So now that the dust has settled, should I give bioware another chance, Sup Forums...

So now that the dust has settled, should I give bioware another chance, Sup Forums? Is there any enjoyment to be derived from this game at all?

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No, and now that they're going to touch Kotor3 this is the best moment to run away for good.

Could you go into a little bit more detail? I'm asking for a friend haha

it's a fun game. better than P5. most of the people trashing it haven't even played it.


And if you plan to pirate it, know that the unpatched version that is cracked is unstable as fuck.
Not because the crack is faulty, but because the game was coded by a single pajeet who has not slept in 5 years.


How's the space exploration and the combat?

space exploration is as tedious as the other games but the combat is really fun and deep.

The exploration is just Inquisition IN SPACE.
The combat has some novelty due to the increased mobility but overall it gets really old, really fast. The enemies are really spongy and the least tedious way to play is just go vanguard and melee the shit out of everything.
Which would be fun if melee weapons didn't have a single animations that looks really awkward when spammed.

I have played it and it's complete shit ,the characters are unlikable and the guy/girl you play with is even more unlikable ,the gun play is so mediocre nothing special at all,only good thing about this game are the graphics.

Anyone else find it retarded that you go to Kadara fucking Port unarmored and in your casual wear in the actual game?

Even a 22 year old Pathfinder shouldn't be retarded enough to go meet a violently racist warlord with no armor whatsoever.

Honestly, the only place where the casual wear "makes sense" is on the Tempest and the Nexus.

It looks ridiculously on Kadara, Aya, etc. that you run around in a t-shirt and pants while EVERYONE else even merchants/guards are strapped to the teeth with armor/weapons.

I get the notion of being diplomatic, but you can still wear armor and have Ryder not look like a flamboyant fucking faggot half the time in conversation.

this garbage was made by bioware montreal, not bioware edmonton aka the actual studio that made the ME and DA trilogies

edmonton has an new IP coming up next march, if you want to give Bioware another chance, check this IP out, but not MEA

>not bioware edmonton aka the actual studio that made the ME and DA trilogies
I'm pretty sure not even that is still the same studio that made those games. Most of the people who made them already left.

>if you want to give Bioware another chance
They've blown too many chances already, they don't deserve another.

Why does Sup Forums give rockstar a free pass on making ugly characters?

Because Sup Forums plays GTA for fucking shit up while they play ME to date their favorite waifu. Appearances aren't as important in a game where the only time you look in depth at someone's face is when you're looking at them through a scope.

No one actually commended Nico's design. He was an unlikable cunt with an ugly mug.

false ,niko looks like a human and bioware's character looks like diarrhea.

Only thing decent is the multiplayer and that's only if you like horde modes. Even then it's kind of a laggy mess sometimes.

not even MP can save the game in its current state

weapons have retarded bloom and are underpowered as fuck, save for snipers
same for powers: cooldowns that last an eternity for abysmal combo damage

Sounds like you just need to git gud.

Buy NieR:Automata instead, faggot.

it's a PvE game fuck face, there is no getting good at it because you can't be bad
only way to enjoy gold right now is firebase zero/outlaw with vanquisher/blackwidow and that shit gets old quickly

Finished the first two planets and called it quits. Don't even bother pirating, its so disappointing. I tried giving it the benefit of the doubt but everything is so half baked.

Menus are unintuitive
Map is awful
Sidequests bug out constantly
Combat is restrictive
Squadmates are pointless
Music isn't interesting
Majority of characters are bland
Movement feels bad out of combat
Moving from planet to planet takes unbelievably too much time
Dialog choices don't matter
Animations are what they are

There are so many good games out right now ME:A doesn't deserve your time.

Its better than 3, but it tried its best not to be.

>Explorstion from ME1 returns, but limited to story planets.
>New vehicles can't shoot or jump
>Squadmates are somewhat interesting but loyalty missions are incredibly short
>No karma because new galaxy, so you determime how things go.
Personally I liked this better than karma
>Combat more refined, can switch between classes
>Can romance a female turian or angaran, but none of the characters are interesting enough
>Sara is autismo
>Horrible animations

It was okay.

>There are so many good games out right now
name 3

>Why does Sup Forums give rockstar a free pass on making ugly characters?
Niko is supposed to be ugly, you dumb shit, he's some hardened criminal nto a model. Why do retards put zero effort in their bait?

Neir, Hollow knight Zelda, Persona5, Nioh, Horizon. Just the ones I've liked this year.


fun game

playing it right now
its not worth your time, nor your money
its plain garbage, 65/100

That's a pass, I'm buying.

I'm not sure I mind loyalty missions being short, given I've only done Liam's at this point, but his at least seemed to have an interesting gimmick that didn't overstay its welcome. Are the rest of them even shorter than that/all as combat focused?

