What are some games where you save your people from the marauding barbarians?

What are some games where you save your people from the marauding barbarians?

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she's up against every single other party calling to vote for macron, she aint winning sadly

>being a defeatist shill


What are some games where the good guy wins?

>manchildren discussing politics
no thanks

I'll laugh my tits off in the next few weeks when she actually wins the next round.

>bexit is never going to happen
>trump? lol he has no chance against shillary

Do you actually think you're not a manchild even just for replying the way you did?

>trading Mudslimes for Russians

Either way, liberal democracy has fails and we hasten the rise of a Chinese superpower

Drumpf only won because of the EC you retarded Drumpfkin

French people are barbaryans

Doesn't sound like a bad trade off. The Russians are still believing Christians and have largely escaped the tolerance of degeneracy in the West.

Why do people even care what happens in France?

>Le Pen
Fuck off reddit

>M-muh Russian boogeyman

If Le Pen wins, the EU is over

>lol if I include "game" in the sentence then my offtopic thread is Sup Forums related!

Just kill them all before they cause harm.

How do we defeat Macron, guys?


I dislike Le Pen, I really do but the fact that her winning would mean that France exits the EU makes me excited.

If the EU loses their now second biggest source of money (Britain previously was the nr.2) it would mean the European Union would collapse.
If France has to sacrifice itself and have Le Pen as a leader for that to happen then so be it.

>worth saving

Because the guy who shows up to work every day and does an honest job, pays his taxes, and is a good citizen didn't ask to be invaded by a horde of filthy savages who have no intention of peacefully assimilating.

Just sit back and watch the magic happen. We've already defeated Macron.
>after Brexit and Trump, people think an establishment goy has any chance against a populist

Who gives a shit.

>If Le Pen wins Europe will lose a economic prosperity and security

How horrible.

John Oliver begged the French to vote against Le Pen so that means she'll win in a landslide.
>Begged Britain not to exit the EU
>Begged Trump to drop out
>Begs the French not to vote Le Pen
I'm seeing a pattern here.

You'll give a shit soon enough when Houellebecq's novel becomes reality you useless sheep.

I unironically have the same opinion.

Those were fair elections. France has a system with two round voting so everyone can dogpile on the underdog at the end.

This fucker is awesome and terrifying.

And still nobody cares about the Philippines.

>Oh nooo! He won a republic election via the systems that a republic country sets up! MUH MAJORITY VOTE!

Reminder that democrats and liberals only exist because of political ignorance.

I hope Melenchon wins

What is there to be happy about? Millions of people would suffer because the economies of multiple states pretty much collapses. Is it just schadenfreude?

>Begged Canadians to vote for Harper instead of Trudeau

Europeans should care

I don't know. Who's gonna save France from Le Pen and the marauding barbarians who support her?


You'll care about this kind of stuff when you start getting hair on your chest, kiddo.

Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong door. Sup Forums is few blocks down.

Since when Sup Forums became the what are some games central?

You have to break a few eggs to make an omelette.

Where do you live?

who cares about third worlders

Conservatives don't play video games.

Good. Fuck democracy. Democracy is mob rule that gave us 30 years of Clintons, Bushes, and Obama. I'm pretty fucking sure I voted Trump with the hope he'd abolish it once and for all and install himself as hereditary Emperor. If he does, I don't have to worry about who's running America, because I know it'd be in good hands.


t. Ahmed

>economic prosperity and security

So because you don't want more immigrants, you'd rather just destroy everything the EU has built in the last few centuries and make everyone become an immigrant? Sound logic.

>implying France isn't already full of niggers

This isn't a serious post is it?
I don't even fucking know anymore in this place.

Some sacrifices must be made.

>someone who'd fail a 5th grade science class
>good hands

Neither does Sup Forums xD

That's what the instigators of the Great War and WWII thought as well.

If you are so scared of non-Whites that you would rather live through a great depression and possible war crimes/human rights violations, you should be in prison.

>and make everyone become an immigrant?

Pretty xenophobic of you, user. We are all immigrants already.

What are some idiots that don't understand the purpose of multiple boards?
Hint: It's Sup Forums

How's it going kremlinshill?

The world is completely interconnected, user. Our fates are tied together. Globalism tied the noose around our collective necks.

