Seriously, how the fuck do I stop munching on whatever I can find when playing vidya
Seriously, how the fuck do I stop munching on whatever I can find when playing vidya
You're a stupid Poopey face.
Think about all the times Chad insulted you in front of your crush because you are fat.
Use chewing gum instead
Willpower I guess?
Maybe stand up while you play
Quit picking it up and opening your mouth.
move the food away from the vidya
Go vegan
Drink water. Still getting munchies? Drink more water.
I only keep one day's worth of food at home so I know if I munch I'll have to not eat for 12 hours.
Drink beer and smoke dope
Do squats, push ups and bars between loading screens
>This is how deluded vegans are
Nope. There are no mental gymnastics. We eat animals because they are delicious just like many animals would eat us if they could.
chew a tooth pick or put a stress ball under your foot. what works for me is constantly drinking coffee.
chew gum
Invite some friends over to share your food so that you only end up eating a fraction of it :^)
If you like being a scrawny, loudmouth faggot who just can't shut up.
you really want those (you)'s don't (you)
keep munching and start lifting
this is it, lad
>getting your controllers/keyboard and mouse dirty
absolutely disgusting
how the fuck do you even eat while gaming? i always have to take a break for snacks and then wash my hands before getting back to it. are you some kind of slob?
Eat less than 1500 calories per day.
Munch all you want but never go above 1500 calories.
You can count, can't you?