Why doesn't Sony and Nintendo do controller customization like Microsoft does?
Why doesn't Sony and Nintendo do controller customization like Microsoft does?
kys barney fag
lelellel le ebin barneyfag thread xD
Bottom right best controller
>Three, soon four different Joycon colors, and a ton of different wii remotes.
black guy detected
The bottom left is really nice, too.
You can only use what Nintendo says you can use, while Microsoft let's you use whatever colors you want. Including barnyfag colors.
>Implying you would ever spend money on even one of the controllers in the pic
Maybe because sony is making "games" for "gamers" instead of "retarded shit" for "faggots"
The Rarity one actually looks nice
because the ds4 is perfect as it is and didnt need a "elite" version and also maybe they dont want to be seen as a gougey scumbag company for millenials like M$?
My friend of African-American Descent.
Only Microsoft would put money into worthless shit like controller customization but not into video games.
its hilarious they spend 80 dollars on a color customized controller so you can pick something to watch on netflix and watch people play actual games on youtube while thinking about about the two games coming out this year.
>That bottom left
Nintendo uses a weird finish on the joycons that ruin them if you use 3rd party skins. Sony and Microsoft don't care if you use 3rd party skins.
Nintendo just being Jews as usual.
This is why you Barneyfags deserve to die
What kind of retard pays so much extra for just a simple controller
Whoever drew this didn't even make it through the first episode and literally cites the very first "joke" that tells more about the character than the actual show.
Kill yourselves degenerates
t. Big Bang Theory watcher
I don't even know what that is.
no it's not.
Danke herr doktor.
Grr, I hate them
I really do hate them