Tekken 7

You have preordered Josie's game right?

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She looks like a whore

Please don't make her cry

Of course

Will main her and Bryan

>tfw no Armor King, Anna, or Craig

She's Filipino. Synonymous with whore.


This chick makes me smile.

King has some AK stuff
Gigas is 90% Marduk
Anna is a slut

No one can replace Bruce irvin, not even this bitch.

He has been replaced twice now


Bryan was his replacement in 3

But I like Armor King more. Marduk was the shit and Anna was MY slut. I'm moving on to womb tattoo slut though

He still made appearances in the other game. He was Kazuya's main man in leading G Corporation's forces against the Mishima Zaibatsu. If he doesn't make an appearance in T7 they better have a good reason why.

Doesn't change that he is very replaceable. Plus he wasn't even important in the story, just another grunt

I like his move set but as a character and design he was always a bit nothing

I just enjoy Muay Thai based fighters, His move set was great for juggles and replacing him with this girl with an almost identical moveset is fucking insulting. At lease put another thai based fighter.

Reminder that Bryan's Tekken 5 laugh was the best.

I'm waiting until recommended specs come out for PC until I pre order for that platform. I'd buy it on PS4 but fucking online paywalls.

Bern on steam page for ages

If you enjoy online play then go PS4. The fighting game community is all on. if you could care less then go for it on PC.

Lucky Chloe looks like fun.

Yeah but of the good kind

Hate this meme, PC will do absolutely fine and their fanbases never die even if they are smaller

Because he's lame

>Asuka nude mods in 5 weeks

To you maybe faggot

Fucking cute!

You mean Chloe's game

I'm unironically going to main her. Probably

>Always been a Leo fag
>She's pretty fun but I've got bored of her after playing her for two games lifespans
>Considered maining Claudio but I hate his shit haircut and dumb greaser shoes
>Just seen a rad as fuck custom claudio with cool hair and a normal outfit
count me in boyz

She looks fun. I wish I could try the new characters already

Is not-Rashido cool?

pretty easy with fun slide shenanigans. seems to have fallen off the radar though, barely even remember he's in the game with how little I see him these days

After the nerfs he got he became a lot less linear to play but also harder to do well with vs the high tiers in the game. Think he's pretty solid all in all. I think that he could be a bit flashier but then I love my flashy shit, the people who prefer the more stoic fighting styles will gravitate towards characters like him I guess.

Is there a tier list? I haven't followed T7 competitively yet.

Not yet. When is Roger getting in?

That just means if you stop playing for a month the only people left will be autistic pros that play every day and are unbeatable

It has been good recently even though no one really knows what to do. Watch NCR and the uk tour

Tiers don't matter much unless you're top level. Rasheen got nerfed but still pretty strong anyway iirc

Right after Jun

T7 tiers are weird. Jack is lower tier yet incredibly common and very solid

Hell Asuka finally won something yesterday

I know tiers don't really matter. I'm just always curious where characters sit.

What happened to Bob? Did he get nerfed to hell or no tourney results?

I heard Eddy is the only Character that is SSS

No you didn't, on fact everything/one says the opposite

It was just a jape user. I heard he finally got nerfed after 10 years of unanswered feedback

What is with Japan and trying to make me like Flips?

Didn't Harada say he was going to add Jun Kazama into this game?

Any news on her?

Filipina girls are extraordinarily attractive.

He said Asuka is just so cute there was no point in adding an old hag

Didn't comment on her. Don't think she has a shot of getting in now unless it's as DLC.

>Hell Asuka finally won something yesterday
Link? I'm looking for good Asuka matches to learn from

I was warned that they will steal my semen and make themselves pregnant to get money out of me.


all to send money to their families
trust me dude, you don't want to be entrenched with a flip family
i honestly don't know what foreigners like about flips, god help d30 genocide the entire race


here you go buddy

Thanks, user.

>The spinning unblockable
fucking hell that is disrespectful

cannot wait to get my sweaty fingers on this game

This happens on consoles too.

>That just means if you stop playing for a month the only people left will be autistic pros that play every day and are unbeatable
this happens with every fighting game ever made

Thanks man.

What does the Season Pass include? I thought Harada didn't want DLC to be paid?

I can wait to get my sweaty fingers on Asuka

stages/music/cosmetics he's okay with
not playable characters

Based Harada.

New costumes, a new single player mode and 2 guest characters

Pretty sure playable characters will end up being paid DLC. I think they already confirmed that Eliza will be paid DLC for everyone who doesn't pre-order a month or so after release or some shit.

Imma preorder but put my dude in there as a guest

I wonder who the guests will be.

Really Harada has never done that before, even with the top row in TTT2

why are so many people desperate for this boring Jason ripoff

I imagine she'll be free soon enough
might also be a bonus/joke character

TTT2 underperformed financially, so I guess they're not using the same release strategy for T7.

I wouldn't mind this.

You are hurting my feefees, user. How is he boring? Have you seen his moveset in the reboot?

I did. Looking forward to playing some tekken. I don't think I have played one since the first Tekken Tag Tournament

I didn't even know I wanted this until now.

Didn't even know there was a reboot, was only aware of the old 2d beat em ups

I take it back user, looks pretty cool if a bit out of place. Then again I'm against adding cameo's all together

Bryans voice is so fucking retarded.

It used to be cool. I hate his newer laugh.

He's just a black knee that makes wooshing noises.

>the 20+ year community of playing mostly on PlayStation will now all be emegrating to PC

Hate THIS meme tbqfhm9

>always been a leo fag
>leo fag

Wew new

I never understood why people were sperging all over her but i do find her moveset to be kind of messy though

I'm so fucking happy ling is top tier, fucking finally, i'm gunna fuck people up.

My boy Paul will forever be good.

More Idol shit, I guess. Tekken already had fighting animals and an animated piece of wood but Chloe was unrealistic or something.

excuse me for only getting into tekken a literal decade ago user

>two Jins
>that dumb vampire from Revolution
>no Anna
Fuck it, maining Chloe just to be contrarian.

They should've gone with her concept design.

>not playable characters
He said mainstay characters wouldn't be DLC.

Some bottom of the barrel chump like Kunimitsu could be DLC, and the Guest Characters he plans to have in the future will also be DLC.

I like her current design more.

>in the reboot
Why that cancer?

Just get classic Rick who wasn't a nerd with a Jim Cummings mask.

>b-but Tekken 3




Don't you mean my game?

Tekken 3 was fun but I'd say 5 was my fondest.