Emily Rogers has confirmed that

Emily Rogers has confirmed that

>The Rabbids/Mario crossover is still happening
>Peach has a gun in it

This game sounds better and better the more we hear about it.

Fuck off

Liam Robertson, another reliable leaker, confirmed this as well.

Laura Kate Dale confirmed it as well.

It's definitely happeneing, guys. Get hyped.

How's that female Link coming?

Cancelled in development, sadly.

That's the downside to leaking things like this. They don't always hold true to the final release. :(

does people actually believe this shit

literally who

Was he the guy that said on Twitter how the Sup Forums January Switch presentation leak was fake?

>Emily Rogers
Doesn't know shit. She's been wrong all the time. Stop fucking giving her attention.


She leaked Paper Mario. She leaked tons of technical Switch details. And has she done so consistently.


I loved the womanbaby rage on twitter when it was revealed that there was no female Link.

God bless Emily Rogers and her fake leaks

I can't believe Mother 3 is finally getting a US release in 2016!

I trust her completely 100%, I can't believe why any one doubts her.
Because of her, I'm playing Skyrim on my Switch since it was a launch title with Splatoon Deluxe. Too bad Liam said the Bomberman game was fake, sure would've love to play it...
People still believe these bumbling buffoons? They we're all wrong MULTIPLE times like from what I mentioned and said the Sup Forums leak hours before the Switch Keynote was fake, just because they'retranny fuckers

the fact that there are people who leak information about something as banal as what video games are in dev is aggravating

just fucking play games and then play the new games when they're out

There was no leak from them because they've made everything up.


I think it's sarcasm but it looks too convincing for it to be fake
I'm conflicted




wtf nintendo

>both faggots come out saying that the Sup Forums leak is stupid and impossible.
>everything in it is fake and wrong
>Sup Forums leak was 100% accurate, even about the new Bomberman game that wasn't even part of the announcement
>everything the two faggots said was wrong

Gotta make some propaganda for that 2nd Korea war.

All of these fake leakers have been coming forward saying the Rabbids/Mario crossover IS a thing.

So that means it's not happening

How massive was the blowout when a leak on Sup Forums was more accurate than anything these guys ever said? And not only for that one, but consistently are leaks here more genuine than other places.
The amount of damage control and saving face they have to do is obscene, and they still come off looking like complete retards. One of them had the balls to scapegoat their source, and they constantly say "pushed back, pushed back, pushed back, pushed back, it's canceled, lol".

Why is Nintendo the only group where people pull this shit?