New Cemu v released

>25 FPS in Kakariko, 5-10 more than in previous version+more accurate emulation, meaning better physics
We are getting there bois!

Other urls found in this thread:

>Anal blasted mods deleting CEMU threads

call me when I can play it at 60fps without crashes

I don't really see how that's funny but ok user we can laugh about it

I already get 25 fps there on 1.7.4d though. Nvidia btw

4k 60 fps! Nintendo go 3rd party already!

Probably because they ALWAYS devolve into consolewar shitposting, anti-pirate/pirate shitposting, etc, within the first 100 posts.

Wait, I thought it was already supposed to be 4K @ 60fps without glitches on a toaster -tier PC since like a month ago?

> 60fps

never EVER

Like the other threads on Sup Forums are any better.

bro did you just say bloodborne was bad?

The game is capped at 30 FPS user, also the camera freezes which were the most frequent crashes are fixed now
Then you will be able to get solid 30

Only for shitposting purpose.

Random tard user streamed his 20 fps dropping to 12 while gliding with graphical glitchs out of the ass ( and random crash) CEMU is a meme used by retarded consolewar shitters

is mudlord crack working?

Here is the link, but the real question is why the fuck do i need to go to dirty reedit to find it.

Other threads don't have a nearly 100% probability of turning into shitposts worse than BLACKED threads.

Fuck off shill

you guys sure get erect over this emulator

Between 20 and 23 fps, Stable no locks or stutter. In VIllage.

>you guys sure like videogames


fuck zelda hows XCX and bayo2 going ?

Isn't it about time that sexually abused HZD shill to start a new "Webm thread? Webm thread" thread.

because nu/v/ is nothing but fuck-ups and moral fags.


if you liked videogame you'd play them on a not shit system. But, who am i to argue with poor shitters with no taste?

Mad as fuck.

Is the game fully polayable yet? I dont give a shit about FPS.

1.7.5 is all about bug fixes rather than fps boosts.
We got lucky there was any performance increase with this update


>Grass looks good

How do you do it user? I'm using AMD and my grass looks jaggy as shit with or without graphics packs

But thats not true the game runs pretty well and is perfectly playable, I can't even tell you I've encountered any major bugs like say stuff clipping through the floor or anything that doesnt work as intended, there is stuff like the grass acting like you are much biggers and creating a circle around you when you walk but just stuff like that.
Definitely ployable, I would say I've clocked around 60 hours already, 60+ shrines, 2 beasts...

Yes. It was fully playable at 1.7.4

See? It's already starting.

It still look weird for me depending on the angle, Im using the latest 1440p pack too, which affects it.

PC fags are this desperate to play Nintendo games.

>The game is capped at 30 FPS
Then why even bother

I'll try that, so far I've been getting these since 1.7.4

I just needed to confirm that it is actually a solid 7.

I guess I can see people trying to justify their purchase decisions by lying about an emulator running a tablet game well on their expensive "rig".

>if you liked videogame you'd play them on a not shit system.
Correct, which is why I'm playing on PC and not a Switch.

>Playing at a better resolution with a solid framerate for free on a machine you already own
Lol guys you are so desesperate, lmao pathetic!
>Spending 400 bucks to play at 900p with constant dips to 20 fps anyway
Yeah I have so much to play but I guess I can give this a chance :^)

Yeah, this.

Once I play a couple of hours and I make sure is overrated shit I can move on with this game.

Download the archive and use either the 1440p or the 4k one, I'm using the 1440p because my 280x cant keep up with 4k, it will help with the artifacting.

t. bought a Switch

But my 2yo mid tier PC runs it well as you can see in the screens I'm posting.
Sorry forgot the link

Helped a lot actually, the big jaggies are gone and it looks way better now

if i was desperate i would buy that overpriced console.


So you're saying your pc can only run a tablet game at 771p @ 26fps.

That's lower than the actual tablet version of the game, user.

>Doesn't know what emulation is.

But I'm running it at downsampled 1440p and 30 FPS most of the time, Anonymouse-kun.

Yeah sure thing Jimmy.
Whatever makes you feel good about blowing 2 grand on a "rig".

where is this 25fps and 30 fps coming from? I have a i7 with cemu using only 40% and what looks like 2 cores utilized getting 15fps that drops and freezes to 1fps whenever I move the camera outside my original view or attack something and when I activated the tower thing the cut scene of it going up turns into this green trash. Not here to troll I seriously want some damn help after wasting ten bucks(as of now) on this shit.

