Who did it best?
Who did it best?
Morrowind by fucking far
Armors looked radically different in Morrowind
Skyrim everything looked the same
Oblivion was cartoony as shit
>a fucking armor made by a literal gem
everything else is retarded
Lmao that nigga on the left look like a damn Christmas tree
Dude in the middle looks like a Saturday morning cartoon
At least the fool on the right has something you'd actually wear into battle
why was all of oblivion's armor such a fucking mistake
Volcanic glass
Only a couple guys in Vvardenfell know how to work it
>Practical armor
None, glass armor is a retarded idea.
i dont give a shit about your trash game, faggotlord
>muh volcanic glass
it's still a gem
fuck off back to /tesg/ you blithering faggot
Haha I didn't even say it's practical
It's bulky as fuck, no way a weapon would pierce that shit when you put game mechanics aside
>why was all of oblivion's artstyle such a fucking mistake
Those armor sets looks worst than the monster hunter clown suits.
If the left is worn by a dunmer, as it's supposed to be, then the choice is more obvious.
>Special-Glass armor
>Super hard but super brittle
>Game mechanic is tradeoff with high maintenance cost
>Skyrim removes armor maintenance
>Keeps "glass" armor
>It's just the elven armor with a green trim
>I don't give a shit about your trash game
>So here's my opinions on why Skyrim had practical armor
they all look shit, particularly morrowind's
>achshkchstually i'm a medieval armors expert and i know what i'm talking about11!!1!
again, fuck off, faggot shit larper cunt
The definition of gem requires it be made of a precious or semi precious stone. Glass is neither of those.
I find it cute how all your pent up rage is too much to properly vent it on a korean glass smithing board
>literally admitting that you're just shitposting at this point
except glass armor isn't made out of actual glass but malachite
ignite yourself
Are you retarded or just such a nostalgia fag you cant think of things objectively
>Oblivion more cartoony than Morrowind
What the fuck sort of armor do you think you see in that picture? It looks like S3 WoW gear
>nigger bringing up practicality
Are you blind. Take a look at the OP pic again dumbass ahahahahahaha
>TFW other people are calling this faggot out for me
Fucking captcha never works I can't reply fast enough
>ugly emeralds
>icy glass
skyrim colors+morrowind design>morrowind>skyrim>>>>>>oblivion
>hahahaa!1!11 i'm winnin the argument cuz turbofaggots like me are beating ya like a pulp eks dee gee gee :dddd
you're not going to win against me, fuccboi
As someone who has never played any of these shitty games for more than five minutes:
Right >>>>>> Middle >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Left
The Morrowind circlejerk is real if anyone unironically believes that clusterfuck looks """good"""
You just admitted you only played Skyrim
Morrowind: Bionicle cosypla
Oblivion: Glow in the dark action figure
Skyrim: Generic fantasy armor
Glass is shit,
Best set coming through
Morrowind best, but still needs to cover the player's mouth and hands
Oblivion tried, if it had a full helm or mouthguard and none of this chainmail/other grey elements taking away from all the green it might be better
Skyrim should have it renamed 'super duper elf armor' or something and came out with stuff that looked like Morrowind for actual glass armor
They all look retarded
I'll take a wild variety pack over a bunch of fucking re-skins.
Morrowind: Power armor. Seriously. You're wearing discarded dead power armor.
Oblivion: Accurate Byzantine influences true to the Dwarven inspirations
Skyrim: Age of Sigmar
>muh lore isnt retroactive hahaha faggottoooo you only played skyrimi ahahahaha ha
my first tes was morrowind
your first word was "cocks"
Morrowind: Bionicle cosplay
Oblivion: Babylonian action figure
Skyrim: Generic fantasy armor
Dwarven is fucking cool
One of my favorites armors in the game.
Goddamn that all looks retarded as hell. I'll pick oblivion though because those colors would blind anyone trying to attack you
>Skyrim: Age of Sigmar
You're a stupid faggot and I hope you get murdered.
>not wanting to play as monochrome Rimanah
>>Game mechanic is tradeoff with high maintenance cost
>>Skyrim removes armor maintenance
>>Keeps "glass" armor
Bethesda logic. I don't think they understand game design anymore.
Who're you fooling?
I legit can't find a single similarity between the skyrim glass armor and the dwarven armor posted itt.
The boots and shield are dumb but the rest of it is neat. Dawnguard armour is the best IMO.
"Where did you get that! The armor you wear is sacred to our Order. You shall be punished with blood!"
Morrowind had the best designed armor of all three, that's a fact.
Skyrim had armor that was dull and uninspiring. Simply check the Imperial concept art for Skyrim, it's a serious letdown.
Are there any mods for limb damage for Skyman?
I know there's katanas and shit, but I need my skeyerim experience to be complete
Not lore consistent
Glass armor in Morrowind was 90% special alloys. You'll notice it's mostly that dark metal. The gems were basically studs on studded leather.
This is a coat of plates where the glass gems are the primary protection.
