Now that the dust has settled, what's the verdict?

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It has charm to it in the sense that it's something new and refreshing, but taken on its own merits it's not that much better than battlEAfront

It has charm to it in the sense that it's something new and refresging, but taken on its own merits it's not that much better than battlEAfront

it's shit

Care to elaborate on that?

Bored to fuck with it, won't give EA more shekels for DLC so I'm finished!

they should have just remastered bad company 2

>muh Bad Company 2
Babby's first battlefield game. You probably played it on 360, but even if you didn't...
1942 was better.
2 was better.
Hell, even 2142 was better in some ways.

Bad Company 2 is the most overrated game in the series though

1942 was my first. But i guess bc2 was just more memorable for me. but out of all battlefield games I like 3 best

it's shit.

why would I waste my time on a game that doesn't have half the content BF3 or BF4?

Because it's better than 3 and 4

Map design is linear as fuck and more often than not leads to one team completely steamrolling the other.
Vehicles in general are pretty broken, tanks especially.
Sniper sweet spots are obnoxious.
The playerbase is absolutely fucking retarded and you can never trust someone to do something simple.
The conquest ticket system is complete ass and results in comebacks being practically impossible.
Operations and the close combat gameplay in general is complete fucking cancer because of grenade and overall explosive spam.
All the arab maps are mediocre or downright bad.

Other than that its fine. The gunplay is great, weapon balancing is overall decent and the game is audio visually one of the best ever made.
But yeah, those flaws are bigger than the pros really. The game can be very fun with the right circumstances but the way its going now is that people just zerg around in a big clump and constantly cap flags while the other team does the same. On maps where thats not possible, one team gains an advantage 2 minutes in and them steamrolls through to the end.
Maps like Suez especially play like complete crap 90% of the time.

Don't expect people to give in depth answers though, Sup Forums hates the game because muh black people

I bought it about 2 weeks ago. I played a good amount of BF4 as well.

Overall I would say it is just ok. It certainly has the potential to get better with more DLC.

no vehicles spawn on map/10
fuck dice for finally listening to the retards who play with people who camp the vehicle spawns

I see. Thanks user.

except it isn't? there's no jets, helis, map and weapon variety, It's literally a barebones game.

Ww1 is trash

Modern or ww2 setting is the best

Paywalling huge content, delivering minimum product day 1, obnoxious devs behind millions of dollars worth of funding and only produce a rehash with no excitement.

How are you pretending 3 was good?

The maps were so shit the only thing people played on their was operation metro

It's fun.
Better than Battlefront or the last 2 battlefield games, but not as good as BC2 or prior

1 I'd better than 3, no doubt. But that doesn't mean 1 is anything impressive. Simply being better than 3 is a low bar.

Oh, and the game is still glitchy as balls, the UI is still slow as fuck and the DLC model is cancer.

If you're going to play it, play it on a high end PC or PS4 Pro. That's the only way to get the best experience out of it and even then it's just alright.
Still better than infinite warfare.

>DLC model is cancer

Been the same shit since 3 doe

>How are you pretending 3 was good?

I had fun with 3, while 4 felt completely redundant. I'd rather have 2143 than going back to WWI.

In terms of nu-battlefield
BC2 > BF4 > BF3 > Battlefront > 1 > Hardline

I bought it after last playing BF1942

I couldn't believe how much I hated it. Everything about it is a meat grinder. Someone is always spawning 10 seconds to the side of or behind you. There is no sense of working your way across a map to an objective, it's just deathmatch on a big map.

1942 was so great and they've gone backwards every game since it. I just can't fathom how.

4 had objectively better maps than 3 though

>go up against a guy 1v1
>already know hes coming because I can hear his footsteps or I can see him spotted
>I start shooting and in the 0.5 seconds that it takes to kill him he presses R1 and because greande animations are instant in this game, I still die despite my superior positioning, skill and map knowledge

This is the biggest reason why the close quarters combat has been complete garbage from release up until now. There is practically no reason not to use up your grenades (which are numerous for some reason) right when you spawn on infantry focused maps.

Grenade timers are getting fixed but still, it has been really bad up until now. People don't even bother shooting you because they know they will more than likely loose, so they throw grenades point blank and then start shooting. Its a completely risk free tactic and it has ruined any close engagement up until now.



