ITT chaos you've caused
ITT chaos you've caused
Other urls found in this thread:
I made a thread that said Bloodborne was shit.
This one hurt the most. Most of the romances you have to start on your own, but she basically tells you you are the love of her life no matter what you do, and you have to reject her straight up. It hurt bad.
I start a lot of filename threads
Typical negro simulator.
i'm not ok with this
i knew not to trust a nigger
Just a few minutes ago. She ratted on me and the chat flipped the fuck out.
is this you by any chance?
>fire rocket launcher at car in Crackdown
>chassis arcs through the air and lands on me
is that second life? can you rape people on there?
Yes and Yes.
I was lurking in church freaking the pedophile rpers out and I unintentionally triggered the preggo rper. They accused me of violating her.
Kill yourself, underage retard.
absolute savage burn from this madlad
Laughing my ass off!
Never fucking knew you could even romance that bitch.
Who would even, look at her massive head.
I bought the totem.
I really need to get out more in SL and find the people like this. What are some good places to look for weirdos?
Anywhere. It's fucking secondlife.
No you didn't.
Use search and go to events. Thats how I found the church.
Nah, most places are empty, full of boring people, or full of people try hard to be cool.
I'll try more events, I suppose. Never thought to check churches though.
Is that you britbong?
It's just like going to any of the populated sims, touch n go on what you'll find. like I'm at a poetry reading but I don't think theres much lulz to be had here ... cant even read a bad poem because the current reader is beating me to it.
Sometimes just open world map and start click where you see people. You can go awhile until you find some fun if you're looking for butthurt people.
No, I'm not any of the streamers. Brit was in his discord though and will be streaming later today.
He's short enough, that's for sure
His name is manlet tears you dumb newfag.
>Mayor McGoddamn Cheese
This dumb bitch has a poem complaining about America causing immigrants to bail to Canada. how they have to sneak into Canada because they would be turned away at the border. She's bitching about America not wanting the immigrants ... but doesn't say anything negative about Canada not wanting them. dafuq ... how are people this stupid?
Canada is heavily romanticized in America by people who don't know what Canada is really like.
When everyone claimed they were going to run to Canada if Trump was Elected, Canada put out in the news that they weren't Welcome. If you weren't a Doctor or a Lawyer then you weren't likely to find a job. And you have to have a job to move to Canada. You can't just move there like you would from state to state in the US. Its hard to be this ignorant about shit when even the news reported Canada telling people to stay the fuck out.
heh, they didnt like the porn sounds I played
>Romanticized by Americans
Never ever
shut up manlet-worshipper
Theres a pole that endlessly respawns if you just barely nudge it in BF4's test range
..and after a long time of doing that.
I need to start another Long War campaign
Doing bradford proud son
not me but I used to love doing the same thing
They're merely pretending.
>you werent wearing a real womb
>PCancers actually screencap "chaos" and piles of dead bodies they created
Fucking grown ass obese grease schoolshooting manchildren
Yeah, they have wombs you add to your avatar where your character actually carries a growing baby around.
The worse part is it wasn't her clit that made her realize I was checking under her dress it was the fucking belly itself.
Sayonara, 5 head
golden sun
gotta try this one
What in the fuck possesses someone to make something like this?
A furry named Jasdac stockholm made a game called fright which is essentially hide and go rape mixed with capture the flag
Predator finds and rapes as many people as they can, prey tries to find the treasure and return it to spawn
He also made more in depth RPGs based around rape and molestation in sl
Neat stuff
>Helped perpetuate 'brony' at the height of my autism in late 2010
I'm so sorry
Its over it was a few hours ago. But there's another church holding an sermon in 30 mins.
Roleplayers wanting complete and utter immersion. I don't get it myself. I just have fun exploring and causing mischief. There are some wombs where you can click on the baby and sit on them and that's what I was looking for.
speaking of SL
It's okay. I accidentally started Sonic the Hedgehog fan fiction.
bloodborne was good.
the souls games were shit.
American liberals*
>Canada is a perfect utopia, we should be like them
>No I don't want to move there lol
I miss messing with the people trying to actually play games in SL. It's rare to find them these days. Most of the games are dead beyond boardgames and everyone is just socializing.
I feel like such a dumbass for having high hopes for this game.
Almost all games in SL at its peak were horrible or just broken or awkward anyway. It was never a very good platform for in-game games.
There was a fun mmo in sl called darklife
yeah it was janky but the novelty of playing an mmo in an mmo made it fun
Is that the DUST mod? Their faces look familiar.
This one just caused itself
Pretty much, they were all rushes. Niche creators lost interest after making things. plus to have room you gotta cross over several sims and it causes lag/glitches.
I just opened up gtavo for the first time in over a year
still complete cancer
>people unironically suggesting people BUY SHARK CARDS
>people still randomly killing you for taking kills during jobs/heists
>still getting kicked from lobbies for existing
>I only PvP, if you spawn you're pvping too, crowd still strong as fuck
>bloodborne was shit
>souls was shit
Fixd friendo
Aforementioned rape games work pretty well, Game of thongs, Bare, Tentacles in space, Fright are all solid with an active player base
TiS not so much because the guy stopped making shit for it
It honestly doesn't surprise me that the sex games work well. There's so much money that comes from the erotica market that its only logical.
Here's the next church sermon in 10 mins, it's a LGBT Church too.
Fucking hell thats hilarious. How did it get out there?
probably prodded it there which would have taken a while
>still no NPCs
I'm mad
Hey that church was pretty profitable for some fun. I managed to make all the underage rpers leave except 1 without even saying anything to them. I accidentally touched the preggos belly which triggered her. And I still didn't get banned from the sim.
This is fucking surreal
what's the name of the place, i'd love to show up and furfag the place up
W2D is such a good chaos game
the fact you can just keep calling in cops and gangs to fight each other while you keep launching cars at people and the cops keep arresting innocents is way too funny
That ones closed but come to this sermon, there's more people than the gay church.
Fellow user was there to witness the preggo bitches freak out. They tried to make fun of them for rping as a "doll" ... while being preggo rpers.
incoming gay wolf
Shit the bitch is already suspicious ...
I'd go but I have no human avatars
I always play clown in SS13.
Fuck yeah!
Here's a good look at whats happening
>not playing chef
>not breaking into chemistry
>not making mindbreaker and injecting it into hamburgers made out of Ian and PunPun
There's another furry and a tiger rper in here, you should be fine.
Did they kick you for being too sexy?