>playing Chrono Trigger
>not beating this faggy little whiners shit in
Only pussies let him live. He was such a bitch.

Other urls found in this thread:


no one cares about your garbage indie retro game.

>woe is me
>my sister died
>my life was ruined
>let me fix this by murdering thousands

nigger, what are you on about?

>he didn't take Magus to Cyrus's grave
>he didn't take Magus to Ozzie's Fort
>he didn't take Magus to the Zeal fight
I'm sorry you haven't experienced Chrono Trigger to the fullest.

I've played this a dozen times or more over the years. Only thing I don't remember is Cyrus' grave. What happens?

Fuck off, no one cares about your fucking indie developer game trying to act like some classic Final Fantasy title.

Fucking sick of hearing about this garbage ass Chrono Trigger title. You faggots want to play a real classic play one, stop supporting these garbage ass indie developers.

Damn, that's some fuckin' thick trolling, user.


>Indie game.



I don't recall anything happening when you do the sidequest involving Cyrus and having Magus in your party.

I think a few words are exchanged at best.

I don't see the problem with that logic?

only pussies kill him over some dumbass sense of morality.
>b-but he killed video game characters :(
he was fucking useful to your party are you gay or something

Schala didn't die, though.

Died? Bitch she was flat out manipulated into doing what she was doing by her Mom, the Queen. If you played the newest version of the game on DS, she and Lavos combined into the Dream Devourer.

Dream Devourer was also a boss in Chrono Cross.

She suffered a fate worse than death

Hold on, isn't Chrono Trigger on SNES? I'm pretty sure I played it on an emulator years ago.

Plus to be fair, he was sent far into the future and left alone in the middle of the woods. I'd say some of his actions are somewhat justified.

Time travel.

>killing him doesn't restore Frog's body immediately so you can play the rest of the game as Glen with bizarre frog-like powers


SNES, PS1, and DS. Amazon is still selling DS copies for cheap if you want one in factory seal.

but he has great spells and good stats

You think being sent to the future accidentally justifies murdering as many people as possible during that time period?

this wouldve been interesting.
if restoring frog to his human form would give him totally different abilities but powerful enough to be on par with Magus. So you're essentially choosing between 2 very powerful party members.

I wish it were 1999

>using Robo ever

lol what the fuck nigga

God this whole site is the same shit over and over FUCK


Considering what his overall endgame was, killing a few thousand to save the planet? Yes.

To get what he wants, yes. He was raised by Ozzie in a time that people were warring with monsters. He's entirely justified.

Not my pic. Playing the DS version. Just wanted something to emphasize that particular part in the game.

God this whole site is the same shit over and over FUCK

>not using Robo

Shit taste senpai

Fuck off nigger, he is powerful enough to be part of the team, also he is cool as balls.

Except for the fucking leather protection in the crotch, that looks stupid

I hope you bitched in a Persona thread beforehand.

Fuckin' delusional.

He didn't have to kill anyone to get what he wanted. He could have done what would eventually happen in the game where the fiends became friendly to the humans. He was strong enough to do that on his own.

Of course. Killing Lavos was necessary, otherwise the future would be doomed, sacrificing some thousands of people in the Middle Ages for that seems like a small price to pay to safeguard the future.
Besides, if Magus managed to defeat Lavos in Antiquity then the future would change. Not forgetting Ozzie was the one most interested on destroying mankind, Magus only cares about defeating Lavos.

Fuckin' delusional.

Fuckin' delusional.

That was mostly the work of Ozzie, not Magus. Magus was serving his own ends to summon Lavos to get revenge for what happened.

Yeah, his actions were justified.

>Killing Lavos was necessary
Killing everyone else wasn't.

>not soloing the game with its strongest character

So you could prevent 9/11 or invest in Apple?

Regarding the war itself, it was Ozzie, Flea, and Slash that did most of the work. Ozzie was the biggest reason for the war itself and manipulated Magus.

Why does every face Toriyama draws look the same?

You never see anything of the sort that makes it look like it was a means to an end. All he had to do was summon Lavos.

Nigga please. No one manipulates Magus, most especially that fat fuckin' moron.

He didn't give a shit about the future, he only wanted revenge.

There is literally no reason not to do both.

And? It was still a method available for him. Why is that even an issue?
Their lifes were put to a somewhat good cause.

Shut up Magus you fuckin linkin park listening farmer

Magus was raised by Ozzie. I'd think it's safe to say being manipulated by the person who raised you is certainly a good possibility.

>You never see anything of the sort that makes it look like it was a means to an end. All he had to do was summon Lavos.

You played the SNES version didn't you? It wasn't made clear due to translation and localization issues.


Because that is his trademark

And i like it

I was going with the day of Lavos but that'd be good
My uncle actually invested a grand in apple when the first iPod came out and then sold it after it doubled

lol, kill a bunch of people that have nothing to do with your ultimate goal? wtf are you on? He was having a power trip because he was a cunt even when he was young.

