"I need you to answer me honestly

>"I need you to answer me honestly.
>I don't have much time either"
>main char proceeds to explain the entire game in every single detail

Other urls found in this thread:


I didn't have much time with her but I honestly fucked your sister into a near comatose state.

>you just realized that the end of date scenes where Joker "spends a romantic evening" or recieving "makotos donut" were just euphamisms so he wouldnt tell the prosecutor he gave the girls the thickster trickster

You play the game in great detail, but the main character is just giving her a short summary.

On your bed

You did what with my sister?
Don't play games with me. Weren't you saying that you suspected there was a traitor in your midst?
Besides, Makoto would nev- What? You filmed the whole thing?

>after school I went and worked at a flower shop
>Then I went home and did a crossword puzzle
>Then the next day after school...

Sae is a patient woman to sit through all this shit

Yeah, it's on my phone. Just so you know we've been doing this for half a year now.


Oh I didn't film it.

She did. She insisted on it.

"So yeah, I had to pretend the talking cat was just a toy. So when the kid asked me to make the cat meow again I decided to go easy and pat his head lightly so he wouldn't make that much of a fuss. Well that backfired horribly since he fucking came so loud the entire cart started looking in our direction... now where was I? Oh yeah, the autistic artist kid. "

>Hmmm so you guys do it with your masks on too huh?

>and then I took your sister home to my room and banged her in the ass

I would love it if she said "You're pretty good".

What a joker

How much more is there after Shido?

>Yeah, it's on my phone.
Show it to not-a-nakama.

I think the last playable day for normal wandering around is like 12/23 or so.

One more dungeon which is shorter and far more interesting than his.
Also you need to reach the bottom of Mentos if you haven't already.

Your sister has a beautiful ass.

>tfw the only s link I won't be able to finish is sun because it ended early
Well at least I know I'll have a tone of free time in ng+

Depends how you play. Are you maxing confidants, doing the grind, fusing personas.
It took me 80 hours to get the first bad ending, ng+ fastforwarding everything to the exact point took 30 hours, finished the game at around 160 hours with all the superbosses, confidants and shit.

Sae does too, it really shows on some cutscenes.

Why the fuck won't the Moon link appear? He's at rank 9 and I just got done with the October exams,


>the sisters start fighting over jokers attention, turns into a threeway

Joker's face when

Do requests, He will always rank up when you talk to him, but you can only do so if you done his Requests, and those requests genally happen on Set dates.

Which means Moon is basically PLOT progressed and gated despite appearing not to initially.

>implying Sae wouldn't just rip your dick off to keep it all to herself

also acceptable

I have every request completed (I think) but one and that one I am waiting for Haru to come back.

At least in NG+ it's going to be easier since I don't have to worry about social stats (everything is at 5 except for Charm and Guts)

It's your little sis birthday! Say something nice to her Sae!

>Implying she wouldn't 'rig the roulette wheel' so to speak

I unlocked rank 10 when I did the Smax request.

Who would celebrate the birth of a parasitic robot?


>yea so that thursday it was raining in the afternoon, I got a math question wrong, then i went shopping for some books, then study in a restaurant and went to the bath house after since they use the medical mix on thursday hey are you still listening?


Such elegance! I feel such inspiration welling up within, a level of which I've never felt before! Please, I wish to capture this incredible feeling! Would you be willing to act as my model? Takamaki was rather unwilling to go through with it, but perhaps you would?


Man what a bunch of jokers!

>she's 6'0", freakishly tall and literally a gigantor among Japanese women
>the game masks this most of the time with low angles or have it so where she's sitting

Fucking Atlus reeeee

>Joker can remember every tiny detail about his life including every order he got wrong at a beef bowl shop
>Can't remember who the traitor was or the plan to let him escape until the very last second

Manlets please go home.

Sae is 6 feet tall.

It's impossible to deny when she's with the kids in the cafe. She's way taller than everyone except Sojiro.

So unless Makoto is going to have a massive growth spurt she's not going to reach anywhere near Sae's height.

>take Katsuya
>make him a woman
>make him a massive cunt

For what purpose?

>Good looking
>Well educated
>Practicing attorney with probably good income
>Respected career
>But unromanceable
Literally why Atlus?

P5 Crimson. Same for Hifumi

But Katsuya WAS a massive cunt in Innocent Sin due to Tatsuya perceiving him as such

A R T !

>P5 Crimson

Did you mean Persona 5: The Goro?

Maybe we'll get Persona 5 EP where it's revealed Sae never told Makoto to fuck off and it's just her exaggerating what happened

You can romance Hifumi you daft cunt

why do people like Goro so much?

He just seems like a generic pretty boy.

Which one of these are the most likely to get an expansion in the inevitable re-release?

>lel new character

I like how badly he gets BTFO

Makoto's her lover, she wasn't about to trade up and Makoto's going to be going through some punishment when and if Sae finds out what Makoto did.

I don't, I fucking hate him

But the japs love him, so he'll be all over the remake and the spinoffs

>tfw your brother just wants to spend the rest of his life feeding you all your favorite foods and taking care of you

IS Tatsuya was an ungrateful jerk.

