What went incorrect?
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Nothing, it's the best in the series
No strafing, and your aim is based on where Jak is facing instead of where the camera is facing.
I mean holy fuck these are the most basic concepts of a third person shooter.
A poor understanding of what made the first one so great.
Literally everything. It's a fucking shit game and one of the largest examples of nostalgia goggles I can think of.
>pointlessly made edgy for no reason other than "hey GTA is popular; we want the GTA audience"
>dude guns lmao
>the open-ended exploration of Jak I is largely gone; now huge chunks of the game are stupid GTA hub world missions like "race this guy through traffic" x100
>for most of the levels, good level design is gone and is reduced to "mow down this wave of enemies with your gun"
>no checkpoints during 20 minute long levels
I just know someone is gonna say "dude git gud lmao", the game isn't even hard, it's just frustrating. I've beaten Hell in Cave Story, Orphan of Kos in Bloodborne, and The Perfect Run in Super Mario Galaxy 2. The difference is all of them are good games and fun to play, and Jak II is not.
Here's the sad truth nobody on Sup Forums wants to admit: Jak II is the DmC reboot before DmC existed
Erratic difficulty spikes, not making it more similar to the first, no thought put into using dark eco powers, driving
>Do a mission
>Die in the middle or near-end of it
>Have to start all over and spend 10-15 more minutes doing the same shit
I hated this shit. It's one thing to make something hard, but its another to just make me do a long mission and give no checkpoints because you expect me to make no mistakes.
The weird thing is that mid way through a mission there would usually be a safe area to catch your breath, it that felt like a checkpoint but wasn't.
this game is the biggest victim from dominant strategy. once you figure out the spin jump + shoot with the yellow gun the game becomes easy as fuck with the exceptions of the races. after that, it doesnt matter what weapons/moves the game gives you since that move will make the game easier. jak 3 has the exact same problem, gives you a shit ton of weapons/moves but the spin jump + shoot with the yellow gun is still overpowered so it doesnt matter. this also makes the game kind of boring to since your doing the same thing over and over again, and dont even get me started on the story and how retarded is. i really dont understand why people say uncharted was the beginning of naughty dogs downfall when jak 2/3 arent much better. dont get me wrong, i still think they are decent games but fucking hell are they overrated (this pretty much sums up my opinion on uncharted as well).
the escape the docks mission
Jak 3 > 2
most of the time it feels like jak aims at who he wants, when he wants
the third one improved on it by make most of the new weapons not aim reliant
The aiming is near automatic.You move in the general direction of the enemy you want to shoot, and it locks on, until you move again.It works, and i don't mind it.
>buy the Jak trilogy
>have fun playing through Jak and Daxter
>make it an hour into Jak 2 before getting horrifically bored and dropping the series entirely
It's just boring. Took out all the fun platforming elements for dumb edgy shit, as well as had platforming take a far backseat to fighting enemies and being a GTA clone.
don't. please don't bring that up. christ fuck that mission.
its easy as fuck once you remember you had the useless hoverboard
honestly 2 is better, 3 is just straight up lazy and it felt rushed.
I see your shit mission and raise you the blastbots
>spin jump + shoot with the yellow gun is still overpowered so it doesnt matter. this also makes the game kind of boring to since your doing the same thing over and over again
That works for nearly any situation but it's slow and boring. It's the easy fallback, but when I played I mixed guns up and shoved eco or other methods in when appropriate resulting in a faster and more enjoyable experience. It's weird to me that people complain about the game being too difficult, with the primary offending complaint of there being a safety net if you can't figure something else out.
I remember a robot appears and just one shots you if you try to hoverboard out of there
>Ratchet still ongoing to this day
>Jak six feet under
You literally cant defend Jak II and subsequent entries
I wish the series continued as it was in first game. The world they established was kinda neat and colorful, while Haven City felt drab and dull.
What Said
And even hoverboarding through the platforms isn't possible since you take damage on contact with a krimson guard of which there are a fuck ton
>tfw it took me over 2 years to beat the Metalhead Mash game
did we play a different game or something? using the hoverboard makes it easy as fuck
I would have liked the future setting more if there were more returning locations besides samos' hut.
