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Is Smash truly the most cucking series in the history of games?
If you want good characters, you'd just get FE trash. And if you want FE trash, you'd get the American pandered FE trash. Why can't Sack of Rice just make a FE Smash and remove all that shit from Smash so other characters other than OP can get in?
Honestly it was downright insulting to see fan favorite characters downgraded into mere costumes. Nothing gets me angrier than seeing those retarded mii faces. it's like they're mocking me
Only autistic manchildren wanted him in the game.
Almost as bad as Ridleyfags.
>Almost as bad as Ridleyfags.
How is wanting more than one metroid character in smash autistic?
Was the swordfighter thing the worst criticism ever lobbed at a Smash roster? Sakurai has problems out the ass, mostly his time management and eagerness to pat himself on the back, but people were acting like every sword character fought with the same animations and hitboxes.
>current year
>people are still mad about overabundance of characters with swords
>Sack of Rice
Darkmatter fags BTFO
For me
t. Delusional K. Rool Cucks
There are two, you can't even count LMAO
But autistic manchildren got more Shit Emblem characters...?
>other samus
I don't know if it was the worst to come out of it or not. I think it was more the characters being from Fire Emblem and not another series rather than them using swords, but because of that, it was easy for people to say "swords" in reference to the Fire Emblem characters. I wasn't really bothered with the abundance of sword users myself though.
My main issue with most character additions was that the majority of their down specials were a counter move of some kind. I don't find it to be a problem in game, but I think the reliance of a counter to fill in a move reduced character variety just a bit.
>"2" characters is enough for a series that *was* well received
>A series that was shilled to American now warrants 6+ characters (including the femAlts)
HAHAHAHAHAHA. That's not even including DK series, Mother, F-Zero, STARFOX...
Few asked for more FE characters. Roy was added in to pander to melee fags, and Corrin was a promotion.
K. Rool fans are a bunch of autists getting upset at not getting what they want. Ridleyfags might've been bad, but at least they humored it up with stupid memes.
We at least got Little Mac thrown our way, but Nintendo really is focused almost entirely on Japanese sentiments for everything they do. The only time the wind blows our way is when the Japanese fans are in synch with us in the west. You could say that's how all Japanese companies do things but honestly that's not how it is in THE CURRENT YEAR, maybe in 2007.
I am so happy K. Rool fags got royally BTFO, at least Ridly is a cool, so I can understand why people can go all autismo for him, but K Rool is just a fat ugly boring croc.
Corrin was a pretty offensive addition, much more so than Roy. Roy was just a clone who only took the spot of another FE clone, and was in the game already. Corrin was built from scratch to be packaged and sold separately when there were dozens of runners up in a character poll they could have picked.
They play completly different, though, so it's the amount of resources as two diferent characters
FE has a higher number of characters and is much more sucessful than ALL of those series.
Fucking dumbasses he was never getting in
Fire Emblem was about to get cancelled before Awakening turned the series into a dating sim, and even after 5 years and constant Smash promotion, it only just now sold 2 million copies.
You can like FE, but don't act like it's a good series, it just happens to be Sakurai's favorite for whatever reason. If not for Sakurai's constant shilling, it would've died out long ago.
>Be King DeDeDe main
>Crouch when ever possible
>See opponent get more aggressive but more sloppier with their movement
>Basically send people in a fit of rage by just laying down in front of them
>Proceed to go full Penguin and win the match
>see a flurry of insults as opponent wildly changes names to an abundance of insults after insults
>They play completly different
>It's ok when the same character is spammed throughout the roster as long as they have 1 or so move(s) different from each other
Dragon Ball Final Bout has literally SIX playable Gokus, that's retarded. I don't care if they play different, that should be the reason for OTHER characters to be playable.
>FE has a higher number of characters
So does Pokemon, but all you get is Gen 1 trash + Current Year nuPokemon. Just like FE but ~1 Gen 1 FE + ~5+ nuGen FE characters. The problem is Pokemon at least deserves that recognition for its popularity, FE was and STILL is very niche by comparison.