It's one of the better clusterfuck games I've played. You have to take your mind out of the hyper sweaty mindset to really enjoy it. In a way it reminds me of Halo Reach and Modern Warfare 2 in how arcadey it is.

If you can appreciate it like that, then you'll have fun. That's not to say the game isn't tremendously flawed, it is, but it can be fun.


Ruined it by lessening the player count for rush mode

Fun but casual/low skill ceiling, it will be dead shortly after Battlefront 2.

3 is the worst in the serie maybe with 4( i don't play it)

>the gunplay is great
>highest random spread of any battlefield to date

Nah man, you have shit taste. CSGO babies need to off themselves.

>kill enemy in front of me
>start reloading
>mid way through, 2 seconds after the first guy has died, another one spawns on his corpse
>because of the spawn animation, he knows exactly where I am, where to shoot at and what to do.
>for me he pops out of thin air

>flag A is being attacked
>spawn on it
>spawn 100 meters from flag A, 50 meters from flag B

>flag A is being attacked
>spawn on flag A
>I spawn behind the attacking enemy lines, get 8+ kills before anyone even knows I'm there

>flag A is being attacked
>spawn on flag A
>spawn INSIDE an enemy tank
>get insta road killed

>try to spawn on a friendly tank
>before the counter goes to zero, someone else already fills the seat
>game has to pause and notify me that the spot is full for a full 5 seconds before letting me do anything else

>spawn in a tank at the beginning of the match
>somehow don't get the tanker kit
>thus I am unable to self repair myself

>try to spawn in a tank at the beginning of the match
>don't get it, choose a horse instead
>for some reason I have the tanker kit now and thus dont have the cavalry weapons or extra armor

>spawn in a plane/tank at the beginning of the match
>don't get any ammunition
>the gunner seats don't get any ammunition

How can you fuck up a spawn system this fucking hard.

doesnt have that many weapons. Honestly they should have gone for ww2 instead

This. Wasted potential.

some of my biggest gripes with BF1 are:
they advertised it with being historically accurate. which it is not.
they tried to make the singleplayer story "deep" by starting you off with the segment that mentions the name of every soldier you die as. only to later have you mowing down Germans like fucking Rambo.
but lets put that aside because few people buy battlefield for the singleplayer.
the multiplayer suffers from quite a few problems.
-Team balance is almost non-existent and the same goes for teamscrambling. this means you will end up with matches where one team is getting steamrolled, and it's going to be the same on the next map because the team scrambling sucks. I guess they added in the Behemoths to counteract the steamrolling of teams but it does really help that much, because the behemoth is only able to be at 1 point in the map, it gets destroyed rather quickly and it's usually controlled by retarded teammates.
-Tanks and other armored vehicles are really important, much more than the previous games. This in turn means that you are relying on your teammates to survive. The problem with this is that because the tanks are much stronger in this game, you will have people who just sit at the edge of the map in tanks and shoot at the enemies, instead of helping cap points, and there is a limit to how many tanks you can have, so your team is pretty much gimped.
-The netcode or netsmoothing or what ever it's called also creates some problems in the game. ie. when you meet an enemy and he starts sidestepping like a madman, which makes him 10 times harder to hit, because the game doesn't register the hits propperly.
-Hitboxes for the terrain is also quite a big problem in my opinion. some items will have rater big visual holes in them, big enough for you to think that you can shoot through them, but they count as solid objects, and you can thus not fire through them, this is especially relevant when going prone near rocks or rocky terrain features.

>it will be dead shortly after Battlefront 2.


Battlefield 4 outlived Battlefront

Battlefront is actually garbage

Why did it have to be WW1? Couldn't they've just gone with the usual modern warfare trite?

Yeah the campaign was trash. The gunplay was lacking as well. Instead of recoil they made it so bullets would go randomly in an attempt at balance.
And the historical innacuracy poor. They should have just gone with WW2.

they added a vaulting system that fucks up on almost everything, so you end up humping the fucking rocks you are trying to crawl over.

It's popularity stems entirely from it being something new and unique.
People are sick and tired of the futuristic advanced mobility shit.

For this same reason, COD WWII is going to blow it out of the water and steal its playerbase

>i have no squads to play with
>why is a team based game shit

Half your complaints are about playing with shitters

It's BF3 with a skin, they had a chance to make a BF unique but revealed what we already knew that EA just want the same game every year reskinned (like Call of Duty).