Because he's totally a tragic and sympathetic villain user. Don't you feel bad for that pretty young man who murdered hundreds of people just so his Dad would feel extra sad when he eventually got around to killing him too? His Dad never loved him y'know!

Hopefully we get more interactions in the party to make up for the lackluster shit like Hawaii. This would result in more interactions for characters like Haru, which currently is rather lacking.
>haha man it's crazy how little we're doing in hawaii! :^)

I have not gotten that far. I am in October between the dates of the exam and the festival

Well he got what was coming to him then, huh?

Because pic, and Honey, I'm home.

I think that's virtually a guarantee at this point, if P4G is anything to go by. My only wish is that they let it be an add-on for the console version than trying to make it handheld-only like they did for P4G.

I kinda understand the pancake meme with him since he heard Morgana talking about pancakes when they first met.

and yet how could Goro understand Morgana if he did not go into the Metaverse

Well since sony doesn't have a handheld in the pipes right now they shouldn't release it for one.

I think their rationale for doing the Vita-only version was to not only give the console a selling point, but because P4 would look pretty fucking terrible on the PS3 and they couldn't necessarily update the original without reprinting the original game and making a physical copy.

>OP a faggot as always
the more information you give a detective the more you can rationalize actions and events in a court of law. Especially when under the influence of whatever chemicals the MC was given. I can't speak for japan but in america you can appeal to the jury if you communicate effectively with transparency in the united states. Why wouldn't you give all the details in a case in which you commit no real crime?

This game especially gives leeway due to good samaritan laws (not sure if plausible in Japan). If someone was able to steal hearts in the U.S.A. and get confessions from criminals then they would be lauded as heroes.

Near endgame spoilers

He already has. He's been going in and out of the Metaverse even before the birth of the Phantom Thieves.

Robin Hood was a cool persona, a shame they didn't work in the Green because SPOILERS.

I liked how hammy he was while in the party, his flourishing everything looks hilarious when you put him in a nonstandard costume, but the Fujos love him because he is a pretty boy with a SO SAD backstory that make him easy to schlick too AND triggers their beathen housewife "I CAN CHANGE HIM" syndrome.

And as said earlier, him getting BTFO'd was pretty funny.

I mostly wish he would remained because i actually liked his skill set since the rework of Bless and Curse to not ONLY be instant kill again meant he had more use then Naoto in vanilla P4 for the limited time you had him.

There's going to be a new character ala Marie, watch.

And I want FAR more non-plot related hang out ones. Reduce the amount of text message bullshit and create more fun times for the cast.

I would like to see an option to skip all the tutorials like in P3P
>Here's the thing, do you want to know more?
>No thanks
>Alright, I'll let you play

I want to knock up Makoto and make Sae my sister-in-law

>If someone was able to steal hearts in the U.S.A. and get confessions from criminals then they would be lauded as heroes.
Well, they were. Up until they were framed for two murders that is.

She can't be romanceable because the whole thing is that career women get shit on in Japan. Hell there's numerous times she's insulted because she's 24 and is getting "too old" to get a husband.

Japan is fucking broken.

The law system in Japan is a horrific Frankenstein monster of western democratic institutions and Japanese cultural mores.

He's like Ryoji, except he dies a bitch death for being a little bitch

Depending on who it ends up murdered they would probably be liked even more. The legal system in America is a joke and even criminals with laundry lists of crimes would take years to prosecute. Decades if they were corporate billionaires. People would love to see obviously corrupt people taken out.

Japan's criminal justice system is scummy as fuck. They're barely better than shit like the Yakuza. Lots of politics embedded with policing, lots of making shit up to keep impossibly good crime stats up, if you're convicted you are almost always found guilty, their society is far less forgiving of people with crimes on their record than most.

Makoto gives me massive growth spurts...

Makoto is my one true waifu

I wish she had merch I could buy to celebrate her birthday today

>"According to the reports, it seems you have some impressive skills at handling a gun, with who did you learned that?"
>Huh, I was actually just playing a video game with a kid"

>that exposition from Futaba where the entire team realizes their ruse cruise would've accidentally involved creating a cognitive Goro
>they had to tie up a guy that literally did nothing wrong

I lost it exactly at that part.

Good party member for best dungeon.

How would I go about playing Persona 4 and 3? I only have a PS4.

Sae is so much better than the mikoto ripoff who pretend to be her sister.

yaoi bait.


>No reaction when you tell her you spent a quiet night alone with her sister in your dusty old attic of a bedroom
C'mon Atlus don't give us that fast-forward framing device shit if you don't at least have some fun with it. Worth it for the ruse cruise, but I'm still disappointed.

This is pretty lewd user

i know

Would you kindly delet this picture?

>"makotos donut"
"Your sister wanted to try new things so we did anal."

I wanna slap Haru's thighs red!

Hifumi in the party I meant

can someone make an edit of the pancakes comic with goro?

I think someone already did
