Samurai Gamess

I need some good examples.

Other urls found in this thread:



Play FFXIV. We are getting a samurai next 'expansion' if you can stomach the terrible gameplay, animations, community, and how bad the game is in general.

The whole Samurai Jack series is lame, it's most overrated garbage I've ever had the displeasure of setting my eyes upon, western animation has always been garbage and trying to ripoff the superior Japanese animation. The Japanese actually have creativity in them to make beautiful charming masterpieces while the west just poorly tries to hard to reach their level of excellence and fails every single time, it's fucking sad.

This is bait

Samurai Jack has better writing in a single episode than half of all anime does in their whole series.

Will this be the next 600 reply Sup Forums thread?


>Everyone going muh dick over ashi
>Not noticing the thick redhead harem army last ep

Way of the Samurai

nah, it'll be a Sup Forums thread because of what this guy did

I had a discussion with some other user's that, if you liked the procure-on-site setup that the first three episodes had instead of playing the rest of the series, BotW is good for that.

Yeah the nips have such great feats of animation like Dragon Maid.

>Samurai Jack
>Steven Universe
>Rick and Morty
>Eceleb wanking

Either I'm getting old or Sup Forums more and more like Reddit

This. I loved that psycho bitch in 2 with the serated sword with no guard

What are some game that turns worst girl into best girl?

Bushido Blade, motherfucker

kinda sad they didn't give the sam-moo-rai a good redemption story other than "i saw how good he was and called quits"
should of gone full weaboo

t. underage


aw fuck, i know it's bait, but i'm gettin' riled

literally hated that dress, made her look like a fairy, fuck fairies

we need more LOL threads and loli and furry porn dumps. Sup Forums culture just isnt what it used to be

Weak minded faggots

Tio me it made her look like Poison Ivy, hence the edit

this recent episode confirmed for me that the new season is way worse than the original run


Hey there's a game for that
Especially if you really like seeing fairies suffer

how dare you insult a childrens cartoon

looks nothing like her, poison ivy is a lesbian feminazi bitch who would never wear a dress

Bushido Blade 1 and 2

Time to fire up that Commodore 64.

What are some games that let me do the Samurai?

I know it's not vidya thread, but
Way of samurai 3-4

>implying you wouldn't fuck every single dragon outside of the emo fag

shadow warrior


yiff in hell furry scum

Are you kidding? The new season was shaping up to be the best one yet until that hamfisted new episode hit. I mean it's cool to see all those characters again but talk about shoehorned, along with the cringy and out-of-place penis humor about halfway through the ep. Some other parts were legitimately funny and the ending was good though.

>It's better than 50% of media
That's very unimpressive.
At least 90% of most media is soulless schlock but pure quantity alone.

I will never understand how Gendy got away with this.

knowing Sup Forums the only one they're interested is probably the emo fag.

Ashi ruined season 5



is the guy supposed to be Jew? Looks more French to me

fuck russians

tl;dr weeb pandering cartoon

Therefore it's trash

>passing up good vidya
Let me guess, you own a physical copy of Samurai Shodown Sen.

It's true. Mad redditors will be foaming over this but Samurai jack is like the drawing of a retarded child while even the most trashy produced anime looks like a Picasso next to it. It also burrows heavily from Japanese animation and is basically just a nod to that in itself.
Which isn't a bad thing because it's a show for kids anyway.

Just loom what happned to MLP. That's what happens when people get overly emotional over a show for children.

he has a russian accent

Russian Jew probably.

That's funny, I'm Russian actually. So, what does he do? Invades Ukraine?

Red Steel

He also predicted Anita.


Thanks for keeping the thread alive.

I was high as a kite when episode 5 aired. Did anyone else noticed that the guy torturing Ashi was kinda sexually aroused by it?

t. A fucking faggot


gendy didn't make ppg retard

that was kinda the point


So I guess the Sup Forums thing is that the city is a multicultural dystopia? That's a bit of a stretch.

>cn indoctrinating kids into being republicans


i half expected her to be raped

>That first salesman

>implying it wasn't the 4th episode

I regret ever asking for more Samurai Jack.

>Demongo just comes in out of fucking nowhere
But I thought he died?


>redditors will deny this

>Supervising producer (season 1-4), writer, recording director, storyboard artist, and director (season 1-3)