>hurr durr im so funny cuz im edgy and acting dumb, cuz i think im actually a lot smarter than i pretend to be

gotta say though, that 65/100 is pretty generous and should be taken as an ign-score or summink like that.
personally, id give it 3/10, only for the grafics (animations and mobs not included) and the pace of combat (AI terrible, difficulty only affects hp/dmg)

>hurr durr im so funny cuz im edgy and acting dumb, cuz i think im actually a lot smarter than i pretend to be

Bad day, huh?

Is this gaym an improvement over Inquisition or not?
Whatss it better/worse at?

>Bad day, huh?
its sunday and i already said i played that terrible game i paid money for ...
so actually yeah you got me

It's aggressively mediocre, but you might extract some entertainment from it. I was getting really sick of it until I romanced Vetra, and the writing of that romance was just good enough to give the last few main missions of the game some emotional heft and pulled the whole experience out of a tailspin for me.

I think 6/10 is a good rating for it. Play it if you want, but try not to waste too much time on pointless sidequests.

ive had the feeling its only pretending to be a game, but in reality, its like talking to a vegan femnazi
youve got no real options in dialog and it might be polished, but if you look behind the curtains or actually listen/watch that shit, its outright terrible.
I loved ME 1&2 and even in 3, i didnt skip a single line in my first playthrough. me:a is completly different: i started skippig that shit about 2 hours in, cuz its so awfully written, its just embarrassing. the pacing is bad, the sidequests are, i dont have to tell you about the animations that look like the old Team Fortress 2 animations from 12 year olds.

if you really want to play it, pirate it
dont give biovirus and electronic shame any more money.

Didn't even finish it before getting bored.

Shit game. Shit guns. Shit characters. Shit plot.

>better than 3
kill yourself

>giving biowarEA another chance

>after overtly flipping everybody the bird during ME3

I hope they get buried along with their artistic integrity so I can figuratively piss on the grave

Why do I need to pay 60 dollars to extract some semblance of entertainment from a blatantly subpar video game, might I ask?

I got bored around the ice planet.

both were bad
but me3s biggest problems were caused by the fact that it was the third game of a series.
andromeda just made everything (except many objectmodels) wrong

Haha here's your half assed game goY's. Don't forget to pay $40 for the dlc.

To pass the time until death.

Also, you can fuck a turian girl. Your call.

>scores start at 4/10 because I'm retarded
65/100 isn't terrible, user.
Mass Effect Andromeda is terrible.

The broken animations are unforgivable
I still can't believe they got through with it, or that people actually fucking defended the end game result

>you can watch a shit short cut scene of romance directed by a group of sjw and anti-white racists

Let me get my wallet

>People on Sup Forums are such edgy contrarian they will actively defend Andromeda and trash Breath of the Wild the next moment
>Not even 7/10's, just completely disregard the game

Andromeda is complete ass and Breath of the Wild is overrated, 7/10 sounds about right.

>scores start at 4/10 because I'm retarded
yeah, thats basically what i meant with 'ign-scores'
a score you can compare to others from magazines (who all get paid or free games from the developer, to get better ratings)

>Mass Effect Andromeda is terrible
true that. in rare occasions its fun though, else id given it a solid 5/100

Typical laundry list bullshit that's prevalent in modern open-world games
Actually better than the originals IMO, it's far more mobile

I mean, it's a decent comedy game. Would play if I needed a good laugh.

>hasn't played the game

But its attempts at comedy are fucking atrocious, all of it is like something from some millennial's twitter feed

I wasn't talking about the jokes, user




So your score is in fact 25/100.
Because scoring starts at 0, no matter how much reviewer cock developers suck.

Still struggling with it because after all the hours I put in it it'd feel wrong to just uninstall it.
Don't do it it's a piece of shit.

You must've seen the graphics and the animations already.
Combat might seem interesting at first but it gets really dull real fast.
The writing is atrocious, like worse than anything I could've imagined.
Quest design is the worst though. Quests are designed to make you want to pull your hair out. It's one thing that they're all boring copy pasted MMO shit, but they drag on and on an on and you spend more time looking at area transition animations than actually doing them.
>get quest
>talk to person for 10 secs
>talk to other person in other solar system for another 10 secs
>talk to yet another person in another solar system for 10 secs
>scan stuff in in other solar system
>scan more stuff in yet another solar system
>return to solar system you've already been to
>kill some raiders / kett / remnant
>quest done, is never mentioned again
^this is how 90% of them play out. The rest is
>hey Ryder there's something important i need to talk to you about, come see me at location that's 5 loading screens away from here
>go there
>Ryder, so, uh, do you think we'll win?
>k just checking

i decided to check out some random walkthrough footage of the game, jumped to the scene at about 1:17:40 and it's immediately apparent how amateurish and shitty the facial animations are

really kills the immersion and makes the characters feel creepy to watch

It's been a fun experience with a fun new squad and new MC. Of course nothing like ME1-3 but not as bad as Sup Forums say.

