
Tumblr the game?

That is horrible dialogue, probably will still play the game when it comes out purely out of curiosity and hoping that it's somehow good.

whats gets me is that for a game that takes place in late 1999/early 00, all the characters dress like late 00's hipsters, and the focus on LOL RETRO RECORDS AND CASETTES XD is misplaced, considering in the late 90's, people fucking abandoned both in favor of CD's. Especially in the USA.

Vinyl records alone didn't start seeing an uptick in interest till this decade, after digital platforms dethroned CD's as well


What a fucking plethora of unrelated to the 90s shit.
Also, that fucking running animation should be embarrassing as fuck.

Did these people just go to Urban outfitters and think "this must be the 90s"


Are your sure it's not the fact that the combat looks slow and uninteresting?



Is this the most unattractive combo ever?

Can't wait to play this on my Vita.

beard without a mustache

>No way to take out voice acting in an indie game

Fuck this shit

why is this a thing
why does it have voice acting

It tells you the devs fuckers either weren't alive during that time or were not even interested in the culture of the era.

I've seen dudes rock decent beards without a mustache as long as they don't let it get out of control.

Pulling off a mustache with no beard is a lot harder. Depending on how you look overall, it will either look good or make you look like a pedophile or 80s porn star.

>black nerd this open about liking anime
>in 1999

Also the combat and dialogue are horrible

>Models are going for low-poly look
>Character art is shitty looking PNG stills
>Game apparently set in 90s
>Black guy describing magical girl show akin to Precure, which is 2000s and onward thing
>That font looks fucking terrible
There's no redeeming this.

holy shit

that too, but that's just expected

This game will never come out and it's going to kill the publisher and the developer.

Jorji, I know you're reading this. Post the pasta right now or leave the thread.

Black people have to hide their powerlevels more than anybody else.

Not only is the dialogue awful but so is the pacing of the text and voices themselves. If I can read the text faster than you talk then why have voices at all?
Also most of it comes off as redundant. You could just cut like half of what he said and you'd get the idea that he's an obsessive otaku.


It seems more like a 2010's setting since everyone's recently been getting a hard on for the 90's.

I'm making my own RPG it's called "Death to white cis straight males" (Semi ironic title you see) and it's coming to Steam,PS4 and Switch I hope you guys buy it.

haha is that YuriOfWind voicing that dude with the long hair?

another sjw game made by sjws
i bet the usual sjw gaming journalists will shill the fuck out of it and claim it's better than persona. Probably gonna give it a 10/10 and say it's diverse or some sjw buzz word without really getting into the story or gameplay.

Forgot to give some info on the game, you play a native American in the 1700 hundreds and you can kill many famous white cis male historical figures to protect your clans.

Already coming up with ideas for sequels.

That nu-male pisses me off so much

what is exactly "postmodern" about this game?

This seems like a post 2010/80s game.
There's nothing 90s about it.


I think you might be more than a little obsessed with SJWs, mate.
It really doesn't look like it has enough redeeming qualities to warrant praise even for being progressive. Sometimes a dud is just a dud.


The voice of the character with the striped jacket sounds very familiar, he's a youtuber but I forgot his name. Made videos about beta versions of games.

Yuriofwind. He's a pretty decent channel since it goes into a lot about betas and prototypes for games. His voice does get a little grating at times though.


>he doesn't know we live in a post-postmodern world

Get with the times nigga.

>mirrored the character art when there is text on there shirt
bravo devs

you have no idea what post modernism is about retard. no wonder you like this game

I wonder if the devs of this game actually know the Precure didn't actually start airing until fucking 2004


in real life a nigger with girly anime shirt would be coolest guy on the block yet in supposedly tumblr game he is shown as a some sort of sperg and other character berates him

what gives

It was a joke.


This is the kind of anime shirt that people wore back in 90s to show that they were seriously into anime.
There is really specific one that I can't seem to find, but it was pretty similar to this one.

Maybe all of these obvious issues hint at something. Probably not.

>not on PC

Oh man what will I do not being able to play this art

It is on PC though dude

It's funny how people like to mock or make reference to the 90s but don't get the nineties at all.

Shonen and some seinen is ok. Mostly action.
Ecchi varied, remember guys talking about highschool DxD openly