Why the fuck is Civ VI so terrible?

Why the fuck is Civ VI so terrible?

The city management makes every game feel the same.










Steam Gaming Platform


Nobody liked how the artistic direction was a Clash of Clans ripoff. Sid Meier looks at marketing bullshit and must've swallowed the bait that iOS shit is where profits are. And yeah it is, for Candy Crush and cash shop gambling simulators, not for fucking 4x games.

Plus modern Firaxis has set a paradigm where their games don't get good until 2 expansions in. It's unfortunate but they got lazy sitting on their throne and there's a lot of competition who wants that crown these days, they can't just sit there and assume they win over Amplitude or Stardock or Paradox thanks to name recognition--name recognition cuts both ways when Civ5 wasn't that great and Beyond Earth was a bad Civ5 reskin.

Balanced so poorly it literally ruins the game

Because RTS are not videogames

game is okay, but smartphone graphics giant turn-off to everyone I know
any kind of atmosphere V offered immediately gone when you see these awful characters and fields of fucking nothing

it's just too expensive for something that doesn't really innovate very much on Civ V

I love the series but if I feel like playing Civ I never feel like I need the new one
It's just not enticing enough

Civ died at IV

its not rts

*at V

Civ V is better in almost every way currently.

It's a damn shame. Civ VI has the potential to be great but the AI is extremely retarded and some basic features are missing for no reason (why the fuck is there no restart option?)

*at VI

This is true.

the districts system is terrible honestly

I really feel cheated falling for the pc gaming shills.

Actually at n-1, n being the latest one.

V has been $5 for years

>we want the goyim DLC whores market

>turn 10
>run into Cleopatra
>she declares war on me because I don't have a big enough army

Great game. It's fucking retarded that the AI can get around all the warmonger penalties, but have mercy if you defend yourself.

IMO it's one of the better things they added to the game. Terrain matters a whole lot more now

It's horribly balanced, forcing you to build the same shit in the same order in every city. A big part of it are the absolutely retarded hammer costs being completely out of sync with tech tree, thus making industrial zones and commercial hubs mandatory.

>Production is Tier 0. Literally every victory even Religion to an extent requires maximum Production focus
>No variety in Tech or Culture. Go for same tech each time
>Dumb as shit AI
>No UN or Council

You know what I cant even be bothered to type out the rest. It's good for 50 hours of play but that's it.

>civ5 wasn't that great

shit taste

God damn so much this.

>Civ declares war on me
>No one gives a fucking shit
>Defend myself

I haven't even played the game but the meme graphical style turns me off hard. It doesn't belong anywhere near a Civ game. Also doesn't help that even the most positive opinions of it that I read basically say "wait till expansions fix it".


>Civ V
has been on sale multiple times, for dirt fucking cheap and had a lifespan of years

>Civ VI
only came out last year and has barely gone like 20% off

gee I fucking wonder why it's not the more popular one

I liked it.
People complain about the graphical style not being realistic like it's fucking 2002, they can fuck off. It's alright.
They've been tweaking and rebalancing this game every couple weeks, so that's being worked on.
The biggest problem now is the lack of modding tools. They came out with some a while ago, but it's still not everything.

I'll wait until the full game comes out in a year or two, and then for that to go on sale for $12.

Haven't played VI, does the AI still act like a spastic and do completely retarded shit like denouncing you at friendly as in V? At least in IV the AI made sense most of the time.

Perma raging barbarians spawning one unit per turn in their camps, and always ahead of you in tech.
Horrible diplomacy that literally always ends up in total war no matter what you do.
Terrible UI, lack of information, the leader screens are a mess and why can't I skip the goddamn dialogs everytime someone denounces me or sends me a warning?
Poliocy cards are nice but I always end up using the exact same ones throughout my games. They don't seem balanced at all.
AI missionary spam pisses me off.
And AI is still a major retard, besides declaring war on you on turn 20 with their unfair advantages (on immortal at least), they still fall behind in the late game unless one of them manages to absorb all the others.

It's great, until you get one of each 3 victories (religious is just a domination victory that you stupidly have to use 3 unit types only).

Then there's literally not a single reason to play the game ever again.

It's even worse. It's HULK SMASH aggressive in early ages and completely passive in late. The leaders also now have "agendas" and Harald the Autist will spam how he hates your guts because your boats kinda suck. It doesn't matter though because he's just as likely to DoW you even if he likes you.
It doesn't help that the AI is so laughably incompetent its attacks are never a threat.

>The leaders also now have "agendas" and Harald the Autist will spam how he hates your guts because your boats kinda suck.

Are agendas the most poorly executed game concept in the series?

On paper it seems cool, but in practice it's just a way for the AIs to spam messages about how much they hate you each turn.

>Perma raging barbarians spawning one unit per turn in their camps, and always ahead of you in tech.

Hilariously the AI seems to constantly get wrecked by barbarians.

Barbarians aren't so bad. I used to rage about them when I tried for Civ 5 build order and would get shit stomped by endless horseman hordes, but just build a few slingers early on and you'll have veteran archers in no time.

Diplomacy is beyond awful. There's no way to ever get equitable trade deals and every game turns into total war.

Espionage mostly sucks, beneits are minimal.

Production is fucked and 95% of units are never built because production never catches up with tech.

Religion is just stupid and spammy.

I have about 120 hours, but unless major upgrades are made in expansions, I'm not going back to it.

>argue with lone, does it 4 free, Civ 6 mod on steam discussion
>call him a shill for banning those who criticize devs
>get 24 hour ban
>he replies "I don't anything to do with dev team"
>he has 100s of CIV5 mods on steam workshop
>participates in patch and balancing issues
Yeah, fuck the devs and all their shills hard. Not buying this game until it is at 25% of the base market price.

>Not buying this game until it is at 25% of the base market price.
Just pirate it if their that bad.

>less players than shitlaris

My pirate days are over plus I got money for games.

>when everyone's denouncing you but you're too far ahead technologically and militarily for them to do anything

people aren't buying it because they know how firaxis/2k are. they release the game barebones and strip features from previous games out and then readd them as dlc. they did this with civ5 and beyond earth. people know to wait for at least one expansion before buying the game.

>brainlets threaten you with "economic sanction"
... and that's how they got lazer'd kids

>giving money to devs you apparently hate
You deserve to get fucked over even more

It'll be fine once the expansions come out

Civ V is literally perfection. There is no reason to continue after that

>Civ V is literally perfection.

Bee nice user, buzz buzz :3

Livi bee, is that you?

beating Deity in V without using a cheap map setup, tricky AI abuse, etc was one of the most challenging and rewarding things I've ever done in a video game. It's nearly impossible to top V.

Civ 5 fucking sucked dick before expansions and it's going to be the same way with Civ 6

I'm split on it.

On one hand, I do like how there's requirements to build wonders and districts, as well as them being their own separate tiles on the map, a nice bit of balance against just wonderspaming on your capital city, and I actually like the artstyle.

On the other, I concur with almost every complain in this thread. It's not well balanced, religionspam by other civs is annoying, diplomacy is not useful in the least, policy cards not being very useful, etc.