Do you still use your 3DS?

Do you still use your 3DS?

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Every day.

used it last year as a light to read a book while we had a blackout but other than that, I haven't touched it in years

Just finished AA3 last night

I play a little animal crossing everyday. Ever since the amiibo update I've gotten back into it.

Ever so often on work breaks or playing monhun at home. Still love it, but there's a noticeable lack of straightforward platformers without collectathon bullshit added in like "collect all medals to unlock the other 50% of the game!"

Just for SNES roms.

Didn't even finish Pokémon moon

Recently got a pc, maybe I should hack it
Do I need to buy any special cords or anything
Also I think I updated early December

I'm on it right now!

- Sent from my Nintendo® Dual Screen

No and I'll probably never use it again unless there is a new AA or Pokemon game released for it.

I'm really hoping those games move to the Switch though because I'd like to play in a resolution higher than 240p desu.

I still need to beat Apocalypse, SMD, EOIV post-game off the top of my head.
I also have some digital titles on there I need to get through like Oracle of Ages

Dug it out and charged it to play a bit of MK7 so I can practice with the controls for MK8 Deluxe this Friday.

After that it's going back into a drawer

i know this is a bit off topic, but i need to tell someone and this seems the most appropriate place to do it

>some sort of videogame day happen in my city
>go to that because i like videogames
>they have a virtual boy avaiable that you can try
>try it
>it's fucking amazing
>the 3D effect looks as good if not as better than the 3DS
>the game i played had a rocking OST and was fun to play too

what the fuck? i thought the virtual boy was supposed to be AVGN trash


I used it for a while after I hacked it
then I realized I didn't really like any of the games on it and was only enjoying myself because I was getting the games for free

Yes, just started playing Persona Q yesterday.
Mint game.

Is it worth coming back if I don't own any AC related amiibos?

I sold it and the games along with all the consoles I had.

what emulator do you use?
BlargSnes isn't compatible with practically anything

Use Snes9x. It's the best one by far IMO

That's just sad mate

I'd say it is. There was a bunch of little changes too: like balloons holding more than balloon furniture, being able to swap out diving catches and of course the famous change of being able to sit on rocks.
The amiibos are a nice bonus but there's more than enough to keep me around besides.

Why? If I really wanted to replay those games, ill just get an emulator and torrent the rom.

The Virtual Boy was trash, though.

Yes, I was just playing some VGC matches.

Waiting for the EU release of Echoes or whatever the name is, currently playing the shit out of Fates: Revelations.
Really asking why they put more effort into dialogues between the units and not the story. Arthur is super funny and all the characters have unique personalities while the story is kinda bland with lots of unused potential. Honestly the ordinary story of Awakening had a better narrative.

I'm about to have to.

I start working tomorrow and I'll be traveling all over the state staying in hotels. My laptop isn't the best in the world, but I can still play shit like Civ 5, Ys series, Binding of Isaac, and other not demanding games.

Haven't used it in like 6 months though. Any suggestions for games DS or 3ds games? Right now I've got the following

A Link between Worlds
Weeges Mansion 2
OoT and MM
bogeyman X
Layton and the Unwound future.

No. It still has RxTools, I think

Not much. As soon as I homebrew'd it I kind of lost interest. Pirated a ton of games I'll never touch. Played a bit of SMT 4 though and I liked that.

I got bored of Pokemon because I played the game like an addict for five years.
How is the format this year?
Everyone still dickrides those Nuggetbridge faggots?

DO I?!

It was. The tech wasn't far along enough yet but it was pushed out the door anyway. As a result there was only one good game for it.

>How is the format this year?
It's fucking fun, the best season I can remember lots of different pokemon and strategies used.

>Everyone still dickrides those Nuggetbridge faggots?
no idea, I rarely check forums I mostly watch the regionals streams to see what others are using.

Have any of the missing megas besides mawile and beedrill? I run trick room doubles in VGC and without mega abomasnow or camerupt I just feel impotent.

Those two aren't released yet and you can only trade them via Wireless this gen.

Last time I touched it was almost a year ago, finished Birthright and Conquest but couldn't be assed to get past Ch. 10 of Revelation. I'll use it again once Fire Emblem Echoes comes out.

Audino and Medicham came in the same batch as Mawile and Beedrill but you'll have to wait until 2018 to use megas, this season only Z-moves are allowed, speaking of Z-moves, continental crush Gigalith under Trick Room is amazing.

Torkoal got Drought and became the new Mega-Camerupt, paired with Oranguru who sets up the Trick Room and then Instructs for double Eruption is quite powerful.

Daily. Objectively the best platform of the generation.

Just started using it again after a 6 month break. Spirit of Justice was pretty good, now I'm working on my Layton backlog.

What kind of game was it?

I see. Thanks, user, I'll give it a try

I hacked mine a few days ago and there's something that's confusing about pirating games and stuff.

From what I understand Nintendo aggressively enforces take downs of cia files from pretty much anywhere they're posted and yet
1. Sites like Emuparadise still have direct downloads to everything last gen and below
2. The second easiest way to get 3DS games is to literally download them straight from Nintendo's servers and there's absolutely nothing they do to stop that

Is my understanding correct?

after playing the switch and my vita i cant go back to playing my 3ds because of that godawful screen.

Issue with the Virtual boy was it was fucking expensive as all hell.

I can't because the shitty shoulder buttons broke off.
>Finally get the invisibility shit in MGS3
>can't use it next playthrough because your fucking shoulder buttons don't respond

Volgin got the last laugh.

I'm probably one of those crazy people that use the multiple 3ds systems they own practically everyday. It's even worse when you have them all modded.

Currently own 5, working one repairing my 6th

I'm buying a used one soon just for Deep Strange Journey and SMT IV-IV:A. I can' help it, I'm a sucker for those chinese satanist games.

Yes. Playing EOV then waiting for Ever Oasis.

I bought one like two years ago, own something like fifteen games for it and have only beaten two of them.


im telling nintendo

Just preorded the new Fire Emblem yesterday. Gonna try to finish replaying Awakening before it comes out.

I have a bunch of the ambassador games I still haven't gotten around to playing, but I've been playing badge arcade every day. Got to 1000 badges a few days ago.
post 3DS home layouts

I hacked mine 2 weeks ago. Downloading games straight from Nintendo's servers for free. Also got TWloader I can play nds roms from my sd card. Actually having a blast, although TwLoader barely works right now (ace attorney is about the extent so far).

>put cfw on my 3ds
>download a fuck ton of games

fuck yeah i am, i just beat FE: Awakening last night too

Basically. Its rather hilarious when you think about it.

Just buy a cheap flash cart and run it off of there. They are like 10-15 bucks online

Every day, playing Picross and DS Castlvanias right now.
Why do you have six, rather curious about this
Alright then. Also yours looks pretty cool having most stuff in folders

>updated 3ds firmware
>didn't update Luma
>can't access Homebrew anymore

My dstwo card doesn't seem to work at all since I hacked my 3ds even when updated to the latest firmware and use ntr launcher.

you most likely didn't play long enough to get the headaches that seemed to affect most people

Not for anything other than Ace Attorney 6, at which point I'll be finished in a few days and will probably never touch the 3DS again.

Recommend me some games to play.
I have a hacked PS3.
Hacked Wii U.
PC (980TIx2, 5930k, 32gb ddr4 ram)
Hacked 3DS.