But you're wrong though
> (You)
>>It's ok when the same character is spammed throughout the roster as long as they have 1 or so move(s) different from each other
Not even close to what I said. Also, 2/50 is way less than 6/17. Go learn fractions again.
I was a lot more insulted over Lloyd.
Offensive to you.
Roy as a whole was just a waste of time and effort. And I had to pay money for him, a character seen before in Melee, who was a clone, still kind of is in some ways. And has fuck all to distinguish himself from the others.
Sakurai's advertising only helped bring the series overseas (and even then, Marth and Roy's games weren't localized outside of the FE1 remake). He didn't make it rise in popularity to a significant degree like what happened with Awakening. Awakening succeeded because it was heavily marketed overseas, whereas the past games had little to no marketing, and at the time there was less first/second party 3DS games. There wasn't even a Pokemon game out yet for the system, and there wasn't much besides OoT3D. There's also that dating sim aspect, like you mentioned.
Even without Smash, I think Fire Emblem would eventually come over to the west, since almost all of Nintendo's franchises now are released worldwide, and they've been deviating more and released more games with anime/Japanese artstyles, like Xenoblade, and certain games have had their artstyles changed to be more "anime" too.
What I don't understand is why Cloud is in the game. He's never been in a game released for a Nintendo console. Wouldn't it be more fitting to use someone for the SNES games?
This thread is neo-Sup Forums in a nutshell.
>>He didn't make it rise in popularity to a significant degree like what happened with Awakening.
Smash 4 getting 2 Awakening fighters (3, really, Chrom is essentially in the game due to having more cameos than any other character) without a doubt helped Awakening. Also, you're forgetting Roy was put into Melee before his game was even out.
I'm not making a case against anime games, or FE in the west. What I'm saying is that Sakurai has a very blatant FE bias and this bias is the reason an exceedingly niche IP has just as much representation in a game that celebrates video game icons as fucking Pokemon.
When they were putting the deal together they considered Bartz, Terra or someone from IV, I forget who but it wasn't Cecil. They went with Cloud because he's the most famous one.
> Also, 2/50 is way less than 6/17.
You're also implying I meant all the characters vs 2 of them. I said 2 within the SAME SERIES are the same characters out of 2 REPS of said series is the SAME CHARACTER. Still following? Good.
~30% of a representation of characters being literially the SAME character is retarded. It shouldn't ever be two of the same character per character slot, it's retarded. Now how does 100% of a series representation is ltierally made up of SAME character spammed multiple times a good idea? IT. IS. RE. TARD. ED.
Samus (Power Suit) should be the only character that represent a part of the Metroid series, not 2 of her, not 6, not 1,000,000. Only her. Period. This goes for Doc as well, it's just Mario is a doctors outfit, not Mario's 3rd brother who shares the same name. It's just the Mario we all know, just for some reason taking up two roster slots like that's ok for representation.
What's funny here is I'm not even claiming I want characters like Ridley or Adam or whatever characters there are in the Metroid series, I just hate shitty excuses for roster padding, it's shitty business practices and borderline false advertisement. You should have meaningful, creative characters UNIQUE to each other, both in play styles AND IN CHARACTER. And that goes to the clones of Smash AND 6+ refs of nearly identical characters of the FE series.
>6+ refs of nearly identical characters of the FE series.
Dont condescend at me if you're gonna post dumb shit like this.
Chrom cameos:
>appears in Robin's FS
>appears in Robin's victory pose
>shows up in the Robin/Lucina reveal trailer
>appears in the Paluetena's Guidance conversations
>Ike's Chrom alt skin
>Chrom Mii fighter
Marth is in the game 3 times, and every FE fighter minus Robin has a counter. Ike only barely stands out from Marth and is invalidated as a fighter by Cloud. If we cut Ike, Lucina and Roy, the game itself would hardly lose anything.
It's more of an aesthetic-complaint I'm guessing, aside from obvious counter-repeats.
Also, regarding the final direct, it was "literally who" and more marketing but we honestly should've known it was coming. Japs wanting Japs/weebs buying their games aren't gonna go pick a gaijin western-appealing protag from a competitor or other non-nip company, or some obscure side-character.
