>Playing this game
>suddendly I have to kill Isabeau in the chaos ending
WHAT THE FUCK? I wanted to kill Johnatan game, not HER.
Playing this game
What is this a Persona 4 thread? Spoiler that shit man.
How did you not see it coming?
That's because she is a neutralfag and she gonna neutral, and that means trying to kill BOTH Law and Chaos.
And often fucking up and making shit worse.
She hasn't been in my party since befroe entering the perpetual reactor
>play a smt game
>goes chaos/law
>doesn't expect to kill all your friends
>no option to mindbreak her and turn her into a demon waifu
Well, at least Apocalypse happened.
This is my smt game dude, I knew about the kill your friends thing but I didn't think she was gonna turn on me of all people, I wanted to kill Johnatan because he's a faggot
Serves you right, chaosfags.
Izzy is an indecisive bitch and deserves to be killed
You gotta kill your friends. If they don't agree with the direction you want to take the world then they should just fuck off and die, and you may as well deliver them to their deaths yourself. Otherwise they'll just keep being a thorn in your side. That's how SMT works.
she fucking sudoku'd herself, I thought this series was just edgy shit but that was pretty dark
>LAW fags being LAW fags
>CHAOS fags being CHAOS fags
Where my neutral brethren at?
Is this your first SMT game? How do you like it?
It's a post-apocalyptic game that interpret Gnosticism. SMT4 is probably the lightest of the mainline game
If I wanted to play a jrpg that's challenging enough to where I need to use all of the tools at my disposal, is there a game in the SMT series like that? I'm playing through P5 right now and the only times I've enjoyed combat was during bossfights because you can't just down them by attacking their elemental weakness.
Strange Journey or most of the mainline
Neutrals are busy being autistic, naive and BEST.
Nope. That would be Persona 5 and NINE.
SMT4 interprets Judeo-Christian shit.
No. MegaTen is only challenging the first time you play it, after you understand how fusing works and what skills to keep nothing should be a problem for you.
Post best demonfus
>Isabeau asks me if I think that I will be forgiven for plunging Tokyo and Mikado into war
>tell her that I've done nothing wrong
>she's too stunned to do anything and I get another turn to attack her
Tough break, bitch.
>the game isn't hard when you learn how to play the game
>Game force you to learn the necessary skillset to beat it
That sounds like a proper challenging game to me
The skillset is pretty much the same among all games.
Right here brother.
Who /law/ here?
This basically, half of the challenge was figuring out what the fuck each spell did, especially in the older ones.
What exactly is the most overpowered thing varies from game to game though, i mean MARIN FUCKING KARIN was fucking amazing in SMT 2, but not so much in the post-PS2 ones, meanwhile DeSu gets their dances, and P3 got Cadenza for like half the game and so on, but they still generally operate off the same basics.
See image.
Have you praised *record scratch* yet, brother?
this game is already 4 years old , it already is beyond the treshold of spoilers if you havent played it by now its your own damn fault.
>Its only challenging if you havent already mastered it
No such thing as a statue of limitations on spoilers. If you seriously believe that everyone should experience something as soon as it comes out or is even able to do so, you're a fucking retard. Use spoiler tags. It's incredibly easy and you have no excuse.
Also, I'm not who you responded to, so don't act like I am just because you got called out.
What the fuck I'm on Day 17 on DeSu and getting rekt why is this game so hard
then I will just think you both are retards, how can you expect not get spoilered of something that came out years ago, no one is gonna tiptoe around for that long because oh my god , some losers in the internet I dont care about hasnt experienced this yet
Darth Vader is Luke's father Shirou is the redman Rosebud is the name of the sled
The idea that everyone has to spoiler every single story related sentence for every single game just in case there might be someone that hasn't but wants to play a game is retarded.
Kill yourself.
user just highlight and click ctrl+s, it's that easy
Fucking use spoiler tags, you dumb sack of shit, ESPECIALLY when it's in the OP that everyone can see. You have no excuse, and it isn't "tiptoeing", it's common courtesy.
The idea that you would intentionally misinterpret what was being said just to make it seem ridiculous is retarded. Kill yourself.
Do you happen to know of a different jrpg series/game that fits what I'm looking for?
Doesn't matter what's "right". People aren't going to do it. You better play a game before trying to talk about it anyway.
There's a point where some spoilers start becoming common knowledge and it's expected that people will talk about these things, particularly here. Would you get mad if someone started talking about how in Nocturne's True Demon Ending you become Lucifer's strongest general and wage war against the Great Will?
The whole thing is just hitting the enemy weaknesses and picking demons that resist the attacks the boss you're fighting uses, and SMT keeps the same demon roster and skills among most games. If you compare to something like EO (to keep it Atlus related), where the tools you and the enemies have at your disposal change every game and your party members are way more limited because you can't freely swap and customize them, SMT is pretty braindead.
>Number of demons in Persona 4~5
>Number of demons in SMT IV and IV:A
Why does anyone play Persona again?
