Even GAF is starting to become underwhelmed with P5

>Even GAF is starting to become underwhelmed with P5


Honeymoon period running it's course faster than expected.

Sup Forums only liked persona because it let them live the fulfilling school life that they never had in real life

>plays persona game


A lot of people are starting with P5.

>some people on the internet don't like new popular video game
more at 11

How can it's Honeymoon period be over for that guy when he hasn't even finished it yet

>doesn't like story/style
>doesn't like turn based gameplay

ah, so people who bought it because it's the hot new jrpg everyone's talking about, despite knowing nothing about it, and then getting mad that the game plays like other games in the series. very cool

Once the honeymoon period is over, there is absolutely no way Persona 5 is going to compete with Zelda for GOTY. Even Nier is starting to fall off, though that game actually had some merits to compete with Zelda on. Right now, Xenoblade 2 and Mario Odyssey and possibly RDR2 are the only upcoming titles that may compete with BotW. This is simple fact.

>see thread complaining on NeoGaf
>'woah, this is big news! better post it to my friends on Sup Forums'
I'm not sure I get this thought process.

Well, yeah and he doesn't like it.

>posts picture of someone who's barely played it
>part of honeymoon period
I smell bullshit pancakes


>The "ree persona" excuse.
Its nice to see so many started with 3 isnt it!

>How do we make what is really a 20 hour game, into an 80 hour game.
>I know, lets make you live day by fucking day like an idiot.
>And throw some stupid shit in with it.

Persona boils down to this.
>We are high school students doing something very fucking serious in our lives, but lets blow it off to play crane games and drink milkshakes. YUMMY!

Persona needs a major fucking overhaul, there is no point in this shit except for people who feel their highschool lives where so fucking dull they need to relive it via this shit.

I dont mind the school aspect or social links, but forcing the extra crap with it, is a no.

>You have been kicked out of school, and must clear your name "or some shit."
>You are free to do as you wish.
>Your friends you make, depending on your influence, may make them fail school, drop out, or stay in, and graduate.
>Turn your MC into a literal law/chaos/neutral influence on your friends.
>Depending the outcome it could result in good or bad ends.
Maybe its best if this character drops out and helps me kill YHVH who knows.

Everyone already knows Zelda is gonna win kid. It has Zelda in the name.

>He hasn't read the entire thread

>JRPG everybody is talking about.
Said nobody, its neither of these things unless you live in fucking Japan last year.

Everybody is already moving onto SMT SJ DEEP.

Is just casuals that picked up the game due to hype.
You can be sure they never played any other Persona game

people are gonna forget zelda like TP when mario drops

wow you are the first person to ever make this connection what a smart guy

Zelda will win GOTY, but 2 years from now ot will be forgotten and not cared about until it's hip 10 years from now. When Skyward sword launched it got praised as the best Wii game that could ever exist and now it's pretty much bottom tier Zelda.

Then why don't you stay there?

Zelda has no rival for GOTY specially because of the DLC thats coming it will make people keep talking about the game all year long

>and then getting mad that the game plays like other games in the series

1. He's not mad. He's pretty calmly asking if it's worth his time. Depending on the JRPG, being 25 hours in could be a half, a third, or even just a quarter of the way in, so it's probably a good idea to spend a few minutes asking a question rather than wasting 50+ hours of your time.

2. His issue isn't that it plays like other games in the series, it's that it plays predictably and poorly. He's just judging it on it's own merits.

>Its nice to see so many started with 3 isnt it!

Utterly fucking irrelevant. The series does not resemble 1 and 2 anymore so their structure has no bearing on a modern persona game.

You're also stupidly complaining about the day to day stuff and calling it padding as if that isn't the series biggest fucking draw now.

>Persona needs a major fucking overhaul

Does it fuck, it's consistently got good reviews, good sales and remained popular.

I mean, doesn't literally every game follow some form of repetitious formula?

Even though Skyward Sword is trashed, nobody has forgotten it. It's laughable that you think a GOTY Zelda will be forgotten. Witcher 3, another award winning and popular open world game, hasn't been forgotten after 2 years either.


Nigger I'm not reading a NeoFAG post. Fuck off.

Hey neat, I see my post.

Name 5 that don't


>mfw fpbp

And the fact is that it's going to win because it's better, not because of its name. Sorry buddy.

NeoGAF probably hates it because Joker isn't a faggot


OK...OP...how do you know what Gaf is doing?


>neogaf's goty will be y2k

I'm still depressed about missing out on all the other world thieving and demon hunting my classmates got to do.
Why couldn't I get a Persona?