Only one of those looks like effective armor. The other two have too many angles and ridges that will catch blades and drive them inward toward the body.
honestly glass armor should have been unique to morrowind with maybe 1 set in oblivion and skyrim that required a shitload of hoops to jump through to get
the Stalhrim from dragonborn should have taken the place of glass in Skyrim
>Bethesda logic. I don't think they understand game design anymore.
They understand it just fine. Their target audience was mouth-breathers, and children who had never played a video game before. And their decision was very financially successful.
Regardless of what you think of the game, that armor is baller
>Bethesda logic. I don't think they understand game design anymore.
They never did to begin with. The stats and systems in Morrowind were interesting in concept but everything Bethesda has ever made has been hilariously broken, under developed and poorly thought out. It's like Todd comes up with a mechanic he thinks is cool, puts in the bare minimum needed to call it a feature and then moves on.
get mad, fgtt
i dont care if you dont believe me, you're still a faggot
>ebony is some kind of stone or metal, not a wood
Fucking retard devs.
Shit, Warframe has been copying Bethesda's design philosophy all this time
They all look kinda trash, but the inlays of skyrim wins me over
>Fucking retard elves
Fixed. Also, Ebony Armor is the best designed in Skyrim - much better than the Dragon Armors.
Ebony is the crystallized blood of Lorkhan, whos corpse became Mundus, the world of Elder Scrolls.
Its also the worst set.
>Ebony Armor is the best designed in Skyrim
The only objective truth in this thread.
>Unironically liking edgelord armor
*In Oblivion because of that stupid helmet, otherwise it's the best set
That's not Daedric, you dummy
So, are we all in agreement?
Dark Souls has so many different sets with huge variety and also better looking in my opinion.
How come TES, specially Skyrim that focuses so much on looting and finding shit, has such a bad collection of armors compared to DS?
The only armor Morrowind did best was Orc armor, which needs to come back with a nip and a tuck or two
The only armor Oblivion did best was steel armor because pretty much every armor set in that game looks the same.
Skyrim did all the other armor sets best and that is pretty much all it had going for it. Even though Glass was essentially an Elven armor upgrade its still better than Morrowinds Sonic the Hedgehog OC or Oblivions Booger armor sets.
What happened to Imperial Dragon Armor in Skyrim?
You mean Daedric Armor
Needs brown filter over Skyrim w/ some Chaos armor
Forgetting the fact that there is no good looking armor in any Elder Scrolls prove me wrong, I'd go for Morrowind for it's 90's fantasy look.
>What happened to Imperial Dragon Armor in Skyrim?
Same thing that happened to separate armor pieces and cities bigger than villages
Yet the original Xbox in 2001 could handle larger cities and more gear content than the following generation.
Nice opinion.
>brown filter over Skyrim
That meme doesn't really apply to Skyrim.
>No good looking armor in TES
get fucked
>all these retards who think the morrowind armor looks good
jesus Sup Forums, I thought you guys were smart
>You're wearing discarded dead power armor.
More like robot parts.
Most details are shared with centurions.
>replies not on their own lines
Is this some sort of new shitposting?
double nigger
>orcs are supposed to be good smiths
>skyrim orc equipment looks like shit that would be rejected by movie LOTR orc smiths
That looks pretty fucking good though.
Not him, but, I'm pleasantly surprised how compact the resulting post is. I might actually use this if I need a mass reply.
>Imperial Dragon Armor in Skyrim
It doesn't make any sense why Bethesda didn't put it in the game, especially with the Civil War questline and going down the Imperial path.
This should have been an endgame Civil War reward.
>not recognizing Sup Forums classic
Is this some kind of newoldfag shitoposting?
>Orcs are supposed to be legendary smiths
>All their weapons are shite
>Didn't even know how to make swords during Morrowind.
It's perplexing
When the fuck do you ever need to mass reply unless you're being a shitposter in a filename thread or something?
You're not really helping
Honestly as much as I love Oblivion there's no denying that Morrowind's armor design is the peak of the series. I can't even think of an excuse for Oblivion's Glass. Skyrim went for a more subdued look on most of its sets which is more believable but looks a lot less interesting to me.
Orcish and Daedric Armor were the best looking in Morrowind. Feudal Japanese aesthetic overules Mongolian/Dragon designs.
>HAHA WTF IS THAT HELMET LMAOO mushroomass head looks like they pushed his head into his torso so he doesn't have a neck
>Some dark embroidered knight shit. He looks like he's about to pound your ass inside out
>My xbox gamertag is xDarkLordSasukex
Well at least they had a few Close Imperial Helmets lying around if you wanted to go full hoplite
>Spear and Shield never ever
Dark Souls.
>exposing your neck
Skyrim. It's wraps around the body nicely and has a more subtle color scheme.
>Morrowind's armor
Morrowind has the best general aesthetic.
Oblivion has kind of a "turn of the millenium" look, I can't appreciate it, it looks like a car concept designer made it.
Skyrim looks like it's taken a masturbatory-viking twist on it, I feel like it could have been done better.
That being said, I'm not crazy about any of them.
dick rate threads
t. Auriel
these are fucking garbage
only good armour designs in ES were in daggerfall/arena
>Morrowind has the best general aesthetic
No, it doesn't