It's also bullshit thematicaly. All of a sudden loads of precursor artefacts and temples and sites are there in the far future that weren't in the first game
If you can dodge the guards yeah. The mission is set to spawn dropships on all sides
if you equip your hoverboard fast enough you can get past the dropships before they deploy the guards
Its decent but doesn't work enough to be frustrating, trying to tilt Jak in just the right way to get the auto aim to work, the point is that you are trying to coax the game into doing what you want it to do which isnt satisfying, add in the fact that you cant aim vertically and the large amount of enemies is it any wonder most players resort to the spin/shoot attack?
Shit posting.Naughty dog stopped making jak to make uncharted.
All you have to is is move>shoot>move>shoot>move>shoot
Every shot will hit
>make crash
>end it with kart racer
>make jak
>end it with kart racer
will they end uncharted with a kart racer?
Nothing, Jak 2 was great. The only people that dislike it are people that are shitty at vidya and get frustrated because it's hard.
Get good you pussy faggots.
jak x wasnt really a kart racer. it was more like burnout/twisted metal
more like move>miss>move>miss>move>miss>move>hit
A challenge is fine. A lack of checkpoints in a game filled with killbox rooms is not.
The races are a load of bollocks too. Should not have had the race bikes be able to break.
the dock escape mission was nothing compared to the on rails bot shooting shitfest later in the game.
I only managed to finish it back on the PS2, replaying it on the PS3 remaster made me rage quit and skip to Jak 3.
Jak 3 had the potential to be the best in the franchise. Imo it fell flat because they didn't put enough time into it. The whole game is short and feels extremely rushed, like there were all these ideas and potential for cool things in the game but they didn't have the time or money to do it. All the new weapons and better eco powers don't end up meaning shit when the game doesnt give you the opportunity to use them properly.
It wasn't bad. It just wasn't Jak & Daxter 2.
Krew's boss fight is pretty bullshit from what i remember too.
Trying to replay currently but all the precursor egg challenges are the most "memorize this after several failures" bullshit i've ever seen so I end up putting it down and coming back later
How do I beat this fucking hellcat cruiser mission. I'm considering skipping to three
"We want the GTA audience."
Seriously, I skipped the PS2 mascot franchises as a kid, and going back Jak II and III are the worst of the bunch. At least Sly and Ratchet prioritized gameplay over the sandbox meme.
Pretty much everything that isn't raw platforming. Which was better in the first game anyways because the platforming in Jak 2 is usually mixed in with sub R&C1 shooting.
just shoot from your car
I am the problem arsises when I destroy the cruisers and the Krimzon Guard all become crackshots and shoot me all at once.
just gotta jump from car to car i guess you dont take damage when your in a car. i am genuinely convinced i have a different version of the game because i have never had trouble with jak 2 with the exception of the final boss.
I was fine until then. Anyway cars explode and do half your health. I probably just have to git gud. It's just extremely frustrating.
I had an issue with that mission the first time around. Failed my first attempt and every consecutive attempt after that I had less and less ammo, until I just didn't have enough ammo to kill the cruisers. I just rammed other cars into it and blew them up kek.
There were ammo boxes at the beginning of the mission if I'm not mistaken, but not enough to completely refill your ammo if you're empty
you could have just died on purpose and grinded until you had enough ammo. its stupid though, the game should always start you off with full ammo and scatter ammo crates throughout the world.
The whole series lost it's identity after the first game.
>Get good
Don't need to. The game is panned and the series is dead.
So, when are the classics coming to PS4? I'm dying to play it again.
>watched that
>halfway through his Jak 3 vid
fuck you user I had things to do
Same. Put the speed on 1.5 though because this motherfucker talks like a sloth.
This. People shit on the first Ratchet and Clank for this all the time, but at least you can stop and aim in that game. Jak II gives you nothing.
Just about all the mechanics they added.
The best bits of this game are the pure platforming levels, which are quite good and built on the solid fundamentals of the first game.
being very difficult to emulate
huh? Jak 2 was really fucking good.
The first one was okay, but like uncharted 1 vs uncharted 2, the second game really got everything right.
The way they paced jak2, the variation in gameplay, it's a really fucking good game.