Because "best girl" isn't usually just shitposting.

>good reviews

So did Uncharted 3 and GTAIV and we know how well that went months later.

>Want to discuss a dungeon crawling dating sim RPG
>Can't talk about the dating sim part

Holy shit, this.

>Because "best game" isn't usually just shitposting.

>/vg/ stopped responding to you constant neofag bait post
>move it to Sup Forums
I like it when the trash takes itself out

There's an entire separate thread for the SL/Confidants.

>Literally 1 user
Yes, i'm still a virgin, now fuck off to Neogaf getting triggered by fiction






Yeah, all their profit from sales suddenly disappeared and they both went on to produce financially unsuccessful sequels.

i bought it because it was allegedly a good game, but it's just another mediocre jrpg that illustrates how far behind japan has become.

Wish that applied here desu. Fuck waifufags.

How does one become this contrarian?


nice censorship neocuck is a place for you

whole truth of why anyone enjoys that shit.

not contrarian. the gameplay is repetitive and the writing is full-on retarded (although the japs wrote it so i don't know what i expected).

Back to neogaf, then, what are you waiting for?

Lets just break down everything you said.
>Utterly fucking irrelevant.
Then never make the fucking claim again that Persona has a set formula when it dosent for the first two games, it starts from 3.

>complaining about the day to day stuff and calling it padding as if that isn't the series biggest fucking draw now.
The big fucking draw of these games, outside of the Shin Megami Tensei fan base, is the character arcs, stories, plot over all that just happens to be walled off behind a calendar. The second is that the series has a very fun feature which is essentially, catching pokemon. Dont act stupid, people are not into this because its a visual novel.

>Does it fuck, it's consistently got good reviews, good sales and remained popular.
WOW! Are you telling me a well made game is getting good reviews? I AM IN FUCKING SHOCK! Thats not to say its perfect asshole, and considering we have had 3 titles now with this formula its more likley then not that Atlas will change the formula up a bit or expand on things similar to how they did the SMT series starting with Nocturne.

Even SJ is returning to a somewhat SMT root with the first person dungeon crawling.

Stop acting like your precious game is flawless, nobody is asking for fucking real time combat, but minor changes to improve the overall feel.

Here is a fun cock to suck on as well, Persona wouldn't be fucking shit all without the SMT audience fucking its asshole wide open, but people will get tired of it if there is nothing new there to entice them.

Nobody wants to see the same movie 3 times in a row.

Odds are, Presona 6, and SMT will both be getting some new features added to improve them greatly.

Honestly, the only one who seems triggered is you.

>dont mind me, just moving my goal post.
Hey, Mass Effect also got glowing reviews, remember THOSE poor buggy fuckin games!

>_> This a thread about Neofag not some gay ass pretend console war.

Can you please die in a goat fire.

apply for neogaf mod status

>He thinks i'm mad because he stated something obvious and i just said he's not funny
Yes, i'm still a virgin, as many other here. Unless you are a newfag, you should know it already. Don't forget to screencap this to show your friends at neogaf how cool you are.

>liberal arts twitter cuck couldn't handle the literally fine writing
>i agree, good sir!

that at least explains why my friends love the series

>fine writing
>prosecutor literally knows everyone you associate with because the writer knows and not because she could reasonably draw those conclusions
>boring cookie-cutter characters that we've seen in a thousand jrpgs before
>hurr adults r bad is the main message

I told you all it was worse than P3, I was telling you for months but nobody believed me.
Enjoy your wasted $60

> people are not into this because its a visual novel

I completely disagree. It's a combination of the visual novel and the turn based Pokemon shit that are the biggest draws.

>Thats not to say its perfect asshole
When did I ever claim that?

>Even SJ is returning to a somewhat SMT root
SJ came out eight years a go. What does this have to do with anything when we've had IV and IV A to prove that the new formula is going to be more common.

>Stop acting like your precious game is flawless
Which I never said.

>but minor changes to improve the overall feel.
Which we got in Persona 5, without changing the overall structure.

>people will get tired of it if there is nothing new there to entice them.
There are multiple long standing series to prove this is complete bullshit.

When did I move the goal posts? In the post you replied to I mentioned the financial success of the Persona series and in my post replying to you I highlighted that both series you mentioned continued to have financial success.

>Literally giving a shit about what Neofag says
The sales says differently. Also your tastes don't reflect the tastes of everyone else.

