?

where's the patreon edition?

>Tumblr thinks Mei is supposed to be fat.
>Each event shows her in some form without her big coat on.
>Mei is not fat.
>Tumblr is mad

Mei's coat is massive and makes her look fat when she is not.

t. Alaskan with extensive knowledge on big fluffy coats.

Are they really cozy?

Ohh. You mean those complaints.

It would relax me, if I had autism.

I sometimes like to leave the windows open when its ~45 outside, turn off the heat in my apartment and sleep wearing it.

>tfw no cute chink gf with huge tits



>tfw no cute gf
>tfw no gf

why is this on youtube?

>implying i'd let a climatologist fuck with my head

So is there like any good doujins/comic porn of her?

>tfw no gf with gue titties
>tfw no gf at all

I dont play games that push fat is healthy.

>huge titties

ASMR is practically normie level shit now.

>tfw have gf
>has small tatas


Only futa one

I really want to impregnate Mei

go on

>TFW gf with big tiddies but no glasses.



just put on some fake glasses?


>Have gf
>She has pretty big tits
>Only ever once got a titjob
>She just doesn't like anything other than vanilla sex in the missionary position and hopes one day for the purpose of procreation


lets see'm buddy

who is this semon demon

There needs to be more of best girls together.

Theres only one best girl and her name is Mei


D.Va is a smelly NEET.

I wish I lived in Alaska

This spray is implying she's getting a summer games skIn where she isn"t wearing heavy clothes and she's showing off her a-Mei-zing curves.


My gf only likes getting on top of me. If she had bigger tits it would be fantastic

I want to bury my face in D.Va's ass and breathe in til I black out

>mfw I have a chubby chink gf
>mfw she doesn't have huge tits

Nah, they will just reuse 2016 one without any new content

I've had busty exes that liked to ride me among other things. Just wish this one would get into some kink, but she doesn't seem interested.

NEETs are common best girls though.

D.Va and Mei are both amazing.


Man that's like the worst possible thing. Fat girls without big tits are God's most wretched creatures.

She didnt get a summer games skin


>chubby girl
>without cowtits

What's the point then?

aceman more like GAYceman

what the fuck is this noise shit
>i'm tone deaf anyway

That what I trying to tell you.
She won' get any. It will be same skins again from 2016

>people actually like the cancerous mei

Are you people trying to make me fap to Mei?

Because id be lying if I said it wasnt working

You won't sell loot boxes that way. There will 100% be new skins for the rehashed events.



Ill be honest, I really want Tracer's track skin

Tracer is ridiculously hot for a dyke

Watch Jeff interview from Blizzcon

I'll still take a look at it.

>people unironically posting this hairy fat ape

Jeff said all events will be reused with its all old content and they are still not sure if they gonna add new one on top of old one

I want to die face first in that ass

No. How will they sell loot boxes to diehards who had the game last year? Whole point of limited time events is to sell loot boxes.
You'll get a chance

this is turning me on

Play like me.

>join competitive
>immediately turn all party chat and voice comm off
>leave all chat on (you can still see your teams chat here)
>Only play Widow or Hanzo
>have friendly banter with the enemy team
>watch your team lose their shit in all chat

Honestly makes a 0/10 game a 11/10. I have 50ish hours played this way.



No (you) see first


after you

You beat me to it

>posting Queen Hairy Ass

>Hairy ass


Thanks for supporting best girl user, she appreciates it

>most obvious waifubait
>most normie bestgirl
>easiest for lazy uninspired cosplay
>it totally works on me

I am a slave to big tits and glasses



lmao yeah, fucking faggots, so what is her name again? You know, because I dont want to accidentally watch one of her vids


>no ovaries to watch

yeah no thanks ill stick to ovaries worth watching

>these drawings with Tracer having a big butt when in-fame it's the most tiny, pathetic one of the lot


I have a Taiwanese girlfriend named Mei and she isn't fat and teaches you Mandarin and has nice tits[/spoilers]