For me it's a 8/10. Of course played with Scott.

my bad this is the video

The EXTENDED sequences between solar systems and whenever ANY spacetravel is done at all is a pain in the ass and terrible design (If I pull out my phone to browse Sup Forums while playing the "planet scanning" minigame, things might take far too long).

I will say the combat hasn't really gotten boring yet, maybe because I'm trying to get the achievements associated with the powers while I'm playing, or maybe because I frequently swap out profiles when things stop being super interesting, but combat still feels pretty satisfying.

The good sidequests are the ones that have things to do, or that are just on the same planet. Honestly, anything that you have to travel between systems for seems to be less well written it seems.

yup, thats pretty much the problem
it gets points for running

I got so mad at a quest that I had to type it all down to warn people not to play this PoS.
The quest is called Contagion.


One of the medical techs on the human Ark hacked the Andromeda entry screening system to get her terminally ill aunt on board. Her disease has three stages. In stage one it has symptomps similar to stasis sickness (so the medical staff won’t suspect anything’s wrong with her), in stage two the victim becomes paranoid and irrational (so she goes crazy and steals a shuttle), in stage three it turns into a deadly, incurable, cross-species airborne virus that can wipe out everyone on the station to give the quest some gravity.

You interrogate the doctor who woke her up. I wanted to be thorough so I tried to exhaust all conversation options. The bottom option was to ask about the nephew’s whereabouts, but because I chose another option first, the option to ask about the nephew disappears. Nevertheless the quest continues with the doctor suggesting that you ask around for the aunt.

You start asking around where the aunt went. After talking to like five people (all on different maps of the station) you find out she went to the spaceport. A spaceport official tells you that she saw her but she didn’t know where she went. At this point SAM tells you that she can magically look into the past and recreate auntie’s image as she walked around on the station. You start wandering around and at random places the scanner brings up the image of auntie walking in a random direction.


After finding all the scannable areas you’re led back to the same place where you talked to the spaceport officer, except now there’s a wounded mechanic sitting on a bench right next to her, meaning you’re hot on Auntie’s trail. The mechanic tells you that she snuck up on him, hit him in the head and stole the shuttle he was working on. Luckily, while he fell he accidentally burned the hull of the shuttle with his welder, so the shuttle will leave a detectable radiation trail.

You get on the Tempest (fastest ship the Initiative has) and start following the radiation trail Auntie’s shuttle left. Despite the fact that she’s flying a damaged shuttle and you’re sitting on the fastest vessel in the galaxy, this leads to a chase through four or five different star systems (basically you’re going from system to system looking for a spot you can launch a probe at) before you find out she’s bound for Kadara.

You land on Kadara and find her crashed shuttle. On the shuttle you find an audio log explaining that in her final hours Auntie came back to her senses, so she decided she’ll an hero by crashing her stolen shuttle into the planet a few hundred meters away from the human settlement.

Unfortunately she survives the crash. As another audio log tells you, the bad angara found her and took her captive. You follow the aliens to their base (in gameplay terms you get in your car, then get out every hundred meters to scan for their footprints then get back to your car again and proceed like this until you find their base).
You shoot the bad aliens, Ryder warns his team to stay back because SAM can only protect him from the virus. It’s never explained how an AI communication implant can protect you from viruses and your followers will follow you everywhere anyway.


The door to Auntie’s room is locked so you start looking around. You find out from a datapad that the aliens somehow identified a deadly disease from another galaxy and aim to turn Auntie into a biological weapon to unleash against the Milky Way species. Another wave of hostile aliens is dropped on top of your head. One of them accidentally spawned on top of a neighboring hill and refused to move so I had to jetpack all the way there and kill him so I could proceed with the quest.

You finally get into the room where Auntie’s held at gunpoint by a bad alien. Sam informs you that the bad alien has a vial of the virus on him, although it’s a contaminated sample and not guaranteed to work. The alien threatens to kill the already terminally ill Auntie if you don’t let him leave. At this point you can choose between letting him go with the virus sample or telling him that you’re not letting him go, at which points he shoots Auntie and turns hostile.
I picked the second one. Ryder responds with a ’Noooo!’ and the quests ends, never to be brought up again.

Someone should really make a video walkthrough of this.

>in gameplay terms you get in your car, then get out every hundred meters to scan for their footprints then get back to your car again and proceed like this until you find their base
And biodrones drag on Witcher senses when this is the alternative they get.
Jesus that quest sounds like the absolute worst.

