I just begun a sims 3 game and decided to post the stuff here.
Sims 3
How about you have us roll for your decisions? It would be pretty interesting.
kinda interested, but if you include this bump
i am almost done with the sim, dubs decides his name
user, I...
Gassy Pablete
I dont even know the meaning of this word lol
no one is gonna get dubs m8 just name him Samus
>dubs on Sup Forums
name him nigga
Bolsonaro Pablete it is!
choose this one op
Can you post a screenshot every post?
And make it a specific number to roll, like, say 5.
Sup Forums, meet Bolsonaro Pablete!
Can we roll for appearances?
If 4 you make a sim who looks like pic related.
sorry, sim's been made
Cool, so now what?
The house.
god I don't remember sims 3 to be this awful looking
Wow, man.
Are you playing in the lowest setting?
i'm playing at a (somewhat) low resolution in windowed for pictures. you can click the picture to expand it if that helps
Sims3 is probably the ugliest sims game
I completely agree.
good house
I'm workin on it :P
He is playing on ultra low settings. Here's a screenshot I took the other day.
here, have my settings.
No one actually gives a shit what your settings are, but you should have started this thread with some sort of gameplay plan and house made already.
>that floating head
How do you play as that floating head?
Her body disappeared when she got pregnant for some reason.
havent fully furnished the house yet, whoever rolls a 9 gets to decide carpet color for the living room, hallway, and dining room.
>living room
neon pink
>dining room
pitch black
>living room, hallway, and dining room.
orange, white, pink
i'm giving this 10 minutes for someone to roll.
also, bump.
i did somewhat of a mix between and for my floor colors.
i already named him.
>OP creates a thread that tenaciously clings to existence. The posts are anaemic and sorely lacking in timeliness and content.
Way to go, OP. You're a fag as usual. What a dumpy thread.
t. jair bolsonaro