Didn't get enough suggestions last night.
What are some games with qt redheads?
Didn't get enough suggestions last night.
What are some games with qt redheads?
Other urls found in this thread:
Katt/Rinpoo/Lin from Breath of Fire II
Dead rising 2
Metal Gear Solid
Rayman Origins/Legends
Borderlands 1
Of redheads? Or just Regina? But this is my second image and last one.
But that's a man.
Best girl in the game too
The former.
best dino
Dino Crisis thread?
...What's under that shirt?
A vest she wears, it's not real flesh sadly.
Fuck Kasumi.
What game is this
the best western visual novel monster girl gamu! you should play it!
Monster girl gamu
horizon zero daw
despite the myriad of glitches and odd models, bioware managed to fuck up and accidentally made a qt pi
I've got the time to spare since I'm not a wagecuck.
oops forgot to attach pic
But she is not a redhead? OP clearly said redheads.
>literally no one has posted best grill
The fuck is wrong with all of you
post ringos only
My nigga
Maybe she isn't so best as you thought if she hasn't been posted yet.
>posts girl who's so much of a knockoff she even has a Mitsuru palette
Which is weird since even though I prefer Tara Platt's voice I still like Parasoul more.
>pink hair
You had one job.
Who dat?
Yeah yeah. It all blends in after dumping for a while.
Lilith from Bomberman the second attack.
Either version works for me.
a best.
>no Kurisu yet
Fuck yeah Cherche
>tfw no doujin between her and her daughter
Alright. Here's one more redhead from me.
You're welcome.
Persona 3
I almost read that as "You're not welcome".
You missed the Mitsuru posts a few posts up.
But I'm pretty much fresh out of new redheads I could post. Hopefully OP got what he wanted.
Shame they ruined her in MGS4.
Goal a cute.
Worst powerpuff
The well is pretty far from dry, user.
>That one time when they turned Marian from Double Dragon into a redhead.
Never understood why the "blonde in a red dress" design became so prevalent in beat-'em-ups.
Holy shit now we're talking.
Both modern Rayman games.
There was another redhead that was one of the first games sold for PS3 but I can't remember what it was