I was interested until I saw all those nig-nogs in German uniforms and then checked out. I'll give it this much though it's still better than Battlefront

I think the most damning thing you could say about the game is that on normal rules you technically have infinite grenades. If you throw yours you have to wait like 30+ seconds and you magically have another. Grenade spam is king.

Almost 110 bucks in this game, level 45 I think. Got OW in December for 32 and I'm level 174.

>they advertised it with being historically accurate. which it is not.
lmao what
Oh, so you would rather have the BF3 - BF4 type meta where microbursting and just clicking really fast trumps everything?

The weapons and the spread model does what it should very well - it practically forces you to seek out situations and engagements where your weapon is best suited.
Say, rushing in flags with an LMG in previous BF games was completely fine. In BF1, the SMGs are hilariously better.
In previous BF games, you could snipe people from 200 meters with well placed burst fire from assault rifles or even pistols

Randomness isn't bad.

BF3 and 4 were better.

>It's popularity stems entirely from it being something new and unique.

Wrong, battlefield has been popular since 3

People don't care about cod unless it's made by Treyarch, watch the WW2 still won't outsell BO3

I have a squad to play with, I do not have an entire team of friends though. this means random people are going to get some if not all of the vehicles, which are critical if you want to be victorious.

sjw nigger tongue my anus

BF3 was a shit game

BF4 was broken for 2 FUCKING years

>using "meta" unironically

it's 6/10 at best.

Apart from suppression being the worst its ever been, sniper sweet spots and close quarters being more explosives than gunplay oriented - the gunplay is the best in the series honestly.

The weapon pool isn't overly massive anymore and for good reason. Every weapon controls like its own thing, and the argument that "b-b-but BF4 had much more customization on top of the sheer number of weapons" is misguided because at the end of the day only one attachment setup was ever worth it. On top of that, there was never any reason to use 90% of the weapons in the game.

While this might be true for the scout class and partly the medic class, the gun balancing and gunplay is very good for the other classes.

Thats it?
Thats the argument you came up with?

Why even bother trying to argue about something if you're ignorant or even unable to actually argue about something.
This is why discussing battlefield on Sup Forums is a waste of time at best, no one truly understands the mechanics and what makes the games bad or not.

The medic guns are all shit. It's the worst. It's like being forced to play with DMRs only in BF4 with huge recoil. All I ever want to use is iron-sighted bolt action guns, and they only give you one.

>they advertised it with being historically accurate
[citation needed]

pretty good tbf

I do not like it. They tried to go into the WWI aspect but tried to keep the modern feel by adding a plethora of semi auto and full auto guns. It does not work. It does not feel like a WWI or even WWII game. It feels like a Battlefield 4 game with weapons from the 1930's. The campaign was alright at best, if they didn't try to make all the campaigns fucking Rambo solo missions it would have great. The story material was there, they just did a shit job conveying any real feeling in a short period of time. Not to mention that because you have a fucking RAMBO solo mission in every story line it fucking kills the whole WWI feel to it.
Everyone that plays online is an idiot. I can get a few friends and make a squad, do on par teamwork, and win every match while being on top every fucking time. It actually got boring, we would win so much that there was nothing exciting to do. Flying airplanes is boring. Driving tanks is boring. Driving boats is boring. I never use vehicles because I never have fun in them. They took out all the tech that made the previous Battlefield games fun and sometimes quirky, but they didn't add anything back in. They should have amped up the destructibility and added artillery strikes. They should have made more bolt action weapons for all classes. And they needed to make the maps more focused on the limited tech that was in the game, it feels way too much like Battlefield 3 or 4 maps that had more vehicles and full auto weapons. It feels exactly what EA thought would sell.

sweeper, cei-rigotti and selbstlader are all fine though user.
8. 35 is a one of the best guns in the game if you consider pure killing power
And the auto revolver is pretty much the best handgun in the game.
Medic is fine.

>All I ever want to use is iron-sighted bolt action guns, and they only give you one.
SMLE, 98, 95, Lebel and Russian all have infantry, iron sight variants user.

The fuck?

>thinks I even consider my own post an argument

You know, I never say a game is bad. I always say "I don't like it"

you forgot the Lebel from the DLC.

>iron sights being a variant, not the standard

Then why did you respond at all?
Did you think that le ebin reaction pic was somehow funny or something?

I did say the lebel though
Then play back to basics servers.

>I did say the lebel though
damn, well fuck my reading capabilities. sorry.

