best girl coming through
Best girl coming through
>used goods
>best girl
>best girl
Still better than fivehead.
I know it's just a game but these opinions are probably projected into reality you guys sound like terrible people.
>tfw Shiho will never cry in your arms and tell you all about her abuse, feeling completely safe around you
why live desu
Are you implying there is anything wrong with this angel?
>Fiance is a douchebag
Haru is a perfect cinnamon roll and deserves better
Imagine how different things would've been if her fiancee was a decent person.
That's not Makoto
It takes a special kind of monster to even think anything negative about this miracle of nature.
>anything negative
Forehead's too big
Can girls bald? Cause that angle ain't doing her justice
No. Forehead's just right!
>didn't do a flip
>not even a sidequest to help her get better
Worst game -3/10. Pulling a Shiho in any future game should be legal grounds for immediate execution.
Best post. It's not like those anons will ever be loved.
haru looks so fluffy
Merely the remplacement, you mean?
best guy coming through
I'd main Kamoshida in arena 3
P5 Arena would be fucking fun now that I think about it
Fluffier than sensei?
I actually kind of hope they bring back the Boss Shadows for the fighting spin-off since the main cast can't have Shadows.
I don't know how you'd explain it though.
>Volleyball fireballs
>Side effect of despair on successful contact with volleyball
>the One Hit Ko move is him locking you in his office.
Second only to best bro and the coffee father.
>someone out there challenges the Phantom Thieves to an all out battle
>they bring back the worst of the worst in society
>Kamoshida, Kaneshiro, Okumura as their human shadow self with their Boss shadow acting as their "persona"
>spoiler bosses work similarly, except for Birdwoman.
>Loli tag team.
Best in black and blue maybe.
>Shadow Ops creates new tech using Plumes of Dusk to train new operatives
>can summon forth Shadows you're previously encountered
>big baddie steals the tech and starts wrecking shit
I just want this fucking useless group to actually do something.
>Forgetting the sun bro.
>Kamoshida, Kaneshiro, Okumura as their human shadow self with their Boss shadow acting as their "persona"
But how would that work if Okumura is dead and they all had a change of heart anyways?
2D shouldn't make me feel this way, but Haru is just too perfect.
If you give him glasses he's a dead ringer for Shu
I really like Ann.
I was surprised since I didn't expect to like her all that much. The more I learned about her character tho she became my favorite member of the cast.
What thief themed persona will Kamoshiida get in Persona 5 Golden?
Yeah she's a good girl. Didn't expect it desu
I thought she was best girl at the start, but she really dropped off my radar later.
I don't get why people are so indifferent towards Ann. She's not my favorite, but I really liked her too. As an aside, I also think it's kinda cool how Ann says she was inspired by sexy badass female villains while Haru says how she's inspired by cool heroines. I like it when characters mirror each other like that.
Shadow fakes, just like the impostors in Ultimax.
So when's the other girls birthdays?
Balding like some black chick with Shit hair extensions.
Please do not say such rude things about her.
I liked Ann but I didnt get her confidant beyond 3 because by then I had benched her and Morgana for Makoto and Yusuke.
She doesn't really give off any romance vibes and kinda stops being relevant after the first third. I think she's a good friend-girl though.
Least she isn't reporter girl
You could say she really fell for me.
it's less her character and more her confidant as a 'romance' arc and her dates in general are EXTREMLY bad from a romance standpoint. there's no build up or potential chemistry in her confidant, she just blurts she loves you if you hug her.(Makatos while also kinda eh lets you at least play date, Futaba's stress how special you are to her, Haru's let's you actually be charming and she's 'in love' with you in it regardless.)
plus you have scenes that become even weirder fi your technically dating at the time, like Ann coming tot he hotel room part.
She feels like a character that at one point wasn't meant to date you, but they realized no we can't do that or people will go nuclear so they added in her date stuff and just had nothing happen between her and Ryuji in game directly.
I like her a lot as a character and a 'person' but she really has shit to work with in terms of good romance moments unique to her.
wow rude
I feel like they should have had the brass to have Ann and Ryuji get together if that was ever a possibility. It could have been an interesting character arc.
Junpei's the only bro to ever seek out romance, but later games feel like every lady has to be available to only Protagonist-Kun.
Yup, I'm glad you noticed that too. It's incredibly fucking obvious in 5 when every female character that's not called Sae, Shiho, or Eiko can be romanced by the player character.
I'd much rather the male right hand man character be like Junpei and have his own girl then thirsty dog shit that gets dull quick.
I agree or at least have the balls to make it a potential issue (i know they don't' because of mechanics separation and story segregation, but still)
thing's like if you didn't Romance Ann by Shido's palace Ann and Ryuji hook up after an argument, or just having Ryuji talk to you in private after you start dating Ann to say like 'look i make fun of her a lot, but don't treat her badly ok?'
I think we need more social links like sojiro's where you can only get so far initially, then story progress unlocks them and change the dynamics a bit. this would at least you do scenes int he main plot to establish attraction and then let the social link be 'acting' on it
Sorry OP, that's just incorrect.
I wish they would play around more with branching story routes. Just enough to acknowledge different social links and relationship routes in the main story.
Considering that a lot of the relationship stuff isn't even voiced I don't think it would have been a huge additional effort to change up the dialogue a little more based on different character relationships.
Yeah, Junpei being kind of a perv didn't bother me as much in P3 because he has the chance to grow out of it by the end.
Ryuji just kind of acts like a creeper from time to time.
>that image
This is why I love Stupei, Ace Defective
Ironic that P3 doesn't give Junpei an actual social link, but I think he still managed to become the best bro of the series.
Honorary mention to Kanji.
What's especially irksome is P3 golden actually 'sorta' did a bit of this, the new fireworks event after the second festival Yosuke will comment on seeing you and if it's a party member both your char and her react. And Marie's derpy social link is paced along with the story somewhat because she needs to endear herself forcefully to everyone.
really it's all in the 'little' things, you don't have to do massive rewrites and entirely new scenes, just little things that having the protag say a unique yell when his 'lover' is killed in battle or just having him flash a thought to them etc can help add to the illusion.
or maybe we stop making the 'lovers' scene rank fucking 9 and make it rank 6 or something so we have actual reason o spend actual time with our 2dgf instead of ignoring them until everyone else is finished.
well p3 every SEES member was part of the fool so he technically is in a social link. it's mostly once party members became social links the social link story became entirely self contained thus can never be referenced anywhere else.
I love her thief design, but can't help being disgusted when she take off her hat at the end of the battle, her hair is fucking atrocious.
I love everything about her.
I feel like they could have made the top of her head fluffier, like Looks a bit bare without her amazing hat.
It's part of her charm.
Try not to take user shitposting to heart.
That's probably because she disappeared from the plot after the first Palace.
>Get friendzoned by Junpei as FeMC
Feels fucking bad.
>Best girl