I'm playing this at 20fps on a 6core (12thread) intel CPU with a 980Ti and 32GB RAM
who else is comfy playing Zelda?
I'm playing this at 20fps on a 6core (12thread) intel CPU with a 980Ti and 32GB RAM
who else is comfy playing Zelda?
the emulator is not very uptimized, as you see the CPU is not even being used well, and it used more than 17GB RAM
so it runs better than the switch
well, it dips below 18fps if I'm in the korok forest where the sword is
anyone know how it runs on a Ryzen? I'm guessing not as well because lower single thread performance and no intel compiler optimizations
Holy crap that's pretty sad. And the game doesnt even work right in cemu. What a pitiful life you "pcmasterrace" have.
What is wrong with the lighting and textures? It doesn't look like that on either nintendo system. That's just...terrible looking. The fuck is cemu doing to fuck up this badly?
>console just came out
>already playable on pc
Nintenbro btfo
>20 FPS throughout the entire game
Even the Wii U version runs better, lmao
>And the game doesnt even work right in cemu
The PC fag desperation continues.
Only idiots and desperados would think that cemu is a good way to play BotW.
Ryzen isn't good at emulation
Bad single core and it has nothing to do with compiler optimizations
>Ryzen isn't good at emulation
this is a stupid statement
>bad single core
cemu is not single core, it's just not hyperthreated
what cpu and what clocks? Running constant 30fps on an RX 480 and 7700k @ 4.6GHz. I'm pretty sure the clocks are really important for cemu
>tfw intel core i3 and not enough money to upgrade
Guess I'll just keep entering free PC giveaways
>tfw still Intel HD
>he doesn't know BotW is unfinishable on CEMU
I know I'm damage controlling right now but I really don't care about finishing the game too much as long as it's mostly playable, the ending looks pretty uninteresting from what I've seen
Only idiots would think BotW is worth playing.
thats interesting because i have 30fps with a 6700k, 1070 and 16gb ram
>PCfats still lapping up broken scraps stolen from consoles and trying to call it a victory
Why, what stops you?
im not the one excited to get PAYDAY2 on my shitty console
i'm playing it in 8K downscaled to a 4K monitor
i'd rather wait a few months than play it 720p
There really isn't an ending worth talking about. Game plays like some kind of survival sim.
i beat the game and 84 shrines on cemu though user
320 koroks too
kill me
since its announcement you're the first person I've ever seen even mentioning the PAYDAY2 port.
Talk about grasping at straws.
Stay mad Pc master turd.
>season pass grants access to a few islands
>these islands are in the Diel Sea
very clever Nintendo... very clever...
>this old joke
With patch in handheld, it's a solid 30 except in Korok Forest were it's more like 28. Check your resources.
>it's still at 720p undocked and 900p docked
That's true, though.
>Talk about grasping at straws.
well there is nothing else coming to the switch is there?
i literally cant grasp at anything else lol
Ryzen is bad at emulation, and I was just pointing out that bad single core
Literally look up the emulation benchmarks
>console just came out
>a generation ago
I thought 30fps is unacceptable for PC cucks, what happened?
I know you're baiting but
30fps is unacceptable for me if I'm playing a PC port but this is emulation on a new game so 20 fps is just fine
20 fps is almost perfect. Your eyes are rendering world with 24 fps thats why movies with that speed have most realistic look. Speed them up to 60 fps and suddenly they look awkward af.
i beat the game with cemu version 1.7.4 D
so shit is ok as long as PC does it. You guys are even more fanatical than Nintendo fanboys.
Pretty sure I beat it and all 120 shrines.
>as long as PC does it
That's not what I'm saying at all
Are you even trying anymore or have you just figured out that shit bait still gets (You)s
if its a stable 20 its probably faster on average than the console version
>Your eyes are rendering world with 24 fps
pc master race here, 20 fps is more than enough to finish a game on.
it's only bad if it's on consoles and people paid for it
>if its a stable 20 its probably faster on average than the console version
I don't have single game that run at 20fps on my console. Also not argument.
>it's bad to pay 300$ for 30fps but it's ok to pay 800$ for 20fps
PC shit eaters - 2017
I didn't buy my pc for zelda
I didn't pay for zelda
It cant of is bad to pay $300 to play only one game.
grasp harder at those straws
pc shitters claiming themselves to be mustard rice has to be the most pathetic thing in this whole platform war bullshit
it's in 4k at least
It's not like PC has any games.
Playing games at 20fps is just bad. Price is not excuse.
BTW OP is a shitter and the game actually runs at 30fps on CEMU. It only has drops to 20-25fps where a real Wii U would (Kakariko/Korok villages).
And they play games at 20fps.
Guess we've reached the level of faggotry to where it's time to post this
wait for the emulator to finish you cuck 20 is trash
Thats some obvious bait friendo.