Fucking Oliver, I don't even hate him for his political positions. I hate his guts because he keeps telling people how to vote.

Why wouldn't it be? Democracy is always shit, autocracy is only usually shit.

The EU has not existed for centuries.

No. Fuck your pathetic dreams of cutesy White families with rosy cheeks waltzing through a postcard.

Waiting for my ban janitors

>Is it just schadenfreude?
Not at all, the European Union is fundamentally corrupt and the fact that the elite that keeps it upright just because they benefit from it is going to go down makes me happy.
I don't like Trump either but I appreciate that him being elected shows that the establishment isn't guaranteed to win.


Are you scared? Why don't you join your brothers in Syria if you're so repulsed by the future.

He also referenced Pepe a couple of weeks ago when talking about Sean Spicer's gaffe. Something about him being a Nazi.

>Reminder that democrats and liberals only exist because of ignorance

Only if you hate education and think you are entitled to be guaranteed 40 years at a conveyor belt. Solitary nations fail, and sooner or later have to go to war with other nations to steal what they have.

>Global warming is totally real, it's different when a guy with a degree draws something in paint (for a small fortune of course)

le pen is just another pro zionist civic nationalist kike

vote blank

What are some games where i can find offtopic threads made by autistic fucktards who don't even play videogames?

Because the interconnected nations never go to war.


This is how you can tell someone is from a family/household/area where degrees are very scarce.

Wait, what? You're the one rooting for Syrian conditions.

>Not letting in a flood of immigrants will start a world war

Hi schlomo

>global warming will kill us all in 10 years!
>said the leftists since the 70s

If it's a matter of Europe, then they should care. I'm not European though so who gives a shit? They can do whatever they want. If they want to take actions that will lead to them getting overrun by Muslims, then let them. If they want to take actions that will make them weaker because that's what Putin wants, then so be it.

>Globalism tied the noose around our collective necks.

not a video game but Sup Forums

How's it going globalist failure?

>We have to go to war with ourselves so we don't have to go to war with some Africans

Voting should be restricted by education, not age.

m8 there's no proof that global warming is real. Fuck's sake, NASA's a massive hoax that's yet to prove anything.

Listen to this guy; youtube.com/watch?v=o3qRaRASDQ4 He'll wake you right the fuck up.

Good guy ? it was Mélenchon dude ...fucking retard

How is it corrupt? I mean I don't expect anyone to completely agree with everything the EU does, but I'd think twice before I start abolishing a system that gave us 70 years of peace and prosperity without having a real idea of what is supposed to happen next.

A new, (hopefully fairer) union will rise. Countries don't simply go bankrupt out of nowhere. Not European ones, at least.


When they start trade wars, yes. Luckily, Trump decided not to label China a currency manipulator like he promised, because he is too scared to deal with Kim Jong-Un by himself. Also, they got his daughter a few new business agreements in China to appease him.

Nationalism is about to set half of Globalism on fire when Putin's puppet launches a fumbled attack on Best Korea.

The EU hasn't been around for nearly as long as you seem to think it has.

Not even close. Fillon is the only good candidate.

>implying Global Warming is a settled issue

We still can't predict what the environment will look like a decade from now and the "Inconvenient Truth" turned out to be wrong on almost every major point. I don't agree with him on this stuff but goddamn most products advertising themselves as global warming prevention are total scams and governments ignore the major issue because it would require total cultural upheaval since most emissions are from waste and food production.

Seriously go look up the environmental effects of producing solar panels and tell me they are environmentally friendly.

If you want real enviro friendly changes we'd all be swapping over to nuclear power, expand the railway, subway, and bus systems and restrict civilian access to personal vehicles by making them rentals only. And ban short term plastic containers (plastic wrap and non-reusable containers).

What are some games where i can make offtopic bait threads and wait to get banned for the billionth time?

theme song

There is no logic behind that picture you just sent, as in - it's not tied to the history of the country.

+15 roubles, keep supporting a country with a 15% muslim population, high AIDS rates, high alcoholism rates, high suicide rates, corrupt as fuck government etc.

Sure is a white paradise.

>being a commie

Ya see, globalism is good for everyone.

>the most corrupt scumbag since shillary is the good guy