this games too hard :(
This games too hard :(
Not really. :\
I just beat it. ;D
Do we think it's good?
I had to switch to sword and board to beat Nameless King after dying probably 15+ times and I've never been able to beat Friede solo, but I win more than I lose when it comes to PvP. What does this say about me?
The other two were mocking the OP.
It's just a joke xD
Other people don't actually know how to play the game and rely on stupid tactics like parrying and estus spam, while Friede takes skill in combat to beat.
It's the easiest game in the series by far
Hardest boss was Nameless King and even then all you had to do was roll into his thrust attacks
>stupid tactics like parrying
Then how do you kill your bosses, user? By spamming light attacks? Is that less "stupid" than parrying?
I get killed in almost all my invastions but I do average in PvE (I still got my ass massively whooped in my first playthrough, but on my second I almost first-try everything)
Wish it was the other way around
Speaking of which, how's the matchmaking? I tried invading people on an almost-fresh character, just as I reached the road of sacrifices, and I got matched against a guy in a full darkwraith set.
git gud :^)
No I only use leaping attacks. Every time I hit a boss it's with a leaping attack. I never use a shield and wear more than 70% encumbrance so I can't roll like a pussy. I also never level up and don't wear any rings.
Friede is ruined by bloodborne movesets and the stupid invisible move that one hit kills you. And then she has not only one but two power up forms.
i think its fun xD
Dammit, I took the bait.
I should try your gimmick playstyle though
>bleach meme
15 year old detected
I couldn't complete it. Still loved the game though. And it was my first game from the series ;)
The invisible move is the easiest move to avoid though. You see which way she dashes before she becomes invisible so you know where she will land, then you walk up and smack her ass before she charges her attack. 3 forms gives her a chance to get through all your estus before you can just cheese the fight and makes you actually play the game. It is the most well designed fight in the entire series.
I don't get it
That is bullshit. The bosses in DS3 are way harder than DS1 objectively, but of course people who played 1, then 2, then 3 would find 3 the easiest.
Ringed City is a massve letdown for me. I've already thought DaS 3 is the weakest game in the series and the second DLC only exacerbates all the issues.
I hate that a almost all of the new weapons have some awful looking full anime weapon art with backflips and spins. The light stealth elements might have been a nice addition, but they ultimately just slow the game to a crawl. Neither am I a fan of piling up dozens of high health/high damage enemies later on. They aren't hard to beat if you're smart about it, but again it takes forever.
Demon King was pretty nice, Midir was pretty bad IMO - an easier, less interesting Sinh. Haven't beaten the other bosses yet.
Just started Ringed City, what the fuck was from thinking with the "run and take cover" enemies? First the angels, then the archers. I hope there's no more of those deeper in the dlc
1 was too long ago for me (I didn't play it much, just one full playthrough then done with it, not even ng+) so I don't remember to judge
But 3 feels much easier than what I can remember from 1, and easier than my fresh memories of 2. I'm managing to use the roll iframes against most of the bosses.
3 fucking consecutive bosses that reset entirely on death. Who. Who designed Ariandel? I need to strangle him.
Gank yourself.
Jist be paychent and keals cumeth
Which rolling looks cooler:
Dark souls 1/3 or 2?
I vote for 1/3.
DS3 has longer iframes on fastrolls. Anything else is irrelevant. If you know how to time your rolls, the game is easy.
bloodborne ;)
Witcher 3 ;D
DaS1 has the DWGR. That practically lets you roll at DaS3 speeds while the bosses attack at DaS1 speeds. I'd say it's the easier game by far.
Just use a UGS or any 600 AR weapon my man.
For 1st phase friede, just spam Astora GS WA until she's dead since it will knock her off her ass every time, then for the second phase, switch to the biggest fucking weapon you have and go for Ariandel. As for 3rd phase, anything can go.
Except they weren't
Attacks are easy as shit to dodge and you can see what attack he's about to do from a mile away
Slash his butt for 2 minutes and you win
His attacks are seen from a mile away and the boss takes no skill, just slash his testicles
>Crystal sage
Put on magic resistant armor and play aggressive, his clones only take one hit and his spells are easy enough to dodge
>Abyss watchers
Let them kill each other on the first phase then play the second phase defensively, he has a couple obvious openings
Get a wide sweeping weapon and spam it
Barely ever attacks, if you've upgraded your weapon gud enough you can take out his bracelets before he has a chance to pull out his sword
Parry his first half then just play aggressive his second half. You know exactly what move he's going to do because of his clone.
