Why isn't there more hype for this?

Why isn't there more hype for this?

Because it's never fucking coming out

This. They blew their load too early, so by the time it comes out there'll be a lot less hype than is optimal.

But... they put the Steam page up a while back... SURELY that means they plan on announcing a release date soon, right?

I heard it has new factions.

Hoping that's not true, I liked the factions as they were.

People are getting hyped for the release date announcement.

there is but it's mostly died off bc it's been 8 years senpai

I think you meant

>Some bitches

But it has a lamellar armor clad byzantine faction now. Get hype

I think we all know somewhere within us that it's going to be a dissapointment. Don't get me wrong I love Warband and it's one of my favorite games but there's been so many hiccups on this road and I just doubt that it can deliver solidly.

2bh it's only small group of autistic fans with heavy stockholm syndrom to boot that is still waiting for it
Please visit us at /mbg/ sometimes
shit's dead, yo

t. Autist w/ stockholm syndrome

/mbg/ is the best general. I only visit it once a month but there's something about it that makes it free from RP-fags and hugboxes.

It's a prequel, so it should have late roman era factions

They have the Byzantine.

The hype train is still going strong, OP, and we've got enough butter to last the long haul.


They said a while back they would release a MP beta late 2k16, then they said first months of 2k17, then we are still waiting for them to say something.

isis is going to blow up turkey and taleworlds studios and we will never get bannerlord

I'm joining Free Kurdistan Front if they won't relase it anytime soon (in next 5 years)

Really want to play as them

what would they be like? Heavy Cav, Horse Archers, Infantry not giving a crap about shields or something else?

redirecting all the barbarians towards the west like jews and making bank

crossbows, board shields, polearms?
no shit

Ultra heavy cav, horse archers, spear chuckers and heavily armored spear and sword infantry (with shields) albeit not as well disciplined as romans.

now that's well rounded faction
I hope they won't just make them fairly shit at everything as they did with Vaegirs in Warband

>don't blow your load.

stop thingken bout butter

>I wish I were at Praven, feasting
>my feet hurt

Man those armor designs are sick.

Call me when this game gonna has combat as or better than For Honor

more flashy =/= better

just saying

Don't bite the bait.

The lack of updates on it's development progress means it doesn't stay in the public conscious for very long.

sorry, I lost my cool for a second

I have no idea how they'll balance it if they make it like the actual eastern roman empires' armies. I guess they would have really high upkeep?

I bet on keeping H. Cav fairly Lancer's tier, particulary if there are h. archers involved too.