Not sure why people are talking about it being hard. I mean it wasn't like uncharted which is a cake walk but I wouldn't say it was 'hard'.
People shitting on jak2 are just trying to be edgy. It was a 9/10 10/10 game.
>started with jak 2
>still haven't ever played the first
who gives a shit about some faggy platformer collectathon anyway
2 and 3 were fucking great
kys ps2babby
jak x combat racing was also a ton of fun. That game doesn't get enough love.
It was way more fun than mario kart.
> wuhhh I dislike good games aren't I edgy guys?
You're forgetting something, user.
the first one wasn't great at all
it had an amazing soundtrack too
first console was the N64, nice try though
>I hate the smell of this part of the city
what did he mean by this
man this is going to be on ps4 can't wait
>Disliking Jak II makes you edgy
Dude, what?
Next you'll tell me that disliking Shadow the Hedgehog is edgy.
game would manually erase its save file, didn't have that problem on any other ps2 game but that one
Why does no one talk about Jak III? It's the best one imo
Honestly, Ratchet 1 is one of the only third person shooters I've seen without strafing/lock-on/first person that actually manages to be fair and fun about it, and a large part of that is level design.
my nigga
Literally nothing
Fuck everything about Jak II
Naughty Dog were always just trend followers.
>Platformers are popular, do that!
>GTA is popular, take some of that too!
>Cinematic "action-adventure" titles a popular, do that instead!
They're usually competent at what they do, mind.
it's still annoying, I played through it a week ago and I must have wasted thousands of rounds of ammo because of the lack of proper targeting
At least Crash and UC (on the hardest difficulty) are good
Hear hear.
This is incredibly autistic
That's only really true for Jak and Daxter, and CTR.
3D platformers wernt popular in 1996, they had just started existing. They didn't follow any trend other than using new tech. Crash (especially the formula of 2/3) started a trend of Crash clones which made up all the platformers that wernt Mario 64 clones.
CTR was an obvious copy of Mario Kart, I'll give you that. The entire Jak series was trend following as well.
Uncharyed wasn't trend following though, what other games like Uncharted existed before its announcmemt in 2006? Uncharted 1 wasn't even that well received, it was "good but not great". It wasn't until uncharted 2 that it became an icon and everyone started copying it.
>Here's the sad truth nobody on Sup Forums wants to admit: Jak II is the DmC reboot before DmC existed
You're not really making some grand and controversial statement. Everyone is aware that Jak II tried too hard to be Too Cool For School.
dude everything they did was good.
there is no shame in taking a good idea/trend and implementing it well.
People shitting on jak are just idiots who are probably too young to post on Sup Forums.
>Uncharyed wasn't trend following though
Resident Evil 4, but pretty much every third person shooter copied RE4
"Hey we made this quirky yet somewhat creative collect-a-thon and it was a pretty damn good launch titl- HOLY SHIT GRAND THEFT AUTO IS POPULAR LET'S COPY COPY COPY! But let's not stop there, we need to appeal to the teenagers so let's completely shift the tone to dark, grim and gritty with guns and cussing! We too can be hip and cool with the youth!"
Yeah, I actually enjoyed the first game for what it was, granted it very flawed but enjoyable. I could have seen a sequel fix the flaws and be really impressive. But then they dropped everything to cash in on a popular game. The attempt to make the game 'mature' was cringe-worthy (I'M GONNA KILL PRAXIS!) which wouldn't be a complete deal breaker if not for the actual gameplay being pretty shit, with unbalanced difficulty and some of the worst gaming cliches of it's time.
I gave up on the game when I had to do a FUCKING ESCORT MISSION.
you're retarded.
>there is no shame in taking a good idea/trend and implementing it well.
Maybe with the other games in the series, like Daxter, but not Jak II
The thing I appreciate about Jack 2 is that they showed you can do a gta style game without the limitations of a realistic setting, and realistic human characters.
Literally git gud, I played it for the first time two years ago and it was absolutely wonderful.
Modern Naughty Dog's contempt for Jak X and arguably the entire Jak franchise is really strange.
I love how Jak II fans never have decent arguments and resort to name calling.