PC Gaming

PC Gaming

PC gaming is a meme

No real reason to buy boxed these days.

PC's have been doing digital downloads years before Sony and MS jumped on board.

>purchasing physical media
Get with the times, Grandad

>Low quality bait


I collect big box PC games. Flea markets are a dream come true.

FUCK YOU OP this thread made me ANGRY I am very MAD.

How long until this sort of shit is just an automatic permaban

>buy a physical game
>it's just a key in the box

What is the point?

>posting retail images
>during the retail apocalypse


Do any of those cases actually have discs in them?

I legit saw a PC copy of Rayman 3 in a Target recently.

The big AAA ones probably do

german pc "gaming"

>hhgregg going under
>walmart will never die

Why is this shit allowed?

All these newfag autists have no idea what sort of physical presence and artistic innovation PC games used to display on shelves.

A game like Bad Day on the Midway could be bought at a mall.

This is how the world sees PC gaming now. This is how it is.

Big AAA are usually the ones that don't, EA needs to spread their Origin dick all over.

>the memes are real

how many dvds is gta5?

This is how the world sees retail in general. Best Buy used to have an entire section of the store for video games back around N64 days, now it's two god damn shelves in the corner.

post more pc games on store shelves

I used to like physical when I was living with my parents. They had a big house and I had so much space.

Moved out and I don't have enough space for even half the shit I owned. Left most of it with them.

Shit looks nice, but digital is alot more convenient. Plus when I was packing my shit, it was the biggest pain in the ass imaginable

Seven, and you have to switch discs as the plot progresses.

Also I will actually pay money for quality photos of PC game shelves in the 90s.

>bought Warcraft 3 battle chest for $30
>now expected to buy everything separately for 40 bucks a piece
>"what the fuck why are sales down"

who the fuck swaps discs anymore

>Sims 1 and 2 eventually had semi-complete editions released
>Sims 3 is still $200+

Fucking EA.

Nah, if anything comes with a disk, it'll only be a few gigs of pre-loaded data, you will most likely still have to download most of the game after putting the disk in through whatever platform, most likely steam. Mostly due to the fact that games these days are fucking gigantic due to lazy cunts

>buy physical box
>nothing inside but a slip with a code
>code has been somehow used
>cant return item cuz its been opened

Thanks Trump.

>not including the glorious green pepper games

>physical media

>go to walmart, decide to look through the PC games
>There's a physical copy of SUPERHOT for $20

One of the few times where a russian repack is worth it.

>GTA V still at $60

Looks good

Someone give me a quick rundown on the retail apocalypse

What the fuck is wrong with Germany?

A lot



work will set you free

workhorses, the perfectly engineered wagies

The Best Buy at my mall has a large shelf for each platform.

PS3 and Vita shares one shelf. Wii U and 3DS shares another. 360 gets one shelf. PS4 and Bone gets one shelf because they're the newest consoles. PC shelf is nothing both gaming mouse, keyboards, razer headsets and graphics cards and literally zero games.

So are these games made for Germans?

What the fuck?

Big chain stores dick over small business with cheaper prices from less overhead and more efficient business model.

Online shops dick over big chain stores with cheaper prices from less overhead and more efficient business model.

Soon a very large percentage of purchased goods will be done from online and retail stores will find it harder and harder to maintain a profit.

>wanting a Sims 3 complete edition
>implying and computer would even be able to run that unoptimized piece of shit

Doesn't Germany fund video game production with the government, under the restriction that it be "educational" or realistic? And that is why they have so many yearly simulator releases?

>retail apocalypse
All PC games are sold on Steam.

Everyone who plays PC games knows about Steam.

A Steam key is an easier way to prevent piracy than some sort of invasive DRM, and so retail PC games would rather just sell the one key than have the game on a disc.

Most people have seen this, and so don't waste time with retail stores. They just buy their PC games off Steam, generally during its multiple sales.


Plus, disc-fags just order home delivery online. They don't go out in meatspace to pick up a game by hand like some kind of savage.

But do these games actually sell? I mean the government can shit out dozen of job simulator games a year, but what is even the point if you can buy a normal game like CoD or Battlefield instead of these games.

we got raped by the soviets, whats your excuse?

>all these disgusting underage digital fags

Fucking instantly what a time to be alive wow

Justice being served

> New York Taxi Die Simulation

>No Overwatch boxed
>Not even in Germany

Some of them do, but I don't know any German ones that are popular. The most popular non-aviation Simulators I know are ETS and Train Simulator. One of them is Czech and the other is from Britain.
As far as flight simulators go, every single military one I know of is Russian. They've cornered that niche. Civilian ones are mostly American.

Fuck, even Farming simulator which is reasonably popular isn't German. I don't know what the fuck Germany is doing.

>go into game store
>pc section is just steam cards and blizzard shit and maybe a call of duty from a few years ago

>But do these games actually sell?
As far as I know?
No, they do not.
However, Germany is certain that they are improving people's lifestyles by making these games available (and by banning a bunch of "problematic" games) and so they continue to do so, even if it is just a waste of money and not helping anyone.

Welcome to Government 101.

>he legit called it meatspace
I can literally smell you from beyond my monitor.

