ITT: 10/10 RTS only
ITT: 10/10 RTS only
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RTS was reduced to a shitty inferior genre the moment RTT was properly born with the release of Sudden Strike.
the top one.
Absolute masterpeice
Kill yourself
how is the port for that?
>dead shit genre
>dead shit thread
Like pottery.
I'm hungry!
>not total annihilation
I wish COH had a halo mod.
>this version of halo wars will never surface ever again
Eh, it runs on my toaster, but you can feel how it was made for consoles to begin with. But the port runs ok.
> Not TA
You had one job
WHat is this?
*blocks your path*
I wish CoH had a near-future spinoff with psuedo-realistic fun tech
You first.
COH 2142?
Personally I wish that rts/fps game Tiberium had come out.
dawn of war
AK-47s for everyone!
Barring nostalgiafagging, every other RTS pales in comparison.
>Planetary Annihilation
Fuck me.
Halo Wars
Dawn of War: Dark Crusade
I hear Supcom FA is good. I need a quick rundown on how to git gud.
Looks gorgeous. No drops or removed features
UI is bad however
Does Mechcommander count?
Yeah I'd easily pay 60 €/£/$/Kangaroos for a scifi RTS with the aesthetics of that artist.
Holy goddamn hell, blocky gaussrifle-armed infantry is such a underrated concept.
why do 2 flashbangs annihilate my army of angry mobs
Quick rundown isn't gonna cut it BUT:
Learn 2 economy. Gotta know when to build mexes, pgens, storage or more land and air factories.
Learn 2 micro. A lot of the units hard counter each other.
Salvage everything. It's a shit load of free mass.
Git gud at using build queues. You want to spend the least amount of time looking at your base as possible.
Read the Forged Alliance Forever wiki.
Good luck user, this game is deep as shit. I've played it for years now and I still suck.
But it just came out on pc?
>your bigdog-style walkers will never use sonic percussion weaponry to blast the shit out of your opponents gauss rifle infantry hiding behind instant memoryfoam cover
One of the later Tibirium games, maybe the last one. When it all went to hell.
muh dick
>tfw you played for 3 years till you learned about cybran destroyer's amphibious ability after you accidentally ordered it on ground
>tfw you play with a 2k rating guy for the lolz and see that even he doesn't know some obscure unit's name
What hard counters were you refering to?
Also, is hover-bombing bannable
This chart is so hipster. Jesus.
>generals 2 would basically been what league is to dota with generals you had to unlock with in game currency or cash, and equipment slots that were basically rune pages that boosted specific units
>also skins
im kind of glad it got canned but theres a part of me that wonders if it would have gotten big the way league did
my man
while easy to get into it was overly simplified
also only UEF had decent arty
My apostle, our scans show that you are reading this in my voice.
I used to play and mod Total A to death when it was still fresh, but I don't see the appeal of RTS genre anymore. You have RTT games that do tactics way better and grand strategy/4x games that do strategy way better.
What nice does RTS fill? The mediocre tactics and watered down strategy niche? In the past RTS was the best we got because of technical limitations, but that's not the case for over 10 years now.
Forged Alliance, while being the expansion to the predecessor, is objectively superior in all aspects vanilla, let alone on FAF
>take out all possibility for strategy
>left with a game where you just move around units
>guys we'll call it real time tactics and pretend you still need to think, those starcraft kids love microing dont they
>instant memoryfoam cover
[Angry ape noises]
Okay I guess "hard counters" isn't the exact right phrase, but for instance: A lot of vehicles don't actually have their weaponry on a turret. This means they have to rotate themselves to fire on a target (mobile artillery suffers from this). Artillery trashes slower vehicles like tanks and anti-air, but kbots and scouts move so quick they can just run under the rounds, and then Mongolian death circle the artillery without getting touched. Just a lot of little things like that that can completely kill the efficacy of a particular unit type.
Also not sure of the state of hover bombing. It was still in FAF as of like late 2015, and i haven't played with randoms in about that long.
what did he mean by this?
Oh fuck, you're right. It's Twilight.
RTT games usually have the same rudimentary level of strategy as RTS games do. In some cases, RTT games have even more strategic depth, like for example Graviteam Tactics has more strategic depth than 99% of RTS games that I know of, despite being a RTT game.
yes yes i have played both for some time
2 is just a real shift in strategies
commander rush can work
Pic very fucking related. Still an amazing game to this day.