Just beat the game today after clocking in at 109 hours 53 mins. Yoshitsune is still OP as fuck even without Hassou Tobi (Tower was one of the 3 confidants I ignored in the run, and I fused him on the 24th), and Ryuji/Yusuke/Makoto seemed to be the best party overall.

Honestly everything about the game was perfect for me. The music was great, the characters were a great improvement over P4's cast (Although I agree with the sentiment there needed to be more group scenes other than meeting up to discuss what to do next), having Gun/Nuclear skills back was a nice touch, and Tokyo as a whole felt fun to explore once everything's opened up to you.

The only serious complaint I have is how much the plot railroads you in certain situations, like the week where you're trying to get Morgana back, or just Morgana telling you to go to sleep all the time (Which is less of a problem once you max out the teacher, but it's still an issue).

9/10, would New Game+

>mfw the last scene where they turn on the radio and WAKE UP GET UP GET OUT THERE starts playing

>There are multiple long standing series to prove.
Name 5, even Final Fantasy changed its shit up.

>SJ came out eight years a go.
Do you just not know whats coming out this year?

I'm sure you truly get a kick out of westernshit writing in vidya aye user?

>Implying both aren't utter shit save for a few fucking gems.
Maybe both should stop doing predictable shit?

Even at its worst, western writing is better than anything out of japan.

Expanded port on the cheap man, what else.

Super Mario
Literally any sports series.

These are some of the biggest selling franchises around and they all have this in common.

Next you'll try and tell me the changes between each entry of those games and I'll once again reiterate that I mentioned Persona 5 changed a lot whilst keeping the general structure the same.

>Do you just not know whats coming out this year?
A SJ remake. After that there'll be SMT V which will retain the new mainline structure. There's a reason SJ was a spin off and why they're remaking it instead of using that style for a new game.

You can stop lying over the internet now, no one here knows your identity IRL, you are safe

2 games before it had the same themes and setting
Like said you basically have to feel like your living a life you miss out on in order to enjoy it.

>sales = quality

Guess Skyrim is GOAT RPG by your inept logic?

It's a very good game, you are just a contrarian on a board full of contrarians. Normalfags liked it, get over it. Fuck your daily Morrowind/Oblivion cocksucking threads and face the reality. Sup Forums doesn't reflect the opinion of every single person who played it.

OP really should have been told to fuck off as soon as he posted neofag
But Sup Forums is full of newfags so I shouldnt have expected much.

>visiting neogaf
>reposting from neogaf
>starting a thread with a repost from neogaf

Wow those faggots are actually right for once.

>Normalfags liked it

Weebs don't count user

What the fuck has being a weeb anyhting to do? I honestly liked it and many others did, stop being an hipster faggot.

Nigger please. Final Fantasy games also barely have anything to do with each other most of the time outside of muh themes and Cids.

Skyward Sword is as close to forgotten as a Zelda will ever be. Plenty of GOTY games are lame, but popular I don't know why it's important to anyone and like I said Zelda will win it. Destiny, Dishonored, Dragon Age, fucking Overwatch all won tons of accolades and they aren't that good(I liked Dishonored for a playthrough for sure though)


Ehh, ever since SS almost won GOTY It's pretty hard to disregard the fact that the Zelda name itself makes it a GOTY contender. SS was one of the most underwhelming things I've ever played but it still got nominated. BOTW is pretty decent but it definitely has a big advantage over other games based of the Zelda title alone.

> generalize and categorize all the things you do in the game
> look how boring and repetitive it is

Soulborne game
> get new area
> rest at bonfire
> get to boss room
> fight and defeat boss

Oh wow so boring

This. Persona games aren't even good.
It just happens to cater to the large audience on Sup Forums that wishes they were born Japanese to experience high school and teen life and romances in Japan.

more like once the honeymoon period for Zelda is over people will forget about it

What did this guy expect? It's the exact same format the last two games had.

I'm guessing this is his first one and he didn't know what the hell he was getting into.

>Playing a game you're clearly going to dislike just cause it has mainstream appeal.
That's your problem, not the game's.

How is he going to know that he isn't going to like it if he's never played a Persona game before?

>getting a shitty part-time job and studying all the time

Also what if I like the dungeon-crawling aspect more?

P5 is just a rehashed P3/P4.

I loved P3 and P4. P4 carried me through a very fucking stressful period my life in fact.

But I saw no reason to getting P5. At least not for freaking $60

>Then never make that fucking claim again that Persona has a set formula when it doesn't for the first two games, it starts from 3.

Wow, so I guess Street Fighter doesn't have fireballs or combo systems as a formula for its series, since it wasn't present in SF1?