I mean look at the success of Euro Truck Simulator, even in the West.

So, probably.

is a dog

Not German, m8. I'm honestly curious, has Germany made any simulator games that sold?

>As far as I know?
>No, they do not.
EU Steam top 10 always has the whatever simulators in the top 10 when the newest edition comes out.

inb4 newfags that don't know Steam's top seller lists are regional.

>gta v is still $60

R* are some greedy Jews, lemme tell ya.

>buy physical game
>actually has a disc inside
>have to dl updates
>have dl platform
>have to make account for platform
>it just puts a digital copy of the game into your account

thank god games no longer have to have the disc in order to play the fucking game. God forbid the disc is scratched or lost. Can't play the dlc's without changing out the main game disc for the dlc disc.

My work here is done.

>buy pc game back in the day
>big ass box with thick manual, poster to make the other kids jelly and quite often extra shit thrown in

>buy pc game now
>a bunch of dvds stuffed in and a piece of paper with a cd key that renders them obsolete since it's faster to download 30 gb instead of popping in 5 dvds to install by disk

PC Gaming

What kinds of sales do these games get?

How many of these are actually made in Germany? As opposed to other countries as points out.

Apple PowerBook 180 Specs. The Apple Macintosh PowerBook 180 features a 33 MHz 68030 processor and 68882 FPU co-processor, 4 MB of RAM, either an 80 MB or 120 MB hard drive, and an internal 1.44 MB floppy drive in a compact portable case with a 9.8" grayscale active-matrix display.

ahh god old days of 4mb ram

>buy pc game now
>it's all in one app
>room is empty

>He has to swap cds every time he want to play 30 min of racing/fighting/fps online game
I don't have time for this shit, digital distribution fixed this problem age ago.

Can you imagine being a young German boy falling in love with video games and dreaming of one day growing up to make really cool video games then you realized the only video game companies in your country make soul crushingly bleak simulator games and you basically spend the rest of your life making yearly releases of the exact same game that nobody wants to play?



>Can't play the dlc's without changing out the main game disc for the dlc disc
Name one game that does this

>being this blinkered
A German boy with talent can make vidya wherever he wants. Nothing is stopping him from going next door to Poland and start working on fun vidya or sign up for a US code-farm.


naw i was just bullshitting that point. i wouldn't doubt there is such a game however.

but mostly in my experience any disc would work to start the game.

but if i could rewrite my post i'd say: Having disc swap to install and than have to dl the platforms and make an account for updates.

Nah, that doesn't sound too plausible.
Now, a young German boy falling in love with video games and dreaming of one day growing up to make really cool forklifting simulator with many different forklift types, liquid containers as cargo, with penalties for failing to obey regulations - now THAT sounds like it could actually happen.

>faster to download 30 gb instead of popping in 5 dvds
it's hell living in an area with 5-10mb download rate, I'd still buy physical my local areas stocked the shit.

Lies. Even fucking Diablo 2 don't had this shit and the game is from 2000

jesus christ man

I'm on 100 mbps and I'm not at all happy with it.

At least I'll move in my own place this summer and upgrade to 1gbps

>this is literally their entire library
XD holy fuck you cannot make this up!!!!

He could make zombie DLC for his favorite older games

>5-10mb download rate

I have that and I think it's good. I visited family recently and their internet was 1mb at its fastest.

>5-10mb download rate
>1 MB/sec
>3600 MB/hour
>9 hours to dl
How impatient would you have to be?
Honestly I'd rather leave the computer on, wait for the dl and then have it all proceed smoothly, without me having to juggle discs.

nigga what?

You don't switch discs as the game progresses. That's not how it works. That's not how any of this works.

If you buy an album on Amazon you get a physical CD as well as a DRM-free digital download. Of course that can never happen with video games because of reasons.

>have to dl updates for music

Create an account on itunes to get the exclusive uncensored version! Subscribe to our season pass for all future updates! (for the next 6 six weeks after the album is released)

Wait, blood?
Absolutely haram - zombies will need to become robots and blood must be changed to oil

I'd unironically play a survival sim in which you have to use a forklifter to rek robots

>DOTA 2 at 90

I'm fucking triggered.

>brick and mortar store

if these actually taught how to operate machinery i would be interested in at least spending some hours learning the basics

This is why I was never fond of PC gaming, even though I have a decent rig myself.

You can't really have a physical collection with it.

That's where you're wrong kiddo.

Me and my gf were super into Sims 3 in college. Every single Sims 3 pack had an actual disc, from the base game to the dlc/expansions, including the stupid little furniture addons. I was fairly impressed..

even though i posted it im still triggered at the fact Dota 2 is 90

Maybe that'll teach you to stop taking metacritic garbage seriously. Who am I kidding, you're gonna keep on relying on Metacritic for your opinions aren't you?

Honestly never understood this

Maybe I'm too "normie" but as long as my games won't disappear (I'm absolutely sure they won't) I only care about the cheapest/most convenient option

>Posting exclusives as if they're a good thing
>Using critic scores
I shiggy diggy

Goddamn. It takes me an hour to download 30gb now. 10 years ago, 20gb took me a whole day.

not really?