No comment
Slash the fuck out of his tale, run like hell if he starts putting his bow up, stick to his ass and rolling through his slash attacks
Stick to dat ass
>Dragon slayer
He's extremely slow, you can dodge his attacks easy if you stay close to him
Extremely low moveset, shouldn't take long to know how to dodge him
Admittedly he's a bit tough since he has an absolute fuck ton of moves but by now you should have a shit ton of estus so you can just tank him and not be a dumbass by running into his attacks
I'm not going to bother with the optional bosses because if you find this game difficult I doubt you're going to bother playing past the required bosses
have you at least played the first dark souls?
i beat the NG and NG+ and here i'm still trying to beat it again on NG++
>making a list of short strategy summaries for each boss proves that they're all easy
Ok. Anyone could do the same for DaS1 bosses.
I agree with you.
Pontiff is a massive casual filter, Dancer has the most broken hitboxes in the game and can literally attack you from across the entire length of the room, dragon slayer armor's second phase is fucking brutal, and twin princes have a very unique fight but it's constant bullshit until you adapt to the random teleporting.
Demon prince was also a very hard fight to solo along with Midir. Both of them were pretty unique though.
Nah, they vanish after the first boss.
the enemies become a lot more bullshit to deal with though, so just be prepared for that
My biggest complaint about souls 3 is it just seems so much more fast paced compared to the first two. I liked the slow plodding action of the first one.
>start playing again after an extended hiatus
>NG+ Dragonslayer Armour goes down 1st try
>can't help but run into every one of Lothric's attacks
I'm totally shit.
Because none of them need a long list of strategies
If you honestly need a strategy guide for every boss I don't think this game is for you
let me guess, magic user, spamming lighting spells or using darkmoon blade?
>bosses are easy, just do what you're supposed to :^)
I can't believe you wasted time writing that load of shit.
Jacobs Crackers lad
Don't even bother replying to him, he's just giving vague as fuck statements like it means anything without realizing how many people had trouble with Pontiff and the Dancer when the game first came out.
Even when people started using cheese builds with a heavy dark knight sword
it requires a specific build tho, DaS3 only requires you to fast roll.
Also, DaS3 bosses aren't that fast for most of them.
Dark Souls 3 is objectively the hardest game in the series so starting with it might be a bad idea.
How anyone even argues against it is hilarious, the fact alone that enemies and bosses have more damage, health, speed, stamina and all sorts of other mechanics already seals the fact that 3 is the hardest.
But I guess this retarded fanbase equates difficulty with quality, so I guess thats why everyone has to autistically argue about the difficulty of the games.
Lothric has always given me trouble for some reason, I can do every other boss without running into too much trouble but he kicks in my shit every time
I couldn't even beat Ornstein and Smough, and I thought this game was fucking easy.
What the fuck are you even talking about? My point is that you can provide two-sentence strategy summaries for each of the DaS1 bosses as well. The ability to do that is completely orthogonal to whether they're easy or not.
It's okay, the game turns into complete garbage after OS so you're not missing out on much
>Asylum Demon
no comment
>Taurus Demon
plunge attack 2/3 of his health, hit his crotch a few more times
roll through the incredibly telegraphed attacks, kill the first gargoyle just in time for the second one to come in. second gargoyle is trivial.
>Capra Demon
run to the stairs and kill the dogs. cheese the Capra's crappy AI and plunge attack him to death
>Gaping Dragon
watch out for the charge attack. everything else is stupidly telegraphed
dodge the telegraphed attacks, watch out for the lava pools, try not to fall asleep dwindling her massive hp pool
>Iron Golem
stand behind it
>Ornstein and Smough
actually hard
>Bed of Chaos
die a few times until you learn where the floor crumbles
hit the parry button a few times
I'm not going to bother with the optional bosses because if you find this game difficult I doubt you're going to bother playing past the required bosses.
Hyperarmor and permissive iframes are what make DS3 easy. You obviously don't know what you are talking about.
depends on the bosses
Sounds pretty good to me :^)
the default roll in Dark Souls 3 is like having the ninja flip ring in 1 or max adp in 2, and there's a ring that makes you basically invincible as long as you're mashing roll. On top of that you can chug in a nanosecond. If you play with any basic sense the bosses can't touch you. don't just mash attack expecting the boss to never attack you, and you'll be fine.
