Is there is reason at all to buy a Saturn?
Is there is reason at all to buy a Saturn?
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Emulation is spotty. If you get some mod for it, it's worth it.
yup :)
If you can read Japanese and have some way to pirate games, go for it.
This game looks pretty cool, I bet it's rare though.
yeah, its one of the rarest saturn games. SEGA released extremely limited quantities because they wanted everyone to ignore the saturn ever happening and focus everyones attention to the dreamcast.
>tfw my dad had this game and the console but gave it away to some poor african kid
I would be born, if only he knew, I fucking love panzer dragoon and I'd love to actually have the original copy.
Here is the thing
Pretty much any console is worth owning if you have money and you know japanese, best would be if you lived in Japan.
And both Saturn and Dreamcast are pretty much best consoles you can have depending on your taste in gaming.
Good but overrated game because of the """m-muh rare game""" hipster
Bough the game when I was in Japan for 10$ and it was enjoyable, but I just laugh now when I see resellers putting up over 300$ price tag for it especially when the game is 15 hours long at most.
From what I've played on my JP saturn:
Sakura Taisen 1/2
Virtual on
Panzer Dragoon 1+2
Layer Section
Puyo Puyo
The list goes on, there's so many games for it.
Ikaruga is the first and foremost reason to own one, but I fail to see how it could compete with the Saturn in terms of library.
>A Gamecube game is the first and foremost reason to own a Dreamcast game
the console is an amazing arcade machine. It has a few good gems, and obscure games.
For example, if you can read japanese, your RPG library opens a lot. Also, for the obvious reason, you can play Panzer Dragoon Saga, a magical game and just for itself, a reason to own the console
Both consoles have tons of arcade games, usually DC ports were either arcade perfect or had additional content making it even better.
Usually any Saturn port was worse except for 2D fighters.
Like I said, it depends on the taste but both consoles have some good RPGs, adventure games and visual novels etc.
If you like Sega then both have great games to offer.
Speaks loads of the Dreamcast.
I managed to snag mine for $90 back in 2009 in a used CD/movie shop.
Depends on who your favorite Nep is.
While the Dreamcast benefited of being almost identical to the main Sega arcade hardware at the time, the Saturn was pretty impressive in the right hands.
Also remember that the most faithful arcade port of Daytona USA is a Saturn game, even if japan exclusive. The 2D capabilities were brilliant, and they were used more on the Saturn, enabling many of its games to age better.
unironically prefer it over the n64
Is there a way to use PseudoSaturn without relinquishing the memory card functions of the Action Replay?
Yeah, you can just use a regular memory card instead.
Doesn't that wear down on the Saturn's memory card slot quite a bit? If not, then I guess that'd be the best avenue
What do you mean?
I don't use pseudosaturn but I take out my memory card each time I stop playing for over 10 years and it still works fine.
Lots of people say the cart slot is very fragile and can easily wear out, NES-toaster-style.
This. I bought a "brand new" one (it was still in all its original packaging and shit but IDK) and the only games it had that were exclusive were Japenese dating sims. The only good game it has is Duke Nukem and its not even an exclusive. returned that shit so fast not even funny.
Do you also believe in Jewish lies?
It's basically the same.
100% yes
It isn't all that good honestly
No, but the Ar cart's memory manager isn't too reliable.
Better buy a watch battery and restore the internal memory. Use an official memory cart to store your saves, you don't need to transfer the saves to the backup cart everyday, can do it every couples months or so.
You can still the the other 4M extra RAM of the ARcart with the pseudo.
If you don't like Platformers or Nintendo games the N64 is pretty horrible. Personally it's my least favorite Nintendo console due to its lack of shmups, RPGs and Metroid.
It's worth playing. Not worth the price it goes for. What makes it interesting is that there isn't much out there like it.
I actually have a copy. Would gladly see it devalued from a remake or something. I want someone to be inspired by it and make something better from its foundation.
imo rare pretty much saved the n64
It has the best game of 5th gen though.
Saturn is my favorite console tan and Nep a SHIT
Best rail shooter of all time*
Poor game. Don't recommend it.
I have a copy too, and i would like more people to be able to play it
Nah, that would be Sin and Punishment 2.
Other than pointer controls, nah
Great game though