Hows the yearly Oblivion playthrough going Sup Forums?
Hows the yearly Oblivion playthrough going Sup Forums?
I was thinking of modding it for maximum coziness but I can't be arsed. Getting Open Cities, Improved Cities, and Unique Landscapes to all work together.
still need to continue my first playthrough I started 10 years ago, think I had 2 hours played
Little too much bloom for me, but I'm really impressed with those LoD textures.
this except I had at least 400 hours, never accomplished much though because I was a little pre-teen
also it's on my old 360 so the loading times are like 30 seconds a piece now
meant for
does someone have a suggested mods list or something
you can port 360 saves to PC my dude
>pre-teens at the time of oblivion are now adults
I was 18 and getting ready to move away for university later in the year when Oblivion came out
Why is there still no mod to fix LOD?
Modern graphics cards can easily load all the textures at once. Just turn the fucking thing off.
Bunnhopped my way to the arena so far.
comfiest game
>no werewolves
>no vampire faction
No reason to replay, I guess.
What are you talking about? There's plenty. They WILL rape your framerate though, even on a modern card.
I cant get my mods to work because half of them work in OMM and the others have to be installed manually
Just "install" the mods to some random folder somewhere and then archive that and add the archive to OMM.
I installed one of the mods to turn cyrodiil back into a jungle. I actually get lost now.
For some reason it still thinks I'm running it as Nehrim instead when I save screens, though.
goddamn thats comfy
I wanna do that too but yeah, installing all the mods is a pain in the arse.
I wish there was modded copy of the game on torrent.
>Oblivion was the fist game I ever saw played on a PC back in 06
>still enjoy the fuck out of it
Shame modding it is a pain in the ass.
>want to reinstall Oblivion
>remember the armor design and potato faces
>don't reinstall
>not enjoying potato head aesthetics
Have it running well on a new but cheap laptop, can't get texture packs
but I'm using Bravil Sea Domes, Darnified UI, Auto-update on leveled items, and a mod to cancel drawn arrows
shit brings me way back. No console commands etc. Almost playing it vanilla, the guilds and main quest are good enough for me
>not playing games with character creators specifically with the goal of making the most disgusting inhuman thing possible
Hey guys should I upload my painting to redbubble shit or should I just not embarrass myself?
that's beautiful
follow youre dreams
>dfw you will never wake up in a comfy game town surrounded by good feels and wanderlust