>i-it's in a meme format so it's okay!
Confirmed the Virtual Boy is good
switch owner here, i'm already bored of my only game and therefore i must shitpost to make myself feel better, also i'm op and it took me 3 hours to write the filename
silky smooth
enjoy your jaggies memste
Often times programs will use as much RAM as they can, doesn't mean they actually require the amount they are using.
A game will work just fine with 4GB of RAM, even though it'll use ~6GB if you have 8GB available, it just caches more memory.
Some games do require more than 4GB of course, especially at higher resolutions. But a lot of the time if it's using absurd numbers like 17GB, it's using it just because it can.
Fuck console wars
>20 fps
>6 cores
well it looks like my 970 and i5 3300 are fucked then, guess it's time to buy a switch
>retarded phoneposter thinks anyone cares about his shitty screenshots
Next time get a PC, faggot.
I don't know what this have to do with 20fps. Not that your bait autistic pasta have crediblity elsewhere.
This isn't the case here though. NVidia drivers have an issue with the shaders and it's eating up RAM.
>being this BTFO
>Do you see why is this laughable?
Yeah, after you failed to defend 20fps on PC you tried to move attention to Sony out of nowhere. It is laughable indeed.
I'm not even that guy, just a casual observation. also with the rate CEMU has been advancing it'll be stable 30 by summer
remember when it was 10-12 a few months ago and everyone was like "UH Y-Y-YEAH THEYRE MAKING GREAT PROGRESS NOW BUT THATLL STOP, YOULL SE, YOU DONT KNOW HOW EMULATORS W-W-WORK"
well it seems theyve about doubled the stable frame rate on the most technically demanding game on Switch/WiiU in a couple of months so if you have a good PC and a switch, i'd sell the switch now before it becomes a paper weight for you
>17GB of ram on one process
The future is now
More like nvidia trying to force people to buy the new graphics cards. Every freaking driver makes my card run worse and worse.
Unfortunately they don't have any competition so they can do as they please.
who says I have a switch?
It's just pathetic to see someone crawling on the ground desperatly scrounging for scraps and then calling himself some sort of "master race"
I couldn't give less of a fuck about consoles but you retards make actual pc owners look bad
Ryzen will do just fine with emulation. Single core performance is close enough to the equivalent Intel CPU, it shouldn't make much of a difference with an optimised emulator, especially with Cemu which isn't even single core.
As Cemu is now, Intel will perform better, but it won't matter when Cemu becomes more optimised, you'll be able to run it with FX or Phenom just fine.
If you want proof just check out Dolphin, it runs on a frickin' toaster. Cemu won't be much different, I was able to run Mario 3D World and Mario Kart on my old Phenom build.
Yes feed me more salt console war faggots
I need it
So comfy means painfully slow?
Yeah, cemu isn't even allocating the RAM either. NVIDIA said that it's a known issue that's being worked on.
>Yes feed me more salt
You are already salty without it though. Enjoy 20 fps of course
how is that not a good thing? come summer everyone that owns a decent PC will also have a free console worth about 300 bux and their choice of games and peripherals for free
if you are a PC owner and cant see the merit in this, you must be a total retard. i think youre lying though
>Wii U can run it with 2GB memory
>PC needs 17GB to do it
>will also have a free console worth about 300 bux
At 20fps with missing shaders and crashes. Quite enjoyable experience.
as i've already pointed out in my previous post, the rate of improvement with CEMU has been unprecedented for an emulator over the last few months and i qualified the part of the post you quoted with "come summer"
at this point youre definitely either a tard or a liar, both.
>PC can emulate multiple consoles
>Wii U can't emulate anything
defending 20 fps like it's some godsend really just makes you subhuman scum and a goddamn embarassment for the entire human race
you're a fucking retard
Can PC players running it at super resolutions post some nice screenshots? I'm playing it on WiiU but it's nice seeing it without the hardware limitations.
Im using cemu to make webms and take hd screenshots
but dont worry, I also own and have beaten the game on the Wii U! :)
Nobody cares about your fairy tales predictions, I'm not even the same person you responded too but we are talking about reality, you know something that actually exist.
Prove it.
look it up. the FPS in cemu has doubled since Zelda came out. if you really think the majority of PC gamers that care to, wont be emulating that shit by christmas at the latest, youre deluded
sorry about that smiley face user!
>First video and game runs at 6fps when nothing happens
So even OP was lying about 20fps? It runs much lower?
So post it then. Now I can laugh at you.
Can you make one of Riju getting off her bed?
She sort of pulls her butt along by her feet.
It doesn't even run at 15 FPS, most of the "LOL I RUN IT AT 30 FPS" claims are from retards who use "tricks" to speed up the framerate.