Yooka Laylee

Limiting world size at first is brilliant and saved 3D platformers.

that is one of the most retarded things i have ever heard.

>watching video
>faggot spends most of the video talking about games other than Yooka Laylee


It sounded really neat, in the Kickstarter as a stretch goal, but that was because I assumed the world would be spreading out before you as you were still inside them. The fact that you have to leave them and re-enter them means it's not super interesting, shits just walled off twice.

Also what a fucking dumb name for a video series.

>Really Freakin Clever
I stopped watching him when he said gaming needs more feminism. He had some interesting opinions, but also some retarded ones. Kinda like most e-celebs in that regard.

>when he said gaming needs more feminism

Why do all games made in Unity without exception look and feel like plastic shit?

I don't remember which video it was, it's been years. He said it - among other stuff - as a lead up to a controversial opinion on a game.

the rolling feels better than riding on Kazooie

t. emulated Banjo Kazooie.

Most people who don't like Yooka Laylee are usually people who are modern gamers.
Many reviewers complained about not knowing where to go and a lack of a mini-map/waypoints.

3D platformers are the anti-modern game so I'm not surprised why it got this unjustified hate by casuals.

if the world interested me enough i would've wanted to keep exploring the rest of it right away. if not, i would've gone back to it later. leaving parts of the world out is pointless and doesn't appeal to either side.

it got hate because it was an unfinished pile of shit.

Game is great but world 4 is garbage and what is wrong with collectathons

4 is good, 1 is the bad one

it's mediocre bad but certainly not 2/10 bad.

world 4 is the comfiest level

>what is wrong with collectathons

modern gamers only like open worlds if there is nothing in them

Its a good game but some people didnt want another sequel to BK despite Tooie being a better game.

5 worlds seems less but each world is fully fleshed out with NPCs, moves to learn, transformation segments, and a boss. Much better than BK levels that would only have 2 npcs, or no transformation, or no boss. Not to mention the last half of BK your hardly even learning new moves. Disappointing.

The controls are tight and responsive. Walking and jumping has more precision than Banjo who slid a lot more and couldnt maneuver in the air as easily. Rolling is not a talon trot, its a steering control like the snowplow in w2. Once you learn that and grasp the controls it becomes extremely easy, about halfway through the game I had mastered rolling and no challenges that used it were difficult. Same goes for flight in YL and BK. Unless you think learning curves are bad.

YL has more difficult challenges than anything in BK except maybe rust fuckit bay, Banjo takes less than 10 hours to 100%. YL takes twice the time because it has that much more content in the forms of challenges where as to many jiggys in BK are just get to the top of the level or something similarly easy.

It does have some flaws.
The camera can suck a dick.
Rextros minigames are as fun as the minigames in BT, so not at all. More an annoyance to anyone going for 100%

There needed to be a larger varity of colectables instead of just quills everywhere. BK had a shit load of mumbo tokens, over 30 extra. Maybe have multiple mollycools and have groups of quills. Banjo had too much useless ammos and feathers so its hard to balance.
Having NPCs that looked largely the same didnt help either, have the snowmen or shopping carts actually be different NPCs and that also helps a shit load in variety.

Now for the subjective bit

Its fine you idiots, its the same humor from the same old men that made Banjo.
>but muh fourth wall
Fuck off, Cranky in DKC literally always broke the 4th wall.

t. modern gamer

>tfw I like it more than BK and it helped me get gud at banjo tooie so now I'm enjoying that more as well

DK64 is gonna be next

You dumb mother fucker.