Not even a Roolfag (I'm glad they got BTFO), but that costume made it pretty obvious he and others were among the real top-demands.
Posting in this gay thread because this user seems mad as fuck
I hope lyn gets in the next game, dunno if that will make people explode with rage, it might.
I remember now, it was Fusoya, the old man on the moon.
Sakurai was probably joking about him though.
Roy has fire. Your argument is invalid.
>People still think that if Sakurai wasn't directing Smash, then Ridley and K.Rool would have gotten in
>Barely stands out from Marth.
u wot m8
People were wanting a Final Fantasy character in Smash, and Cloud is obviously by far the most iconic and popular FF protagonist so Sakurai went with that.
Speaking of villains that should be in Smash, this anime swordsman should be perfect
>marth is in the game 3 times
>every FE fighter minus robin minus robin has a counter
>Ike barely stands out from marth
Roy has different arials, special, and smash attacks
Kike barely stands out from Cloud too.
But I wanted Black Mage.
He's actually fun in SSF2 at least, they couldn't make him unfun in a real Smash without making him another Zelda.
Most popular sure, not the most iconic.
Tell me, what does ~6 characters from the same series have anything different from them? Sword fighters? Just 3 of them are girls, 1 uses fire, 1 is just heavier and slower, and one can also use spells? Oh and one can transform into a dragon. Cool.
Now why does it take 1 of those FE character to be at least ~33% different from the main character of the series as a whole while 90% of the cast of characters still are just swordmen, just like Marth, but either: A Girl, a Fire Boy, a Slow Boy, or a Spell Boy. All of them has the SAME motif of swordmen, just with a different aesthetic to make them seem different. With such a claim were FE has sooo many characters, why is the only class represented for it only majority swordmen? Seems reeeally shallow.
Where's the axemen? Spear users? There's Corrin, but only a part of him uses it. Are there any Archers in the series? If so, why not them? Why only swordmen? Is the series really board enough, has that much diversity that Sakurai just doesn't want to use? That would be really unfair to the fans of FE, right? Or is swordmen really all there is to FE. If so, why is it sooo important to have that many FE characters that are barely different?
Now, take that into consideration for series like Mother, Metroid with that space dragon of theirs, Starfox, DK, and other series that at least have something special each character from those series have different to at least warrant 1 more addition for representation. Just 1. Not many, only something different to make a diverse cast of characters from different series, for representation of said series. Is that more interesting, more warranted? or 6+ swordmen from the same game?
I'll definitely agree that Sakurai has some sort of obsession with the series. From him stating he wanted Marth in 64, to including Roy as Marth's clone instead of Leif, to promoting Lucina into a clone instead of an alternate costume like Alph, there's a lot of special treatment for the series.
You made a great point about Roy, and that completely slipped my mind. The advertising actually did have a huge impact, since it's one of Japan's favorite FEs. Seems like Sakurai's trying to repeat that for Fates by adding Corrin.
The weird thing about all of it is that even though Sakurai loves the games, it feels like all of his inclusions are more for marketing rather than having an actual connection to the series, since 2 characters use Marth as a base, and everyone's a foot soldier with a sword even though the series has mounted units, lances, and magic (Robin kind of alleviates that, but even then he mostly uses his sword)
How is he not iconic? He's literally the most famous JRPG hero in vidya history.
Ike has aether, eruption, and quick draw.
He's a heavy sword fighter, with powerful smash attacks.
Cloud is agile with quick slashes and the gimmicky limit break system, they're both sword fighters sure, and they both use large weapons. However, they're only similar conceptually, and you can still make characters different even with that. There's tons of characters who use their fists, by that logic, Mario has little that separates him from Ganondorf for example.
Ike is also a shit character.
Now that Xenoverse 2 is coming to the switch, that pretty much confirms goku will be in the next smash bros right?
Chocobo is more iconic (and more popular, actually)
Wouldn't the Black Mage design be more famous? They reused that shit all the time, while the chocobo is just a horse-sized smelly chicken.
How do you make a chicken into a fighter.
Maybe tier-wise.
But if you're referring to his character.
You're wrong as shit.