>Persona 5 sold the most in burger
Persona 6 is gonna have a fat black transgender protagonist, is only gonna be 10 hours long with no cutscenes, will take place in an american college, and will be an ARPG.
This is what happens when you don't import.
Persona 5 sold the most in burger
>That P6 description
Jesus OP, I think I'm going to be sick...
no, westerners wont be tricked into buying this archaic shit again.
>a game sells well so they're gonna change everything about it
Really makes me think.
Japs aren't as stupid as you
>this faggot again
fuck off already underage faggot
They're going to pander to their biggest audience to max profits. Look at Final Fantasy.
only an underage fag would enjoy this game for it's repetitive gameplay and retarded writing.
Pretty sure all the console personas sold better in America
you're an idiot. Atlus does not give two shits about their western fans. Persona 6 will be structured exactly like the last three games and we'll still get it 6 months after the Nips like always.
>Current way of doing things suceeds abroad
>Completely change way of doing things because of this
except underage burgers have very short attention spans and need to games to be super fast pace and have no story
they didn't
>1.5 million
Is that a lot for Persona?
no, the americans who bought it are all weaboos not tumblrinas and atlus knows that.
That's alot for any jap stuff in general
i'd rather have no story than the "HURRRRRRRRR ADULTS IS BAD" shit in this game.
it's happened before
>sold the most in the biggest market
almonds are activated
that's a lot for any game, period.
>Thinking the west has any impact on what japanese games do.
How full of yourself do you have to believe your country is that important?
because you're an underage
the most normalfag burgers bought it and complain about it being offensive
Persona was always a very niche game, 3 and 4 got a little more screen time due to the amount of versions
it's huge for any nip game that isn't final fantasy and it's enormous for a persona game
>no cutscenes
Great. Finally, a Persona game I might actually bother to complete.
I'd appreciate a persona that went back to having adults on the cast. 2 was pretty alright in that regard.
Explain FF15 and MGS5.
Its not just best selling persona but also the best selling atlus game I'm pretty sure.
>Atlus is selling cigarettes to our youth
Those sick fucks.
Studio Trigger made that western trash because of americans
It feature once again in Glorious Nippon, fuck off.
Kojima is a westaboo
stop, just go play your western garbage and leave japanese games alone
>We are absolutely in agreement that the protection of the rights of women in Japan is important. On the other hand, we think it should be carefully and seriously evaluated whether the measures taken to ensure those protections are valid ones or not. If we are asked to consider whether “Protecting Women’s Rights in Japan” requires us to “Ban the Sale of Manga and Video Games Depicting Sexual Violence,” then we must reply that that is an absolute “no.”
“Reasons for Our Opinion:
“Reason #1 – The so-called sexual violence in manga and video games is a made-up thing and as such does not threaten the rights of actual people; therefore, it is meaningless in protecting the rights of women.
“Reason #2 – In Japan, and especially when it comes to manga, these are creative fields that women themselves cultivated and worked hard by their own hand to create careers for themselves. If we were to “ban the sale of manga that includes sexual violence,” it would do the opposite and instead create a new avenue of sexism toward women.”
well it's pretty easy to explain
-ff15 managed to pull it off thanks to western fantasy, and is regarded as one of the worst mainline FF to this day
-mgs was always western due to kojima being a terminal westaboo to the point of trying to grow a beard when it's a symbol of filth in japan
Stop being so triggered by anime and fuck off to reddit
Final fantasy 15 and Metal Gear Solid 5 were made on purpose to have a more "westerner" look, mong. Especially the metal gear series.
there is literally nothing wrong with being trans
the fuck? i'm saying the series is going to be ruined because of burgers
go back
but he is right
the problem in games is that they have to be attention whores shoving their trait in everyone's face
Except for the fact that it's never gonna happen and yours is just a shitposting/SJW boogeyman thread #074602760267.
Read this, although it's just a piece of the full official translated document.
I meant to link you to this
can burgers literally just stop?
>implying atlus is square enix
yeah nah.
