Tell me, boy! If the Federation is so great, why are there no good Gundam games?
Tell me, boy! If the Federation is so great, why are there no good Gundam games?
Other urls found in this thread:
Mobile Suit Gundam: Encounters in Space
Mobile Suit Gundam: Zeonic Front
SD Gundam G Genration Genesis
Gundam Breaker series
Gundam Extreme Vs.
Whew. I'm not gay but damn bruh looks delish. Please tell me there's more for other boys.
Gundam Battle Universe
Gundam Battle Assault
>Not playing Breakers 3.
Gouf fuck yourself, Ral.
I would if importing didn't suck ass and Break Edition wasn't digital only.
>tfw no gundam gsg akin to HoI3
If Ral would have gotten his Doms, we'd have hundreds of Gundam games now
what are some games that let me play as a zaku?
NO ZAKU BOY Zeonic Front
Nothing gay about appreciating the male form, bro
Uh. I have several questions.
The fuck
What about that Gundam Unicorn Game. Never saw anyone talk about it.
>need to go to bed early because I need to go to work early tommorow.
>Gundam thread om Sup Forums
I'll guess I'll just double down on coffee.
Probably doesn't help that it's only in JP.
Heard it is actually a decent game tho.
Gihren's Greed
Versus aren't gundam games. They're just anime fighters with mech cosplayers
Westaboos hate giant robots.
They prefer trans-hackers
>If Gihren wasn't assassinated at A Baoa Qu by his dumbass sister, Zeon would have won the battle and the war.
Women cause nothing but tragedy.
The best Gundam Game never made it American. And of course was on a Nintendo system where they took all the best aspects from the Gen 6 games and put them into a single game.
What the hell is that? Shit looks like an actually fun to play Zeonic Font.
>no mention of Federation vs Zeon
You literally get to self insert into Mobile Suit Gundam for the entire One Year War as a test pilot for either side.
Gundam Ace Pilot.
As i said, it took all the good aspects of every other Gundam game for the PS2 and combined them into a single one where you play through the battles of various Aces, which also included changing history.
For OP, here's Ramba Ral's campaign.
>Bored looked up Journey to Jabruo gameplay videos
>Remember it being shit
>Actually looks pretty alright.
What the fuck was wrong with me? Maybe I mixed it up with encounters in space somehow.
Holy mother of fuck I need this.
>they will never rerelease all the gundam games that made it to the west in a multi disc set.
Feels bad man.