The thing is, you just have shitposting anons claiming the game is easy when they use cheese builds or have summons walk them through every area in the game.
Don't take it at face value.
I know for a fact that anyone claiming they "never had trouble with Pontiff or Soul of Cinder" is just shitposting for replies. Remember how annoyed anons were when they kept fucking up the NPC questlines?
I wasn't particularly focused at the time either. Still seething from being invaded in the archives and that NPC trio outside the second-last elevator.
Got both on my third try, and the NPC questlines are hard because they require you to go back to areas specifically after you've removed your reason to go back that way, or in the case of patches you have to go a really odd way through the roof instead of progressing through the area normally. You can warp to any and all bonfires, there's no reason whatsoever that you would backtrack.
>Hyperarmor and permissive iframes are what make DS3 easy.
>hyper armor
Hyper armor was in previous games as well, along with full on poise and upgradable armor
The damage of enemies and bosses is also almost tripled this time around so trading is practically worthless. Healing is also more limited than before, so just haphazardly running through and relying on hyper armor is a sure way of ruining your healing pool.
>permissive i-frames
DWGR and high ADP in previous games offered the exact same outcome, and in those games the enemies and bosses attacked with less speed, less combos, less multihits, and less elements like projectiles.
>You obviously don't know what you are talking about.
I've played the series for 7 years user.
I didn't say the game was difficult, I said it was the most difficult.
>Invaded the world of Host of Embers Guts
>people actually argue against DaS3 being the most difficult game in the series
>people actually try to refute triple damage numbers, no poise, no broken OP magic systems, triple the health on bosses, triple the health on enemies, no armor upgrading, less healing than ever before and the bosses having the largest movesets in the series with inane garbage like "muh iframes" - which you can get in both previous games.
Prefer 1 or 2 all you want but don't make me laugh with this shit.
>plays dark souls 1
>one shots the hardest boss in the game at SL3
That's plausible.
I'm talking about the anons that said shit like "I parried Pontiff to death on my first try it was so easy :^)" which is bullshit when every user here kept complaining about the second phase where it becomes a 2v1 fight.
>a hidden ring and a specific build that nobody would make for their first character make those games easier
Hyper armor was not in Dark Souls 1 and healing was limited by virtue of the fact that if you didn't have an opening you'd waste your estus. In Dark Souls 2 you'd have to gimp your character to get max i-frames through adaptability, and all the bosses had flawless tracking, AND the healing was even slower than before.
I've played through DS1 and DS2 and I think DS3 had the most bullshit bosses of all. Not all bosses were BS and I killed most in one try, but some were just straight up BS.
i started playing ds3 not long ago andi had no problem fighting bosses so far until i fought Pontiff and that goo boss in Anor londo.
>looks like i can beat Pontiff with enough dodging and guessing attack
>pontiff start to double himself
>dodging every attack from both pontiff and his double exhaust my stamina all the fucking time
i only summoned one guy and it was an npc, 2vs2 seemed fair enough to me.
then the goo boss from anor londo is complete bs to melee, i think i learned all his attacks buit feels way too bs when the arrow spell last for so long, making me go out of reach every time because of other projectile spells,
whoever made that boss was a real cunt
>I can't dodge with the easiest dodging in the series
>free half second estus that works every time isn't good enough
dark souls 3 is easy as piss
>invade someone's """"fight club""""
>kill a couple people dueling, get ganged up on and someone else dies in the process
>get hate-mail for it
One ring is hardly a specific build, unless you count fast rolling a specific build when they are infinite ways to build it.
You can use Vow of Silence on Aldritch to make him easy to beat, thought it requires faith to use
PS there are broken magic systems, some of the hardest bosses to fight in melee are complete jokes with sorcery
you will laugh if you fight them with soul spears, it's like they forgot to program a way for them to deal with ranged attackers because they were so focused on melee.
>DWGR and high ADP in previous games offered the exact same outcome
You had to invest in a particular build for this and could only achieve it either late in the game or on NG+. On DaS3 you have this advantage from the start by default.
>The damage of enemies and bosses is also almost tripled this time around so trading is practically worthless.
Bonfires are also more common so healing isn't really an issue. Estus heal is also immediate compared to what it was in DaS2. Sure ennemies hit harder but you don't get punished for it : you either dodge or trade, both with ease, and there is no real setback.
