Best indie games of all time

"Like, I played it before it was popular" type of shit.

Other urls found in this thread:

Its fucking great

This is one of the best games ever made

Knytt Stories and Within a Deep Forest, both by Nifflas.


>playing Swedish games


Yume Nikki is really inspirational.


this tbqh
cave story is GOAT material



CS sequel fucking WHEN

Hollow Knight is the best game released this year. It's better than Super Metroid.

Knytt Stories is fucking excellent, if only because there are like, fifty thousand levels.

Hopefully never

Cave Story is one of the few true masterpieces of vidya. Kero Blaster is good too.

As far as low budget indies go, this one is the best and also the only good one.

But I also kind of enjoyed Crazy Power Disc because I like Windjammers.

it is in the sense it is incredibly simplistic yet incredibly clever and effective at creating its own unique atmosphere and world


Here you go, mate.

Scratched my metroid itch something fierce. I hope the guy does a sequel.

Is Shovel Knight indie?

Reminder that AV was made by ONE GUY

Release when?

Hollow Knight is insanely good given the budget and size of the team. My only complaints with it are that the endgame content is a bit rough and that Geo becomes kind of worthless past midgame. By the time I found the storeroom key I was sitting on literally 20k and I suck ass at the game, I die all the time.

It's really nice that I keep forgetting this exists then come back to see a new level's been released.

Iji just got a big new update after seven years. More pacifist options, more endings, more obtuse secrets and conditional events.

Hyper Princess Pitch is by the same guy and is also pretty fucking dope.

Too bad the creator left the internet forever.

Yes, Shovel Knight is indie.


Reverie Under the Moonlight is short and sweet.

I remember being really impressed by Hyper Light Drifter but when the game released the reception was very mixed. Can someone tell me why, and what went wrong?

>Iji just got a big new update
You're kidding. Wish I knew that before I wasted my Saturday.

What makes CS so special? Character wise was barely memorable.

The reoccurring Sup Forums threads are a testament to how good this is.

This and FTL have game design that puts most AAA games to shame.

It was mostly barely memorable, I don't get the praise.
Only reason I remember it is Sup Forums talking about it and the porn.
One of the greatest games ever made? Seriously?

kill yourself indie samefag, Hollow Knight is simplistic horseshit

Short and samey. It reminds me of Superhot in some ways. Undeniably stylish, a fun toy to play with for a couple hours, but just doesn't really develop in a very interesting way. It costs more than Hollow Knight, a game 5-10 times as long.

t. couldnt beat hornet

Alright I'll give it a shot. Should I play with controller or keyboard?

I wouldn't say Hornet is the casual filter. I think the game's nonlinearity and harder platforming segments does that plenty.

Donkey Kong bongos

>RoR2/Remake never


Whichever you're most comfortable with. The game recommends a gamepad but I was just fine with the keyboard and mouse.


There's no story. He dropped off the internet for a couple of years after the game, resurfaced in time for the manga, and after it turned out to be mediocre he dropped off again for good.

Are you guys looking forward to the ((($40))) physical release of Cave Story+, again?


I hate it when companies put a gun to my head and force me to buy things.

Guess I'll start with a controller, thanks.

>Iji Update
What the FUCK? Alright, I guess, I'm willing to pick this game back up. It's a good game. I love the Tasen and Komato voice lines.


>[tasen elite death groan]

I fucking hate Nicalis' translation of CS. The original Aeon Genesis translation is so much better.

This was my goat. I'm a MotherFag who loved the weird world and story. This was a game I wanted to see a sequel from. Not with those characters, but set in the world.

My list of goat indie games
>Shovel Knight (All DLCs as well)
>Risk of Rain
>Cave Story
>Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth (fuck +)
>Paper's Please
>Dust force
>Rouge Legacy

I'm also into pixel shit


I like Niko
He is a cute character.


So has Shovel Knight usurped Cave Story's role as king of indie games?

I mean, Shovel Knight has been in literally more indie games than any other character at this point, and actually has his own Amiibo. And people have moved on from Cave Story at this point.