Was HW2 any good?
>not Brandenburg/Prussia/Germany
Into the trash
>implying the walker can even get a target solution before getting shredded by pinpoint-accurate supersonig tungsten pellets bursting through everything between the gaussrifle and the target
>implying anyone worth a shit competent military uses walkers outside recon, platoon firesupport roles and suppressing low-tech independence-movement insurgents in Republic's Year of 2452
Oh, that. That type of micro led me to forgo playing 1v1 with aeon because their t1 tanks require similarly delicate babysitting.
What rating are you senpai? Share tips pls, I have much to learn!
gee i wonder if this user likes one of the 6 shitty games in the shadow realm
>TFW SpellForce 3 will be SHIT
Quickly hardening foam was used for crowd control during the Battle of Mogadishu with less than stellar effects
From what i've about it, story is mediocre and the gameplay is slightly better.
but air in SC2 is OP as vanilla FA's cybran t2 transports. shiet
Do you want RISK in your Age of Empires?
What happened with it?
I haven't read even half of the books
fuck the airfags
make every 3th unit AA and you are golden
you will still smash his economy
Yeah Aeon is fairly micro heavy, but I'm a UEF babby so idk about that lul. I hovered around ~1700, so I'm like above average I guess? Also like I said best thing to do is hit the FAF wiki. FAF is sort of its own game at this point though so keep that in mind.
supcom but for dummies like me
Well, the military deployed it in front of the Somalians, the angry mob looked at it in confusion, then waited for it to harden. Afterwards, they simply climbed over it
Is Ashes any good? I've been tempted to give it a go but I'm not sure I would care about it enough to bother.
so about the new expansions for AoE2, are they worth it? The we wuz one and the one that came after.
There's buzzing in my ear, switching comms
warcraft III, aoe2 and starcraft THAT IS ALL.
God I fucking loved this game.
Goddamn, bungie armor is so fucking gorgeous, holy fuck.
reread my post. the version on pc is the same casualized multiplayer slop they released for consoles
its good but it doesnt do anything particularly new. To me it plays like Supcom but with less strict econ management and less interesting units
anyone wanna play a 4v4 soul storm
>implying walkers aren't the best platform for cloaking devices due to their low noise output
>implying your counter-stealth heavy computing systems don't produce too much heat to avoid being targeted by orbital gravity-powered kinetic impactors
>implying gauss isn't for poor-ass north american neofeudalist microstates too backwards for smart projectile weaponry anyway
is this game worth pirating lul
No. Get FAF.
As opposed to what? They developed it for the 360 to begin with. Also the campaign isn't that bad.
>this post
really thought this out huh
>As opposed to what?
did you see the post i was replying to? check out the 10 minute demo they released years back. completely different game
You didn't ask for an explanation, user.
Runs fine
Game is ok, really really console tier though. Units are generally made of paper, it's extreme rock paper scissors save for the Scarab which is SUPER ROCK but will also never actually come out in a real game because it takes so fucking long to tech up to 3 and to build it you could just build a fuckton of other units.
Haven't played planetary annihilation but was thinking about picking it up, what's so bad about it?
what was the point of stronghold crusader extreme
>planetary annihilation
Not even funny desu. I hate the fucking kikes who made this game with a passion
man how da fug am i supposed to know what that is
If I knew I would have probly gotten whatever it was reee
I don't get what all the hate with PA was about. Something to do with expectations of the original pitch changing during development?
The final product seemed fine to me. It still has all the core functionality for RTS and it really does let you feel like you're destroying entire fucking planets. Also, I guess they could have included more non-combat oriented micromanagement, but then it would interrupt the flow of mass planetary warfare a little and you would have some players on a team not doing any fighting but focused solely on managing multiple planets' worth of economics micromanagement which doesn't sound all that fun.
Stronghold 2 is the worst stronghold game and it's the only one on that list. It's not even the most comfy stronghold game
Everything, especially the fact that instead of finishing the game they "released it" and put the rest of the shitty game into a full priced expansion.
Not sure, I think it was a rerelease/update. Larger armies, more buildings, and campaign missions.