Well I don't, so stop.

he was trying to stop lavos though. and he is great in battle

Which is why I said Magus only cared about defeating Lavos in my post.
The "Killing Lavos to save the future" argument might not be Magus's intentions but it would be a consequence, so it isn't invalid to mention it. We don't judge people by their motivations, but by the results of their actions.

>You played the SNES version didn't you
Played it back in the day. Playing the DS version now. Just about to res Crono. Didn't read anything that gave him a motive to be a douchebag.

fuckin' delusional

Call toriyama right now and tell him

Who's to say Magus actually did kill anyone? He even tells Ozzie when you confront him in the sidequest that Ozzie was just means to an end for Magus. Ozzie gets angry and sends Slash and Flea to attack.

>not having Vegeta in your party
I knew this site had gone to hell, but hot damn you people are really trying to go further beyond.


You cannot force your shit taste in everything.

I always killed him, but I haven't played this in years.

Can I find his email information anywhere online?
Should I mail a letter?
But I have to try.

dragon quest will keep having the best character and monster designs and there is nothing you can do about it

Ok good point


It's implied that he killed many people during the war. He was the leader and responsible for most everything that happened. He also killed Cyrus. If Ozzie was the one doing all the killing, they would have said so instead of saying it was Magus.

Remember that guy that sent his copy of Starfox for the SNES through the mail to Japan, directly to Nintendo? They sent it back and Miyamoto signed it.


Already got 9 before you, but thanks for the 10th.


You're trying too hard man

>he can become a playable party member
Why kill him off?

Amano FF games already beat it.

But saving him means you get another partner, a really good fucking partner. Why would you kill that off for some worthless pendant you nigger?

It's only implied. I will give you that, and yes, Cyrus was wounded by Magus in-game but that's all I recall. Aside from that, it's only implied he did anything else. I think Ozzie and his two butt buddies did almost all the work.

So Frog can turn back to Glenn in the end

>worthless pendant
>need it to unlock the door to get the Epoch
>need it to unlock the various chests dotted across the game

I could think of a few.

Namely shit like how do I know some dumb jackass who was working that day and got killed wouldn't have killed me in a drunk driving incident if he'd survived

Before your able to time travel what do you think stop Magus from summoning Lavos?

>lol, kill a bunch of people that have nothing to do with your ultimate goal?

They were going to be used to defeat Lavos. So what if they had nothing to do with it? We don't have anything to do with most ways the the government uses our money and yet this doesn't mean we aren't being useful.

You don't blame the soldier, you blame the man in charge. There may have been hostility between the humans and fiends before hand, but Magus was the one that made them attack and almost destroy the kingdom.

Cyrus was struck and then set on fire by Magus. He would have killed Glenn if it wasn't for Ozzie recommending they turn him in to a frog.

Then why was Frog so pissed off at Magus and not Ozzie?
When you beat Ozzie, Frog doesn't say Cyrus has been avenged, it's not until you beat Magus Frog claims Cyrus was avenged.

It was stated in various parts of the game that people thought Magus was summoning Lavos to help destroy the world.

Because he canonically survived

>playing Chrono Trigger

Only if i wanted to fall asleep.

Ozzie wasn't a soldier though. It's clear he had every intent on killing humans from the start.

Even if Magus wasn't in the picture, who's to say Ozzie and the others couldn't have still been a threat? All Magus wanted to do was get revenge on Lavos.

I think Frog holds far more resentment towards Magus and not Ozzie since he was turned into a frog by Magus. The only reason he was, was due to a comment made by Ozzie. That's about it.

And thrust into a different period of time as well. And when he traveled time he landed in the monster village. It probably started out as a quest to rid the world of the monsters and just evolved to fuck it, they all suck. Kill everybody..

>playing Chrono Trigger
Just play Cross instead.

Chrono Cross Magil is not the same as Radical Dreamers Magil

I don't know if Square would have been able to make him different enough from Chrono for that to work

How can I play something that doesn't even exist?

Appearing as a little blonde girl in chrono cross

Why becoming human again would make him stronger?
If anything, that should make him weaker. He will lose his frog powers.

>Ozzie wasn't a soldier though
He was under the command of Magus. That makes him a soldier by extension. Even a general still has to report to someone.

The main time line is the one where Magus gets sent to 600. It doesn't matter if Ozzie would have done it without him. Magus was still there and still took over, so you would never see what Ozzie would have done until Magus was removed. They don't really go over how it happened, but the humans do eventually beat Magus... or maybe not. Maybe it's all convoluted as fuck and implied that Magus would eventually get beat by time travelers somehow. No one knows what happened to Magus during the primary timeline where you aren't involved in his downfall.