What vidya are you picking up next week?

What vidya are you picking up next week?

Just Puyo Puyo Tetris.

I want to get mk8 deluxe but something feels not right

MK8, DQH2 and PPT

Outlast can go fuck himself though

Was going to get Puyo Puyo Tetris but the demo is everything I need


PPT on PS4
That's going to be my last vidya purchase till July

Trails in the Sky 3

dark souls 3 the fire fades TM edition

Mario kart and that's it.

The king of racing games, baby

This on PS4

>£20 on PS4
>£35 on Switch
For what reason?

nintendo tax

You get a keychain with the switch version

It's almost 100% though.

saving my monies

The digital Switch version is the same price as the PS4 version, Nintendo seems to have some weird thing where all retail games have to be $40. That's why the Switch version gets keychains while the PS4 version doesn't.

Well that it not the case in my country at all. Switch version is the same physical or digital and has no keychain. PS4 version is still half the price.

And I doubt the keychain is worth that additional cost anyway.

nothing, waiting another week for Prey

No, not in UK, the digital switch is the same price as retail, Deep Silver is retarded.

>Mario Kart
>another yearly shovelware
>looking forward to it

Puyo Puyo Tetris and Mario Kart for Switch. I'm gonna make local multiplayer great again.

>Outlast 2

Puyo and MK8D on Switch. Girlfriend is hyped for "new" MK8D as we were smart enough not to fall for the Wii U meme.
Outlast 2. I liked the first few hours of the first game but it fell to shit in the last third. With RE7 kinda eating it's lunch with demon hillbillies earlier this year, I'm intrigued to see what this game does to distinguish itself.


I want Puyo Puyo Tetris but I'm kinda hoping something gets done about the price digitally so I can buy it cheaper

Outlast 2
DQ Heroes 2
Little Nightmares

Gonna be a pretty good week, I'd say. Great fucking year for gaming and still going strong.

Fun fact, if it was a yearly franchise we'd have 25 Mario Karts by now.

I was going to pick up Puyo Puyo Tetris but ended up buying Nier Automata instead.

It's still a shovelware with an inflated price.

>Want to get Puyo Puyo Tetris on Switch
>40€ in yurop for both digital and physical, not keychain included

I've already got MK8 on WiiU, so I'll probably be getting Outlast 2 and DQH2 for PC.

Probably just Puyo Puyo Tetris.

How? It's so jarring to get thrown back to the menu and have to hear "SEGA Tetris!" after every single match. You have more patience than me if you can put up with that.

Yeah I just decided "Fuck it the demo is enough."