Optimization FPS Guide in Reedit. Use it. Also overclock Cpu.

So this was what it was all about.
Insecurity and the seven stages of grief.

Is it possible this game will ever get unlocked to 60fps?

This is terrible

overclocking didn't seem to make much a difference and it's ivybrige so these temps are killing me to look at

If you like and play Nintendo games, you're a drone

Cemuhook ?

>tfw have both 3570K and 4690K at 4.6GHz and none go over 60c while playing.
Have you considered not using shit coolers like the stock cooler and MEME 212+?

use cemuhook

how would i know if i like them or not if i haven't played them...

Can i connect to the internet without Cemu locking itself?
Do i still need to worry about nvidia ram usage?
Will my 1.74c shaders work or do i need to find one compiled in the new version?

But you have

Can i connect to the internet without Cemu locking itself?
Its cracked do a google search, theres also a link in this thread.
Do i still need to worry about nvidia ram usage?
I dont know AMD
Will my 1.74c shaders work or do i need to find one compiled in the new version?
Copy paste, you can use the same one.

not really i'm waiting till cemu is done and i'm not gonna download it just for fking zelda.

actually I use the pre + model which I got one month before the + came out

talk about getting cucked

That's what everybody is doing

Its already playable with a decent Cpu

thanks man

The game is fully playable at decent performance levels right now. I can tell you every single issue with it right now.

>Certain water effects (like mist at the bottom of a waterfall) get a weird colourful corruption
>Watching a video cutscene (memory) messes up some textures until you enter and exit a shrine
>Rare crashing after fast travel

I was gonna say the camera lock bug but that was just fixed. If you're totally dead set on playing it without even a single for glitch then I guess you should wait, but all the remaining issues with the game are pretty insignificant

I have a Noctua so I'm on that side of the spectrum, but there's loads of other (not really) that are just as good.
Cryorig H7 seem to get some attention.
Check some benches and find out what suits your performance/price class.

Dont forget to copy paste the save file dear god. And the graphics packs. Copy the whole "mlc01" folder

>The game is fully playable at decent performance levels

Is it 1080p silky smooth (lol) 30fps most of the time? I know it will be ready soon but does it actually play well yet?

Heads up.
If I open 1.7.5 through Maple, I get unverified/slow, but if I open it normally I get the verified.
Might be something people miss.

am I strong enough or do I give up hope and throw away several months worth of food on a console

>anybody who likes what i don't like is a shill/drone/fanboy

no fuck you that isn't how it works. You can like Nintendo games without being a nintenbro and you can like sony games without being a sonybro. as far as i can tell the only thing that seems to be difficult for people is liking PC games without acting like a faggot, but honestly i have faith that even that is possible.

>inb4 lel i baited you by pretending to be a humongous faggot

Its not even smooth 30 in the switch.

Try downloading the 1.7.4 from their site, if it works, download the update and play.


If you overclock to 4.0 then yes.

Don't think it's 1080p either, just wondering if it's 1080p 30 MOST (not all) the time on PC. Not gonna bother until it's that.

It has drops. Not as frequent as before but they re there.

Depends on your rig but yes.

Guess I'll wait a bit then since my pc is shit tier. Thanks.

Post specs.

I'm getting a black screen using cemucrack 0.2

Way more graphical glitches than the previous release, along with crashes too.

Hoping for a 1.7.5a/b/c/whatever to fix them, because this is a really solid release otherwise. I think I'm actually gonna start playing it 'properly' now... might wait for their 1.7.6 news which they said would be coming in a few days.

use 0.1

Yeah new release is way too crashy. At least Eventide is beatable w/o softlocks though.

gtx 965m (laptop card), i5 6300 HQ, 8gb 1866hz ram. No issues with cooling despite being a laptop

so its not going to crash every 5 minutes anymore? im not going to have to trade my ps4 for a wiiu? is my very life and existance saved? will batman escape and rescue princess peach tune in next time to find out

Any webm?

What type of computer do you need to run this emulator? Also has the 3DS emulator made any progress lately?

Try it at 1080p it could run pretty well.

A good cpu, 4.0 at least.

so i take it my 6700k isnt good enough?

So do any other games run really well on Cemu?

thats exactly a 4.0 cpu.

I started a new game with a new shader and the average fps was 24-25 in the initial area, 1.7.4 was 15-18.
So there was a good improvement

I have a 6600k and it runs 25-30, 20-25 in towns