No, I mean in medic. I don't like to play scout all the time.

Because I think anyone who debates about "metas" and boring ass shit in games (especially shooters) like DPS is a retard.

And yeah I thought it was funny. Deal with it. Here have another one.

Well then...
Cei-rigotti, Mondragon, Selbtslader, 1907 SL, 1906 and Autoloading 8. 35 all have iron sight variants.

Just level up the class and unlock the weapons, theres not just "one" iron sight weapon.

Then why are you even here?
Don't answer, I like shitposting too and being an obnoxious prick as much as the next guy, I understand the urge.

Mediocre IMO. It had a potential given its setting, but they made it extremely generic. Map design is not very conducive to anything but run n' gun. The decision to make France "extra content" in a fucking World War 1 game is disgraceful.

And the most gameplay-killing aspect to me is the vehicles. They're broken just like in all the other recent Battlefield games, but it's worse because their spawn rate has been slashed to hell. At least in games like Battlefield 4, the overpowered vehicles were offset somewhat since vehicles spawned relatively quickly and you could fight back. And that's not even mentioning the availability of anti-vehicle weapons in 4, whereas they're a fucking joke for the most part in 1.

My problem with all of these weapons are that they usually have two of the following issues:
A. Have huge recoil
B. Have tiny ammo capacity
C. Are inaccurate as fuck

>Don't answer

Ok I won't

Mondragon Storm or Selbstlader Factory.

>A. Have huge recoil
So learn to control that recoil.
Be sure to remove bayonets too because the increase the recoil
>B. Have tiny ammo capacity
10 rounds on the rigotti or mondragon is more than enough to kill 2 or even 3 opponents in a short time.
Selbstlader has 26 rounds and the 8.35 extended has 17
Also the 5 round variants are some of the most powerful, if not the most powerful weapons in the game if we're talking straight up killing power. They're what we call Skill Cannons since you need to be good to do well with them - but if you do well with them, you do really well.
>C. Are inaccurate as fuck
Sounds like you're just inexperienced and want COD style hitscan weapons across the map.
Throw in some time with the 10 round variants and you'll be shitting on people in no time. With classes like the medic, support and scout its more important to pick your engagements instead of engaging anyone you see.
An assault player rushing in your building with a shotgun is a similar situation to a scout 300 meters away - don't engage them and just get away from their line of sight.

niggers and jews

Asking Sup Forums about battlefield is pointless at best. No one except a very select few here actually play the series thoroughly, follow patches, do research and truly understand the mechanics and what worked and what didn't.

Not to mention Sup Forums is casual as fuck.

It's fun but sadly DLC maps are already empty

Not on ps4.

Way better than 4 that's for sure

Retards actually confuse 4's ten thousand grips that change recoil by 0.25 in one direction "content"

German Nigger

Battlefield 4 offers a whole lot more variety and content than Battlefront does, that's why a game that's almost 4 years old can last longer than one that's less than 1 and a half.


It should have been a ww2 game if it's going to play like one anyway.

Sold my origin account (only bf1) after 100 hours, yes its a piece of shit. Probaly the 2nd worst AAA battlefield game


BF1 could have been the best shooter on console for years to come if they would have focused on WW2 or Korea or Vietnam, instead they arbitrarily decide to make a WW1 game and then strip if of everything that made WW1 unique. The game's fun but it pisses me off at every turn.

I personally think this game is great, but I have 300 hours in it.

typical, shit-tier gameplay we all know and "love" since BF3
cool setting, superb atmosphere, bugs en masse, surprisingly good optimization, casualized beyond salvation, extremely good audio
but above all this stands the shitty gameplay

Pretty fun, too many niggers

poor balance pendulum swinging with 5 nerfs at once when something is slightly "overpowered"*

*unless it's pilots, pilots are always underpowered, nerf AA again, 5 nerfs per patch is never enough, pilots are the most skilled players and the most skilled playstyle, they deserve 80 kills per match because they're awesome, they shouldn't be allowed to die because if they die then maybe someone else will get in a plane and waste being a pilot when they're no 80 kills picking off dudes on the corner of the map tier

isnt it already pretty dead on pc?
Had a hard time finding Hardcore servers

>but the way its going now is that people just zerg around in a big clump and constantly cap flags while the other team does the same.
This is one of my biggest gripes with the game.
The general lack of teamwork and the design of the maps is pretty much everyone running around in circles.