Do you remember the sidequest with the first murder in andromeda?
>'in justice, there is never just black and white!'
>exile him or pardon him
wow, just wow

>Your MC will look off because they fucked up his build all the way from the neck and down.
>If you pick any face outside of the premade default one you will look fuck ugly and fucked up during facial animation.
>You are useless, people in the game only like you because you got a super computer that does all the work
>Uninteresting/bland teammates
>Action is shit since the enemies are too retarded to maneuver the field
>You feel lonely since your teammates are useless
>Quest outside the citadel 2.0 are fetch quests
>The story planets are already colonized
>Only two new alien race if you discount random alien dogs
>Story is rehashed trash
>No roleplaying since all choices will lead to one choice that is the same discounting three moments you pick left or right, which is being a little dick or being mr nice
>Your MC acts like a pussy
>Lore rape
>Gay Krogans and genderfluids aliens do not presume sex cisscum pig
>SJW shit everywhere
>Broken animation
>Human facial expression are horrid
>VA is shit

at least you had a choice with that one.
did you find milky way exiles who poisoned the angara because they sold them water at exorbitant prices?

you can only choose how you tell them that you've decided to shoot them all

Annoying since you have to hold to loot and enemy variety is lacking and battles lacks tension since you can jump everywhere while the enemies are mostly too dumb to match your mobility.

It's like someone at Bioware said
>remember that thing everyone hated about TW3? let's do that but make it even worse!
At least with the Geralt-o-vision you're not reduced to crawling around on foot with a reduced FoV.

not yet i think, but im just skipping the dialog atm, except for the mainquest cuz its just way too embarrassing

you had no real choice - exile him for a crime he didnt commit or free him, even though he is a criminal

>hold to loot
More like hold to do everything.
All the doors on Kadara spaceport take 4 seconds to open. Literally. You have to stop and keep E pressed for four seconds at every door.

buying all that old games on, to ensure that they get enough funds to facefuck biowares Mass Effect: Facioplegia completly with their new scifi game

I'll be blunt about this. I'm not part of the Sup Forums hivemind when it comes to Bioware. I LOVE Mass Effect 2, and I really enjoyed Dragon Age: Inquisition, despite it's faults. I was also at the time, quick to defend Bioware ME:A during it's development. I say this, so that when I say no, you should not give Bioware another chance, you know I mean it.

Mass Effect: Andromeda is inexcusably disappointing. Nobody in the right mind should continue to give Bioware another chance after this. We're at the point now we're the vast majority of staff that made Bioware great in the past, are gone now. Hell, we even had the OG staff present when EA took over, and even they couldn't save the company. So what chance does Bioware have now that they're all gone?

But calling them Bioware at this point is disingenuous. They're not Bioware. They're a sub-division of EA that just happen to carry the Bioware name, but make no mistake, they're just EA now. They've lost the faith and trust of their fans and the masses, they've ruined all their franchises with ToR, DA:I and ME3/ME:A, and all their key staff that made them great are gone. On top of that they're owned by EA, who we know for a fact will dismantle the company any year now, and absorb them.

Nobody should still be clinging on to hope that Bioware will come back at this point, especially since we now have CDprojektRed, who has done a great job filling the void in the WRpg world.

>their new scifi game

Cyberpunk 2077, Release probably 2020
not many details out yet

i think CP77 is pretty well funded already

What for it to go on sale that's what I did for ME 1-3 and I had fun

>I can pay 60 dollars to watch an awkwardly voice acted and poorly written digital alien female fuck a poorly written and amaturely animated human when I can just watch the shit on youtube for free

SFM animators in their free time animate better than bioware, this ks a fact, you pathetic virgin bastard. Fucking aliens is all you mass effect fans care about. God you're pathetic

this. well said user

Would you play ME:A if it had a modern rendering of Miranda?

>Sup Forums unironically likes ME3 now

Jesus you people

a little bit more cash wont hurt them,. but ye


ME2 was the best one and the last game that felt like bioware

>ME3 could have been about Shepard frantically gathering resources to build worldships and conduct guerilla raids against reaper outposts
>successful ending would be Shepard seeing off the worldships to another galaxy, thereby seamlessly setting up ME:A
>Shepard and crew could then heroically have a last stand against the reapers

Instead we got this

When a game is so bad you don't want to pirate it.

It's over for them. "We" gave Konami so much flack but at least Konami has the ability to bounce back. Well if Konami did bounce back I'm sure we would open our hands again. Can't say the same about EAware.

The shift is happening and it's happening fast.

Have you seen the women in ME:A? Every single one of them save the Turian chick was battered, beaten and bruised with the ugly stick. Miranda's face might need a little work but next to those troglodytes she's practically a supermodel.

he's meant to be an ugly slav though

gun play is kinda satisfying, everything else about the game is either mediocre or trash.

played through it once just so i can said i did, then i uninstalled it.

pirated it of course.