What went wrong?

What went wrong?

No one outside of Japan cares about it.

played the first one, its boring as fuck. it just makes you wish you were playing pokemon instead.

the battle system is mind numbingly brainless. Everything outside the fighting is fun but cant make up for that shit battle system.

It tried to fight Pokemon and lost completely.

The game is kinda dull, but the anime dub is one of my favorite anime in a years.

People fell for the 'it's like Pokemon but shit' meme. I almost did, too. It's too bad, because it's a fantastic game that does a lot of things better than Pokemon.

Yokai aren't as well designed as Pokémon. Not as visual appealing.

The monsters don't have sex appeal

One of them is literally a succubus who 'keeps you awake all night so you can have 'fun'.'

>Jay walk
>Literally get told off for jay walking in game

if a jinx rip off is the sexiest you got, the series is doomed

You get jumped for crossing the road normally, too.

There's quite a few sexy boys

Its so good, I haven't laughed at a cartoon this hard for years. I love all the Komasan shorts.

Nintendo thought it was gonna be the new pokemon and put all its marketing money behind

Unfortunately it was only the new Pokemon in Japland

I mean, its not a bad game by any means and is fun to play but you have to be fucking delusional to think its gonna do pokemon numbers in the west

Obviously you haven't seen all the shota-kai.

Being better than pokemon.

Amerifats literally sabotage the game

not enough ghost blowjobs from Whisper

How RNG-based it can be.
Even with Popularity, Heart Orbs, and top tier food it can take WAY too many tries to capture a yo-kai.
I remembering spending nearly 3 hours for one of the A-tier ones.
Nips may love that shit, but that shit just doesn't fly in EU & especially NA

Bullshit capture rates. Good games otherwise though