>Run up stairs
>Cast force
>implying 90% of Dark Souls 1 characters aren't completely locked in to their havels + fap rings
>Hyper armor was not in Dark Souls 1
No, but it had poise and upgradable armor, both of which made bosses a complete joke when you could kill them in 2 combos.
>healing was limited by virtue of the fact that if you didn't have an opening you'd waste your estus
Next you're going to pretend that the healing was somehow super slow and that there weren't many openings at all.
>In Dark Souls 2 you'd have to gimp your character to get max i-frames through adaptability
Not really, you gain 4 times the amount of levels in 2 than in other games, and Attunement also raises ADP
>all the bosses had flawless tracking
Which was never that hard to dodge anyway because the speed at which everything moved was so slow.
>AND the healing was even slower than before.
3 types of 99 stackable healing lifegems say hello.
2 wasn't difficult, it was tedious and boring at best.
Fucking twin princes fight in particular.
It's not just the random teleporting, it's the fact that he can revive his brother in the 2nd phase, has wrath of the gods, soul spear, and makes it so much harder to even approach both of them.
Yeah I don't even bother fighting Aldrich normally anymore. I just spam pyromancy instead. Took me way too long to figure out how to dodge the arrows and avoid the janky as fuck hitbox during the 2nd phase.
>easiest dodging in the series
>conveniently forgetting all the extra hazards and groups of enemies placed in the game specifically to fuck people over that play like that
Goo boy on SL1 was a complete bitch. The arrow attack would 1 shot me non matter what so I had to run like a bitch if he even thought of casting it.
the trick to aldritch seems to be guessing where he will pop up second phase and attacking him enough to stagger him and stop arrow casts.
The arrow attack takes quite long to charge up so you can recover your stamina. Also you don't have to roll the entire time, alternating between running and sprinting with some sharp turns worked for me.
Hahaha holy fuck, who has trouble with the princes!? Hahahaha
Demon's Souls ;P
Shut the fuck up! :D
I am actually 45
Oh look at that, looks like this user was right, more shitposting anons like
>>I can't dodge with the easiest dodging in the series
>someone says X games is the hardest in the series
>this MUST mean hes bad at it
Never change Sup Forums
>>free half second estus that works every time isn't good enough
Which is more limited than before and heals for less. Boss fights actually last longer than 40 seconds this time around too because fuck me right, they actually added some actual health to them.
>dark souls 3 is easy as piss
Yes, but it is still the hardest in the series.
And yet you will never cheese the entire game with just magic, nor will you ever one shot bosses at such ridiculous low levels as SL3 or even SL1 in some bosses.
>these bosses are easy with magic
>this means the magic systems are broken!
>Sure ennemies hit harder but you don't get punished for it : you either dodge or trade, both with ease, and there is no real setback.
Poise doesn't exist so you are forced to almost always take 2 hits. Armor isn't upgradable so its common as hell to have 90% of your health chopped away by a single enemy.
>and there is no real setback
And you actually like to think that the other games had "setbacks"? Are you fucking kidding me?
DaS1 had 20 estus flasks, 100% heal humanities in 2 forms
And DaS2 had 3 different types of lifegems, all of which could be stacked to 99 for measly pennies.
In DaS3, if you get hit by an enemy, he will more than likely do a couple hits on you because you can't just blindly tank hits like a retard with poise anymore. If its a tougher enemy, he can even one shot you, or in most cases take more than 80% of your health away. This means you have to heal twice, and the maximum number of flasks is 15.
Enemies are numerous and the distance between bonfires barely does anything to help that.
The fact that getting one shot is a thing that never happens in either 1 or 2 makes 3 harder already.
People have different play styles, play the games differently, and find some things more difficult than others? Who would have thought.
Then the problem is with you, not the boss.
user, NOBODY has trouble with the princes. Sorry if your feelings are hurt.
If you're not in a hurry DS3 has unlimited healing, with Simple weapons and a healing miracle of your choice.
That's only viable when you don't have enemies breathing down your neck, of course, but Estus is best left for bosses.
I can beat every single soulsborne boss from all the games, but unnamed king always pushes my shit in
Well of course you can stretch little bits of healing like that forever.
Thats in every game, in DaS1 some weapons even heal you on hit.
Wolnir has a sword?
I feel like a pleb but I kinda agree with this. I just got to playing 3 after playing through 1 a ton, and I'm not used to having to spam roll every boss, whereas is 1 you could rarely had to dodge more than once or twice consecutively.
>he's not even wielding a greatsword
>he uses magic