>watch deceased crab
>play la mulana classic and cavestory literally before they were popular

I'm not cool anymore.

Shovel Knight just wanted to be a fun classic game. Plus, all the other DLC knight games were goat.


Endlessly underrated

>a new popular game is receiving more attention than a old popular game
Really puts things into perspective.

>iji update
>record scratch

What the fuck

I played Minecraft before Notch ever posted about it on Sup Forums.

>nobody still played this


You mean back when it really WAS crap? When worlds corrupted for no reason and there were like 5 different blocks?

Why did you post this random girl's picture?

Yeah, he posted it on some obscure indie game forum I followed before Sup Forums ever got hold of it.

Cave Story was the first and best indie game (in the sense we use the word "indie" today). It's iconic, vastly influential, and impressive in scope and scale to this day. It's also innovative, despite its retro stylings - the approach to story and gameplay is very different from the titles that the graphics emulate.

Shovel Knight is a perfect distillation of NES platformers. It's charming, beautiful, and extremely fun. Ultimately, it's just a retread of the past: an exercise in nostalgia that refines rather than striking new ground. Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing is entirely subjective.

do you even need to ask at this point?

Nah its up there next to Cave Story, but hasn't surpassed it. I'd call it the prince of indies.

Also Shantae Half-Baked Hero shouldn't even be in the same picture with the other two.

Does Notch still remember Sup Forums? How Sup Forums literally turned him into a billionaire despite his endless vacation days?

Yes. I hope La Mulana 2 is just as great

iji is bad

real bad

Sup Forums made him famous, but Reddit made him a billionaire. I don't think he has the capacity to look back fondly on all the shit he was getting when he was still here, especially when he struck platinum the moment he left.

ITT: we dont know what game design means

This game fucking sucks. It is literal weeb shit. I tried but the graphics are ass, the music is meh, the gameplay isn't that great, and the story is weeb shit. There is no excuse for this trash

Man, i remember the minecraft threads. They were actually great, people finding new patterns, cool caves and creating stories. That will never happen in this shit place ever again.

Right after it v actually died.

Mite b both, I don't remember.

What's wrong with Shantae?

My personal GOTY 2017 and I don't like point n click games.


>It's also innovative, despite its retro stylings - the approach to story and gameplay is very different from the titles that the graphics emulate.
Because it wasn't given 'retro stylings' to look retro, it looks that way because at the time a 320x240 tile-based platformer was the extent of Pixel's programming ability. He worked on it over multiple years since the 90's and learned to code from a roommate in college.

There's an ongoing war against open-world games right now because it's seen as lazy game design. We still have Dorf Fort and roguelites.

>Nah its up there next to Cave Story, but hasn't surpassed it.

>has literally over 3 times the content, multiple cameos, and is even more iconic than Quote and still hasn't surpassed it
What conditions does it take to usurp Cave Story?

All indie games suck; kill yourselves pseuds

I have 40 minutes in it. It was fun for a bit.

You might belong on /soc/.

Legitimately in my top 5 video games. Yume Nikki is incredible.

Undertale unironically was one of the best indie games of all times before it got popular.

>Best indie games thread
>90% post metroidvanias
>metroidvania is officially pinnacle of modern game design

I don't agree with your opinion, but I'm interested in why you think that.

>Implying content is all that matters
Apples and Oranges. Cave Story was made by 1 dude with no budget before indie games were a popular thing to do. Shovel Knight was made by a team of developers with millions of dollars.

When I think of Cave Story, I think about all the games that have been influenced by it.

When I think of Shovel Knight, I think of all the games that it was influenced BY. It's a mishmash of a lot of beloved games done extremely well, but it's not all that original.

Stardew Valley

wish there would be more comfy games like that

Surrounding fanbase has zero objective effect on a game's quiality.

It's okay at best. It doesn't do anything groundbreaking and stuff it apes from other games are done better by other titles. It's fine if you like titties and decent platforming, but shovel knight and cave story are on another level.