Who is best funny scream?

who is best funny scream?
>DingDong > Chris > Matt >> Julian

I like chris's funny screams more.
I like how he tries to imitate simpsons characters

I think julian is cute

I like when Julian actually screams from fear.

Friendly reminder to report eceleb scum.

>oney streams
>chat is full of "DO FUNNY SCREAM" or "HOMER WE'RE IN [game]"

I wonder if chris regrets anything

At this point the only thing that makes me laugh is when chris talks like chris-chan.

>playing tf2 yesterday
>enter server
>kid is yelling "would you guys rather squee or xD" over and over
>continues on with those dumb rhymes
I knew his fanbase was shit but I didn't think it was this bad

DingDong is a good boy.
Having him on Sup Forums was pretty nice.

Reminder Julian is the only one that regularly lurks. Literally our guy.

jesus christ will you fcuk off

Thie left section of that image has never, ever been accurate

>comes in thread to post this
>yet we're the autists

Chris what would you do if No Man came out of the Sky

>B L A C K E D

Public bans for e-celeb shitposters > bans for e-celeb shitposters > deletion/warning for e-celeb shitposters.

probably. on sleepycast he said he feels ebarassed for people who quote dragonball p incessantly ao i imagine this is more of the sdame


You're an e-celeb.

I was just watching this the other day. God DAMN one of them triggered the fuck out of me playing mario 64. So awful.

Was it Julian? Or was he the awful one at monkey ball?

I knew user's taste was shit but I didn't think it was this bad.

Julian's thread
DingDong's thread