Why did Rockstar get praise for making Niko ugly and realistic but Bioware got nothing but hate for making their main...

Why did Rockstar get praise for making Niko ugly and realistic but Bioware got nothing but hate for making their main characters realistic?

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I have never seen this argument before.

>GTA 4 2008
>Andromeda 2017

It's very common

This happened? Someone actually said this?

Who the fuck?

This. What a terrible bait thread.

I hate to be the one to break this to you, but a lot of people here are fucking stupid.

Niko makes a better girl than Ryder


No one says this

Best bait on Sup Forums right now

I fully support average looking characters

Ive never ever in my life seen the GTA4 argument. I have seen the AI, car physics, and gunplay arguments which are all good.
You have to be a normie and retarded to be a fan of andromeda

Because pic related is who Sara Ryder is supposed to look like. If she was really supposed to be "ugly" or "realistic" they wouldn't have started with a literal model's facial scan.
It's blindingly obvious they fucked it up. Stop making excuses for them.

She looks just like Ryder, she's just wearing makeup in that picture.

>good looking people don't exist

And Niko isn't ugly. He's just gritty and hardboiled.

Its not to late to make this a gta iv thread...


Nigger what are you on? This bait is so bad.

nice strawman

>old Sup Forums
>praising GTA IV
good one

Obviously not if they're patching the faces.

More excuses.

Bioware could add all the makeup they feel like to Sara, she'd still look like shit.

They're doing it because of the unbased """fan""" backlash.

The characters in Andromeda aren't realistic at all. Also there is a decade long gap between the two games. try again next time faggot

Because this is a strawman

>call a woman Rider
>make her ugly so people can't be like LOL COCK RIDER AMIRITE? XD

Shit taste in men, honestly, OP. Niko is a sexy guy.

Unsure if OP is a faggot because fags would know better.

only good thing about gta4 was ballad of gay tony

>real serbian guy

I have never seen a thread about Niko's appearance in my entire life, probably because Rockstar (despite some cuckery with GTAV and most of their franchises declining) actually made a competent game. Andromeda's face models were complete trash along with the rest of the game, but they were the most apparent and ripe for the picking.

Because men are supposed to look practical

Women are supposed to be eye candy

That's just how it is, men wanna see bomb ass bitches, girls wanna see brute strength warriors

Nothing wrong with that

For any newfriends and newfags, make sure you look up how to sage to avoid bumping threads like these. Anyways,
No one says that. Even the general public doesn't agree on that either. GTA IV was pretty dated and ugly to look at even at it's time too.

s u m m e r i s h e r e a n d t h e l i v i n g i s e a s y .

Who the fuck thinks GTA IV is better than GTA V?

Is this your first time on here?

This is one of the worst bait threads I have ever seen, I know you can do better


I'll give you this much. The animation is the big offender which makes even the more decent looking characters look like utter shit. But considering they made this character and never changed it, their intent with Sara wasn't to make her ugly or unnatural.

bioware got hate for building a house and small town in the uncanny valley and moving their entire bloodline into it

There's a comparison video with a bias towards IV with millions of views and unanimous support so I guess most people?


Because Rockstar manages to make realistic looking models. Niko looked and acted like a real slav. Ryder just looks like an autist brat with the dis proportioned body of a that baby legs gag from that Rick and Morty show

They made Niko looked flawed as in not-a-model while characters in Andromeda where butt ugly from a more general perspective.

It's obvious that his looks were intended by Rockstar while Bioware just lacks competence.

lets not forget nekos face isnt the stuff of pure nightmares

Everyone thats not a kike

That argument never happened. There are 7 billion-ish people on earth and not a single one of them has ever praised GTA4 for making ugly characters in the entire history of the human race.

GTA IV is objectively better than V.

Mechanics are deeper, side content is more meaningful, and the AI is better.

>Old Sup Forums
>Praising GTA IV

but V is still a stellar game

Did you make this comic yourself?
I love pussies with cocky comics.

>Why did Rockstar

Why do you have to start thread acting like a facetious dumbfuck? why do you have to lower the level of discussion even more than it already is? this shit will get worse and before you know it you'll be the one asking this question to some other faggot OP.

I recognize the guy that made this, he baits on Sup Forums all the time

>underrated gem

I hate GTA IV's physics. They felt clunky and slow. I prefer V's. I find it more fun like GTA:SA.

Pleb taste.