SJ's neutral ending is so satisfying
>kill chaos
>kill law
>kill mem aleph
>happy ending
Because SMTIV is like 95% reused assets and the remaining 5% are strange guest designs that don't reflect the demon they depict in many cases.
Because muh waifus and 3D models.
On the case of P5 their in 3D HD
Since when spoiling something is a thing that has to do with courtesy how is it disrespectful. If you getting spoilered anything actually gets you upset you need to change your priorities not expect some other people to care for what you see.
>>happy ending
But Arthur didn't make it.
>400 slightly animated images 10 year old images versus 180+ hd models
Come on user you know better than that.
>Would you get mad if someone started talking about how in Nocturne's True Demon Ending you become Lucifer's strongest general and wage war against the Great Will?
If it was in the opening post then yeah. Otherwise I would avoid that thread if I haven't finished that game yet.
Oh boy.
Then stop being a fag.
None of us care about some random idiot who is afraid of having 2013 games spoiled for them. why do you think entire fucking world revolves around you?
They're animated like shit and have less detail than the animated images used in SMT IV.
You destroy everything so humanity has a proper chance to continue, an ending by humans for humans.
Bro its SMT its a given you will kill your friends a real SMT spoiler would be that the highschooler chick I forgot her name, was Lucifer
Sup Forums board rule 5: Purposeful spoiling of a game's plot or other details may result in post deletion and temporary ban. Use spoiler tags where appropriate.
Why do you think the entire fucking world revolves around you?
How can I play SMTIV with original voices
Stop posting anytime
Foolish son of man, if the sins of mankind are allowed to continue then how can the peace of today last until tommorow?
How have you not hacked your 3ds mate?
At least you didnt get neutral your first time through and got brick walled by DUDE GO DO EVERY SIDE QUEST LAMO
Anyone else feels more engaged in the still 2D battles of SMT IV than in the fully animated 3D battles of Persona 5? It's so weird, on paper Persona 5's combat should be better than SMT's, but it just isn't...
Any news on SMT x Switch?
Just torrent the undub bro
Persona battles have always been shallow compared to SMT ones
Should I play SMT IV's story DLCs and get the true ending before playing SMT IV:A?
I loved SMT IV, but only got the White and Law endings.
IV's combat system is fucking awful, thanks to no def and smirks.
>You may be 20 levels above your enemy but an ambush will kill you 90% of the time
I know what you're saying, I was excited for Persona 5s 3d combat but it just ended up being a letdown; I don't know what it is but 3d SMT always looks ugly, Nocturne and the other 3D SMT games aren't any better
>Bonds route
>Jonathon and Walter act like they din do nuffin wrong
Why is Bonds route such fucking trash
Just get tons of HP points.
I haven't misinterpreted anything.
That's what you want people to do so they don't spoil you. It's retarded.
It's retarded because this isn't the place to whine about spoilers in the first place, but even if it was you'd get a grace period of at most 3 weeks before you can go fuck yourself.
>convincing deluded/brainwashed people that what they did is wrong
I kinda liked that, keeps random encounters dangerous even in low level areas.
>git good
>He didn't listen to Dagda
total custom party including MC, of course you're gonna be more engaged with your creations. IV:A is even better thanks to affinities and smirk fixing
The optimal is still Nocturnes animated battles with your total custom party if you ask me.
EO >>>>>>>>> SMT
Prove me wrong. You literally cant.
I only beat the neutral ending which is essential since it leads into Apocalypse. I'm thinking of replaying IV and getting the Law and Chaos routes though, are the exclusive quests fun?
fusion in nocturne is shit though. IV's mido app is god tier
Don't remember, played the game in 2014~
Killing cunts who don't agree with you is acceptable, but even your bros kicking the bucket is kind of a bummer though.
No especially not the law ones where you have to kill humanities most trusted ally.
I've tried getting into EO but it simply bores me to death, which is ironic because I completed PQ and finished all routes in SJ in like a week and a half.
There are exclusive demons for Chaos route, as well as Law and NG+ Law if my memory serves me well.
Etrian Odyssey's dungeon exploration is the least fun thing I think I've ever done in an JRPG.
Enjoy your series for masochists, I guess.
I wish you could kill only some of your friends in Apocalypse. Gaston? Fuck you. Nozomi? Hypocritical bitch. Toki? She can stay. Hallejuah and Navarre can stay because they always had my back.
Honestly I wouldn't mind being able to kill Nozomi and Toki. I know it sounds super gay, but those two in particular were just fucking insufferable compared to the guys.
Asahi was all right.
Gaston is the only one that grows desu
Asahi is k
They should have gone with actual LAW CHAOS Neutral and a TDE with Dagda. Instead of Persona or SMT endings
>Killing Gaston
>letting Toki live
There's so much bloat in IV that it feels like the majority of the demons don't offer much unique, especially when every single skill can be passed down.
>*jumps in to attack*
>*wastes two Press Turns*
Fuck Gaston.
>Not exclusively using Asahi or Navarre and benching everybody else
>no one likes law
Fuck you son of men.
use fucking spoilers