>Persona 5 sold the most in burger
No it didn't. Sales in total between America and Europe brought the overall sales to 1.5 million we don't know how much of that is in America but it sold through a million or so units in Japan alone since its release in September.
Persona 4 also sold over a million worldwide
Wrong on both accounts. The first Persona game sold more. P5 is just the fastest selling game in the franchise.
it sold around 600k in japan, not a million
and p5 sold more than the first one
I'd take that so Atlus have what they need for a Raidou game
That's a pretty retarded way to interpret the story. Were you dropped on your head as a child?
where are you getting these numbers from exactly, google told me it only sold 600k in japan and that the previous best selling persona was P4G which only sold 700k worldwide.
>game sells well in West
>"Alright guys since it sold well let's alienate our fans and change everything in the next game"
THIS is how retarded you sound.
also Zelda TP and BotW
Souls series has a ton of archaic stuff yet sells everywhere. Just a retarded buzzword form a retard such as yourself.
>Hashino is no longer on the team for Persona 6
>it stops being a shitty dating sim with generic waifus
>goes back to it's true roots
>Sup Forums shits itself because they can no longer play as a gary stu who exist to fuck girls and scream "hurrr society iz bad!"
I can't wait for Persona 6.
I'm fucking fed up with weebish JRPG like "love! love!! friendship!!! sometimes gay battle!"
I want maccho old hero and manly battle desu.
I'm getting really sick of the political fear mongering on this site.
You really think the new guy who makes the next one is going to just uproot the current money maker and completely change everything and risk losing all that money?
>game sells better in the west than Japan
This happens for nearly every Japanese series
I'm pretty sure whoever is the next director will play it completely safe because Atlus will likely be breathing down their neck the entire time.
The biggest audience is already being pandered too, why do you think there are so many waifus you can romance? They even included christmas cakes, which Atlus only got the balls to include because it'd get more waifufags playing and fapping and praising the shit out of it.
>Setting a Persona game outside of japan.
>Not just changing all those details in the localisation
>true routes
I don't want to return to If.
That's a lot for any game I can't get my normie friends to try because it's "so anime and kiddy"
plenty of burger shit for you faggots to play
Why not have a Persona game set in Antarctica where the player character is an exchange student from the player's country of origin?
What if the next director is Yoko Taro though?
>Atlus JP says they don't give a fuck about western market
>Gotta make a thread about an nonexistent threat
OP is a faggot
>tfw literally every male in p5, other than mc, is a loser-fag because they didn't want to make any player a cuck and made all girls pure and fuckable
Ryuji and Ann could have been much better character if they ended up having a relation
>Emil social link
>we have a successful series in both Japan and the west
>Players are happy with the current state of the series
>Lets completely change it for no reason
Maybe if it was Sega in charge.
It's fucking gargantuan for what it is. Persona 4 (the original one, not the remake) sold 860k copies in total and it was considered to be Atlus' biggest success.
>social link begins with cute little boy who loves spending time with you
>social link ends with him dying
A mistranslation, it should be "1.5 million fags"
The whole thing will crash and burn. Taro has his own audience and it doesn't cross with Persona audience in the slightest. They want high school adventures with romance and a dark but ultimately optimistic social commentary, not edgy EVERYBODY SUFFERS AND DIES AND THEN DIES AGAIN BECAUSE YOU'RE A FAG FOR KILLING SHADOWS bullshit.
>ultimately optimistic social commentary
What's optimistic about "the reason the big bad reared his head is because society wants to die"?
In what context does your image come up in? I assume it has some thing to do with exams
This whole post is retarded.
>Normie "Anime is for loser children" McChad roommate is completely enamored whenever I play P5 in the living room
I think it's only a matter of time until he picks it up himself.
Not that poster but it's used as an explanation as to how you managed to evade your murder
>“Reason #1 – The so-called sexual violence in manga and video games is a made-up thing and as such does not threaten the rights of actual people; therefore, it is meaningless in protecting the rights of women.
Anita eternally BTFO
SMT will always be safe
Can't wait to return to the true roots of persona without One more/Press Turn and an equally Gary Stu Protag